
Chater 10

(Middle of the Night)

At the deep sleep of bry the dream appears again, lit crying but this time he saw lit destroy and recreate the world then there's suddenly a flash of light and he woke up....


lit woke up and dressed for the plan today when he gets down he saw har at the table preparing for their breakfast...

lit -"you shouldn't bother coming and do that"

har -"it's alright, come here already "

the two of them eat together...

while heading towards the the mall where they should meet altogether zy saw them and ask them to ride their car...

lit -" where's your driver?

zy -"he's at our house i decided to drive"

sia -" you have Driver license right? because I don't wanna get jailed"

zy -" of course i have" (laughing)

zy park athe parking space of the mall and the five of em walk around the mall...

lit -"oh there's an arcade lets go there"

the five of them go to the arcade to play the lit saw a big teddy bear...

lit -" this is so cute but it's seems hard to get"

and spreads inside the arcade, while lit and sia is playing har approach sia...

har -" hey I'll go somewhere stay with lit you this man is so easy to het kidnapped"

sia -" ok ok"

har head to the big bear and tried to get it, after an hour zy and cath goes to lit place while holding some tickets and smalls stuffed toys...

zy -" where's har?

lit suddenly look back and look around but he's not there...

lit -" sia where's lit?"

sia -" he goes to get something he'll be back don't worry"

after 5 minutes har came back holding the big bear on his arms, zy and cath was smiling...

har -lit here you go, i know you want it, it took me so long to get it" ( har push the bear to lit)

lit is hugging it so tightly....

lit -" you really goes there and spend hour to get this thank you so much har"

he hugged har so tightly too that make har blush again ...

they all decided to go and eat....

zy -" oh i know a restaurant it has a great dishes and it's delicious"

lot -" it must be a expensive restaurant I can't afford it, there must be something around here more cheaper" (smiling awkwardly)

har -" don't worry I'll pay for you"

lit -" but it seems you already spent a lot from this bear"

har -" that's alright as if you Didn't know the state of my living"

cath -( laughing) don't worry guy's this restaurant is owned by my aunt so we'll eat there for free"

sia -" that's great let's go I'm so starving"

they all spent the day together having fun, they uploaded it on social media, bry was surfing the social media and saw zy uploads, he look at it one by one and he stop where he saw lit smiling at the picture and zoom it suddenly tears fall down he doesn't know why....

in the Middle of the night where they sleep deeply lit and bry dreamt together the same memories from the past the time where they first met and when cyran (lit) disappears they suddenly wake up and it's already morning...