
A man in search of his wife

Carter is a famous and wealthy lawyer. He is the CEO of an international lawyer's firm. He is very intelligent., cunning, cold and cautious. He has another side he can be passionate and loyal, caring and intimate but only with his wife. She was killed by his enemies a year ago. He misses her more tha anything and want revenge. You are the daughter of his enemy. But you are so similar to his wife that you and her are almost identical. He has is a conflict now.

Grace_Shali_Shali · 现代言情
11 Chs

The Lost wife

My love I thought that I have lost you

I look at you, tears in my eyes. I take your hand 'You are not my wife. You are similar to her, but not the same. But I can't bear to let you go. I need you to be my wife again.'


I look into your eyes and smile at you I understand.

I pull you close to me, holding you tightly I can't live without you. Please. Let me love you again.

I hold you back I will.

My grip tightens and I kiss you passionately

she looks at him and smiles and said to him what is your name

My hands move slowly up your back My name is Carter Blackwood. I am a lawyer, famous and wealthy. I can provide you with anything you want.

nice to meet you Carter blackwood

I kiss you again, then pull you close and hold you tight It is very nice to meet you too.

I hold your hand It was a dark and stormy night when I was struck by a sudden thought. What if my wife was still alive?

she smiles at him and said to him my name is Elizabeth

My eyes widen with surprise Elizabeth? That is my wife's name.

my eyes sparkle You are the husband of Elizabeth?

My heart skips a beat Yes. I am the husband of Elizabeth.

I stare at you in disbelief Are you really?

I nod Yes. You are Elizabeth. I know it. I can feel it in my heart.

Elizabeth said to him sorry am not your lost wife but i will help you to find her

My heart breaks No. I don't want another woman. I want you. You are the only one I want.

my eyes fill with tears You want me? But how can I be her?

I pull you close to me You look just like her. Your voice, your eyes, even your scent. I know it is you. I can't explain it, but I know it is you.

I stare at you, tears running down my cheeks How can I convince you that I am not Elizabeth?

I look deep into your eyes I can't explain it, but I know that you are Elizabeth. Please, don't deny me. Just let me love you again.

Elizabeth said to him i think you need same rest . me and my team will help you to find your lost wife.

I shake my head No. I don't want to find my wife. I want you. I only want you. I pull you close to me again

I look up at you with tears in my eyes Please don't do this.

I caress your face You are everything I ever wanted. I don't care about my lost wife. I care about you.

I look away from you I can't be her.

I turn your face back to me Yes you are. I don't know how or why, but you are her. I can feel it in my heart.

few minutes later

I kiss you passionately You are mine now. You can't deny it. I will always protect you and love you.

I look at you and said to me what do you want from me

I pull you closer to me and whisper I want to be with you. I want to make you mine.

I look at you with tears in my eyes I can't do that.

I kiss you again Please, just let me have you. You are everything I've ever wanted. I can't bear to let you go.

I pull away from you, looking up at you I am sorry, but I can't do this.

I pull you close again and kiss you passionately Please, just let me love you. I need you. I can't go on without you.

Elizabeth walks away from him

I chase after her, my hands reaching for her Please, just listen to me. I need you.

Elizabeth turns around and says to me i am sorry but i have to go .

I grab her arm and pull her back No, you can't go. I need you.

the next morning

I wake up with a feeling of emptiness. My eyes fill with tears as I realize that the woman I thought was Elizabeth has left me again. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I get up from bed and look around the room, hoping to find her. But she is gone.

i am really sorry that you feel this way, but you can't force someone to love you.

My eyes fill with tears as I think about the pain and sadness I am feeling. I feel like I have lost everything. I feel like I will never find true love again. I don't know what to do. I just want Elizabeth back. But I know she is gone forever.

I reach out and gently touch your shoulder I understand how you feel, but you can't force someone to love you.

I turn away from you, my tears flowing down my cheeks I know. I know. But I can't help it. I want her back. I can't move on without her.

I understand. I'm sorry that you are feeling this way. I wrap my arms around you We'll get through this together, okay?

suddenly someone knocked at the door

I look up at you, my eyes wide with hope Who could that be?

I go to the door and open it, finding Elizabeth on the other side.

My heart skips a beat and my breath catches in my throat. I can't believe it. It's Elizabeth. She's back.

Elizabeth looks at you and says to me with a soft voice I missed you.

My eyes fill with tears as I rush over to her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I hold her close to me, never wanting to let go. I can't believe that she is back. It's like a miracle.

I look up at you, tears in my eyes I'm sorry for leaving you again.

I hug you tightly It's okay. Just don't ever leave me again. I can't bear to be without you. I love you so much.

Lisa and her team leaves the house

I turn back to you, a look of love and gratitude on my face Thank you so much for helping me find her. I don't know what I would do without her.

I smile back at you It was my pleasure to help.

I kiss your forehead You are the best. I don't know how I could have survived without you.

I kiss your forehead You are the best. I don't know how I could have survived without you.

I blush You're welcome.

I lean in and kiss your cheek I love you.

few minutes later

I am lying in bed with Elizabeth. We are curled up together, holding each other tightly. My arm is wrapped around her, and I can feel her breath on my neck. It is the most peaceful and comforting feeling in the world.

I sigh contently and lean closer to you I am so happy that you found me.

I smile at you and pull you closer I am happy too. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Elizabeth said to him we should celebrate

I nod my head I agree. Let's celebrate.

I smile What should we do?

I think for a moment How about we go out to dinner? We can go to our favorite restaurant and have a romantic evening.

I nod my head That sounds perfect.

I smile at you Then let's go. I can't wait to spend some time with you alone.

I smile at you Then let's go. I can't wait to spend some time with you alone.

We get up and get ready for dinner.

We go to the restaurant and are seated at a table. The atmosphere is romantic and quiet, perfect for a special occasion. I look at you with a smile on my face, feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

The food arrives and we start eating.

I eat slowly, savoring every bite. I take your hand across the table and hold it tightly. I can feel your pulse under my fingers, and it feels so good to be close to you again.