
[51.5] Off to the Newman Residence

I woke up the next morning feeling a slight chill.

I nuzzled into the warm heater beside me and realized it was a human shape.


I've done it again.

Why can't I control my urges?

I opened my eyes casually to see Cyrus and his serene, yet stiff, sleeping expression.

…I regret nothing.

I slowly raised my head and slithered out of his embrace. When I looked across the ground to find my clothes and decided to put on a discarded shirt, I was hit by a sense of deja vu.

I slowly turned to the bed with a frown.

Cyrus was still sleeping soundly, breathing evenly without any trace of being awake.

My eyebrow twitched, "Oi. Stop pretending."

Cyrus's eyes opened and stared at me without flinching away.

I took a deep breath, "...You were awake the entire time, weren't you?"

A sly smile crossed his lips, "I'm not sure what you mean."

My body shook as I held back the urge to attack.

This d*mn voyeur!

He laughed at my furious expression and propped himself up, "You have clothes in your personal room."

"My personal room?"

"Caldwell set it up for you in hopes you would eventually stay over."

The blankets slowly slid down his abdomen, revealing a salacious appearance. His husky voice added to his allure, "I seem to recall you mentioning that you didn't need a bed in that room because you would use mine."

D*mn! Why did I have to be so arrogant!?

I forced myself to turn away to avoid being seduced, "T-Then I will go get dressed."

He laughed, "So soon? You don't want to… Get in a morning exercise?"

My cheeks flushed red.

When did he become so perverted!?

I seem to recall I was the one who would tease him!

Now it seems like I'm the one getting teased!?

I rushed out of the room and quickly scurried off to get proper clothes.

"Young Miss?..."

I froze in my steps.

I slowly turned around with a forced smile plastered on my face, "C-Caldwell."

He stared at me dumbfounded, "When did you get here? And why are you coming out of the Young Master's room-"

He gasped dramatically, "You're wearing his shirt!"

My smile twitched, "Caldwell."


"Don't say another word."

A sly smile crept across his face as he giggled, "Your secret is safe with me."

My cheeks burned even hotter and I spun around and ran into the room they had prepared for me before another person could catch me. After I finished getting dressed, I joined Cyrus and Caldwell for a very awkward breakfast then we left for Felix's family home.

Cyrus and I sat across from each other while in the carriage. My face was pressed against the window as I ignored his burning gaze.

Sure enough, I still can't face him!

Last night just made it worse!

Cyrus muttered in a low voice, "About the night of the reception…"

I held up my hand, "Let's not talk about that."

"But I feel like you've been avoiding me since then."

I didn't dare take my eyes off of the window, "I have not."

He let out a sigh, "Then why won't you look at me?"

"Um… The scenery is interesting?"

His voice turned somber, "You actually do regret it… Don't you?"

I turned to him in surprise, "What?! No-"

"-You didn't like it… You even hated it."

I panicked upon seeing the look of rejection on his face. I stood up in a panic, "That's not it! I liked it!"

Suddenly, the carriage hit a bump and I flew forward, landing directly onto his lap. He embraced me tightly, his face just inches from mine. I felt the unmistakable heat from below and felt my face flush red.

His voice was hoarse as he whispered, "You liked it? How much?"


His other hand wrapped around my waist as my back was pressed between him and the side of the carriage.

His lips hovered by my ear, "If you liked it so much, we could always do it again."

Oh gods!

I really want him to ravish me right now-ACK!

No Reika!

Bad Reika!

Since when have I had such perverted thoughts?!

The carriage rolled to a stop.

Thank the gods!

We arrived!

I was moments away from jumping him!

I pushed Cyrus off of me and stood up laughing uncontrollably. Cyrus smirked as he watched my flustered reaction.

I climbed off the carriage so fast I nearly made the driver jump out of his seat. Cyrus followed after me laughing as I kept my nose in the air. We went to the door and knocked until the head butler opened the door with a frown.

Cyrus spoke, "We are here to-"

"Follow." The butler spun around and walked down the halls without waiting for either of us. We hurried after him where he stopped and pointed down the hall, "Young Miss Priscilla is down there."

I spoke hesitantly, "And Felix?"

His expression stiffened, "Young Miss Priscilla is down there."

Cyrus and I both exchanged a glance. We turned to walk down the hall and when I turned to look back, I found the butler was still staring at us with his dull eyes that held no humanity behind them.

I muttered to myself, "...Weird."

Cyrus looked around, "It's certainly odd. Usually, they have more servants but I don't think there are any except for the head butler around."

I pursed my lips, "Why would they dismiss their workers?"

Cyrus shrugged, "Either they are going broke or they want to hide something."

I forced out a laugh, "Well they certainly aren't going broke."

We finally came across Priscilla who was waiting for us outside at a table. She quickly stood up upon seeing us. Her cheeks flushed pink, matching her pink flowery sundress. She gave a weak wave, "H-Hello."

I nodded at her, "Yo. Why was your butler acting so weird?"

She averted her gaze, "Ah. He probably doesn't want you to wander to the South Building. Only Father and Mother are allowed there."

I crossed my arms, "But did he have to act so sketchy?"

She looked at me puzzled, "Sketchy?"

I shook my head, "Nevermind. So. You called us here?"

She blushed more, "Oh… Um… Well… I thought you wanted to meet with Felix…"

I narrowed my eyes, "That's it?"

"And I… I just wanted to say thanks…"


What is going on!?

Is Priscilla possessed or…?

I pursed my lips, "Are you trying a new tactic to beat us at the throne competition? Is your goal to make us feel tender to you so you can use it to your advantage?"

She looked at her feet, "Oh… Um. I'm not participating any more in the competition."

Both Cyrus and I were shocked, "You aren't?!"

She shook her head slowly, "My Royal Magician… He didn't make it and I can't participate without one, so…"

I was so taken aback by her words and how disrespectful I had been that I couldn't even think of a response. But at the same time…

There was something gnawing at my subconscious.

Cyrus spoke on my behalf, "We are sorry to hear that."

She gave a somber shrug, "There haven't been any deaths for the last few competitions so I think everyone forgot how dangerous it can be."

Cyrus pressed, "And Felix? How is he?"

"My brother is doing better now." Priscilla gave a side glance and muttered, "He's in his garden."

My eyes widened slightly, "His garden?"

She nodded, "You can go find him. I know that's why you both wanted to come."


She's not going to stop us from seeing him?

What's her game?!

She would never do this willingly!

She played with her hair shyly, "My brother and I both have a garden here. If you follow the cobblestone path, it will bring you to his. I won't go with you so you three can catch up."

I narrowed my eyes, "You're not going… To prevent us from seeing him?"

"No, and-" She turned away from us and whispered in a low voice too quiet to hear, "I-If you want to visit my flower garden later… You're free to do so."

I leaned toward her, "Huh? What'd you say?"


Priscilla quickly scurried away without explanation.

I stared at her with my mouth open, "She… She didn't even try to fight me."

Cyrus let out a chuckle, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"But she always tries to start a fight with me and she would NEVER let me go find Felix without her."

"Is that bad?"

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm suspicious."

He raised an eyebrow, "You're suspicious that she's being nice?"


"Maybe she's just traumatized from losing her Royal Magician."

"Maybe… But I still don't trust it. That girl could literally be stabbed and still run off to protect her brother from us."

He laughed, "Should we go check on Felix now? Or would you rather stalk Priscilla?"

"Nah. Let's find Felix."

I can always stalk her later.

Cyrus is secretly a little pervert...

Okay, it's not as secret.

Nekorucreators' thoughts