
A Magical Feeling

Waking up in an unfamiliar body, Reika soon discovers she has transmigrated to a world full of magic. All Reika wants to do is find a quiet corner to obsessively learn magic. However, this world has other plans. From a confident Prince who won't leave her alone, to a series of twists and turns; Reika soon realizes that a world of magic isn't as perfect as it seems. [The original novel for the webtoon: A Magical Feeling] Release schedule: Several chapters will be released on Fridays

Nekoru · 奇幻言情
507 Chs

[30.2] Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer

The Headmaster's face grew taut and he quickly rushed to leave. I laughed at his reaction and followed behind him. We all walked to the Academy's Gate where Cyrus, Felix, and Caldwell were already waiting.

I ran towards them waving, "Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

They all turned to me and stared at me with wide eyes. Felix stuttered, "R-Reika… You look- you look-"

"Simply amazing." Hazel finished for him after seemingly appearing out of thin air. She turned to Zephyr and smiled, "You look handsome as well."

Zephyr smiled proudly, "I always do."

Caldwell nudged Cyrus, "Young Master. Don't you think Miss Reika looks incredible today?"

Cyrus stared at me with a blank expression as if his brain had stopped working.

Zephyr snickered, "It looks like you broke him."

I suddenly felt a bit more confident than I had before.

"Big brother! Don't leave me!" Priscilla ran down the path towards us before jumping into her brother's arms. She snuggled into him, "I can't believe you were going to just leave me behind!"

Felix let out a sigh, "Priscilla. You're not a child anymore."

I snarled, "And why are you here?"

She held onto Felix tighter and stuck her tongue out at me, "There's no way I would let my brother go with you to a festival without me. Besides, Big brother and I are going to release a lantern together!"

Felix forced on a smile, "Priscilla… Only couples do that together."

She batted her eyes innocently, "But we did it when we were children."

He sighed, "Yes, but now we aren't children."

I nodded, "Yeah. So bug off, brat. Leave the adults to have some fun."

She glared at me, "You're not much older than me. So you should be the one to bug off!"

The Headmaster and my mother walked up behind us, just finally catching up. The Headmaster narrowed his eyes at Cyrus, "Aren't you staring too much?"

Cyrus, who would usually turn pale and hide, still continued to stare at me slackjawed.

My mother blinked in surprise, "Oh my. I guess we went overboard and made her too beautiful. I can't believe she actually caused him to go brain-dead."

Two carriages pulled up at that moment. The Headmaster spoke, "Reika. Come ride with your mother and me. It's obvious you can't trust Princes these days."

"Don't be a stick in the mud, Aldrich." My mother grabbed the Headmaster and pulled him onto one carriage, "Let the kids have fun together."

His face stiffened, "But what about-"

She wrapped her arm around his and gave him a wink, "Don't you want some alone time? I promise it won't be dull."

Frost covered the ground around the Headmaster as she successfully pulled the Headmaster onto the carriage with her.

Felix asked me innocently, "How long have the Headmaster and your mother been dating?"

My face dropped, "What are you talking about? They aren't dating."

All of them stared at me with expressionless faces.

Hazel looked at me awkwardly, "But they… Seem rather… Close…"

I shook my head, "They are just close because they are co-parenting."

Zephyr snickered, "Is that what the kids are calling it now?"

I pinched his side in irritation.

He cried out, "Ow ow ow ow! Stop!"

Felix forced a smile, "Well if Reika says they aren't dating, then they must not be. After all, she would know."

They climbed onto the carriage while I looked at the other carriage with a frown.

They… Aren't…

Are they?

Zephyr noticed my look and raised an eyebrow, "Is there a problem if they are?"

I shook my head, "No… It's just… I don't know. Odd?"

He smiled mischievously, "Odd because you know they are hooking up while you are in the house?"

I scowled at him and pinched him again.


I let out a snort and climbed into the carriage. The carriage was large enough for the six of us, but we had to squeeze in. On one side, Cyrus, Felix, and Priscilla sat. I sat across from Cryus, while Zephyr was in the middle and Hazel was beside him.

After we were all on, we quickly left for the main square. During the ride, Cyrus continued staring at me without averting his gaze. It was getting so uncomfortable, that I cleared my throat and attempted a conversation.

"Alora Academy. What an interesting name… Don't you think?"

Hazel clicked her tongue and muttered under her breath, "It's a stupid name."

Zephyr's eyes lit up as he leaned over to her, "Right!? It's such a stupid name! Why would you ever name a place after a human who was complete trash and never did anything good?!"

Hazel's eyes dulled, "Yeah. Why indeed."

Zephyr shifted uncomfortably under her stare and cleared his throat. He looked over at me, "Reika! Help."

I looked out of the window, "S-So this weather we've been having…"

Priscilla stared me down, "You're terrible at conversations."

I scowled, "Oh? And you're better?"

She smirked, "Of course I am."

"Then prove it."

She put her nose in the air, "I don't need to prove it to a lower life form like you."

My face twitched, "Oi. Do you want to get beat up?"

Felix cut in, "Now, now. Let's not fight. Today is supposed to be a celebration."

I tilted my head, "What are we even celebrating?"

Felix answered, "It's the beginning of the lunar calendar. Many people believe that if you make a wish during the new moon, then it will be granted. Most people wish for good grades, a happy love life, or a successful career. Although most people just use the day as an excuse to drink and eat amazing food."

Priscilla's eyes sparkled, "I can't wait to have the candied fruit again! Brother Felix, you'll buy me some right?!"

Felix smiled at her dotingly, "If that's what you want. We can eat all the candied fruit we see."

Zephyr's eyes lit up, "Can I get chicken legs??"

I laughed, "We are going to eat everything."

Ugh... I want carnival food... Deep fried oreos...


Nekorucreators' thoughts