
A mermaid's fake love

Is it possible to fall Heads over heels In love with two powerful women of at the same time? That too equally? Merlin is on a part to take revenge while James falls stupidly in love....

Philia_Hilz · 奇幻
40 Chs

Mermaid realm


The sea coast was beautiful and commanded authority. There were huge mountains at every corner which kind of concealed the pure blue water, though not completely.

The sun's reflections were high and the tides made wavy disturbances as it rose and fell. The weather was perfect and sea creatures swam happily, enjoying the free gift of nature.

Sea breeze filled the entire environment and the sight of golden sands could make one smile as they felt its silky content. The horizons were high and the sea surface looked like it was covered with a silver lining.

Merlin sat on a soft rock, admiring her home. She missed it - dearly.

She gazed at the sea water, calling unto her name. It still looked natural and beautiful - as always. She could feel its power as her reflections shone. She drank from the water - her body chilling while absorbing its magical powers.

She sat playfully on the coarse sand, carefully playing with the periwinkles and crabs. She rubbed their shells and a glittering blue dust arose, forming a circular ring on her wrist.

She smiled. She had been gifted, yet again by these wonderful sea creatures. How could James ask her to eat creatures that had protected her since birth? They were more than family. No way! she would never kill them.

Standing up, she looked around again. How it felt to be home, after a long vacation. Birds flew up the sky, hovering to form a single trail - as though they were heading in the same direction. She smiled at the sight of it.

Then she watched the water again, the waves rising and falling, splashing water on her glowing skin. She missed that feeling - the feeling of herself in water - in her form, her mermaid form.

She quickly removed her waist beads. It was beautifully adorned with lifeless tiny sea creatures that seemed magical. The beads prevented her normal form from being exposed when in contact with water. But now she was in her kingdom, who cares? She pulled off her clothes, placing them on the rock.

As she took one step into the sea, her feet coming in contact with the cold water - she groaned as feelings of excitement flushed through her. Her hair vibrated as her glowing skin glittered.

Silver colored scales possessed her skin as a flash of magical blue and white lights formed a circular barrier on her. A powerful force lifted her above the water and her body floated as she transformed.

Her breasts were bonded by blue scales with silver linings and her legs became fish-like. She looked more gorgeous and beautiful like a goddess. Her blue eyes intensified with power. Her skin sparkled as she dropped to the water. Her ponytail hairstyles now hung below her shoulders. Her hair color turned blonde.

With a dive she traveled towards her realm, splashing water on the sea sand.

She viewed beautiful creatures on her way as she traveled deeper into the water. The further she went, the lesser the creatures she saw. She was at the darkest part of the sea level, characterized by low light penetration, low oxygen and lack of minerals.

On reaching the invisible realm gate, she paused. She held up her waist bead, jangling it towards the gate. There was loud noise accompanied with powerful lightning - that could curse on with blindness. But certainly not a mermaid.

The door opened as blue lights disappeared. I guess the beads served as keys too. As she crossed the boundary, chains of silver and blue smokes superposed each other - magically sealing the invisible gate.

The world before her eyes was something else. Something she missed so much. It was still water land but more dignified with power and magic.

There were caves around - where mermaids slept. The Dominants roamed about doing their daily businesses. Mothers and children playing around on their fish tales, While fathers engaged in other activities.Merlin greeted her friends and made her way towards the castle.

The castle troupe was amazing. It had a more powerful aura and the roses rained mysterious magical pollens. She passed through them, trapping the pollen grains into her tongues.

It melted softly, leaving a sweet magical taste on her mouth. She gleamed on sighting the palace gate.

It was huge but not invisible, though it had invisible powers protecting it. Two giant mermaid guards stood at the opposite sides of the gate holding a spear to form a cross sign.

They saluted on sighting her and let her pass by separating the crossed Spears. She swam her way to the palace balcony. There she met the king and queen.

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