
A life with the Author

{Hey, you better get up and do some introduction to the readers who want to try the story.} the author said. I woke up groggily and looked at the time, "Dude, it's four in the morning." I said and went back to sleep. {I don't care. I need a sypnosis now.} the author demanded. "Bro, please, five more hours." I said {Wake up right now or else.} 'Or else what?' I challenged. {If you don't wake up I will reincarnate you in Boku no Pico, I swear.} Oh please, like that's a bad world to reincarnate to. I will just leave Japan and everything would be fine. {Then how about Attack on Titan?} That's great!! It means I would be able to change the story and prevent the sad ending. I could make Mikasa fall for me and maybe even invent some stuff with my future knowledge. It would be amazing. {This is final. I will reincarnate you in Kuroinu...} Oh!! The hentai where men can use any female for sexual pleasure? Reincarnate me there right now!! It is a little fucked up but I certainly wouldn't mind- {...as the elf queen Celestine.} .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Well hello, My name is Yuito Fujita and I am a reincarnated person who reincarnate into a new world similar to my old world but with some fictional stories mixed into it. I though I was going to live a fullfilling and peaceful life until when I was 15 years old, the author spoke to me. From then on my life became full of ups and downs with different challenges every corner. Watch me as I make a harem and fight my way to become the UFC champion of this world. But as any story, mine will be full of challenges as I found out just what fictional stories are mixed into my world My story will be full of romance, action, drama and friendship with the author. Read my life with the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________ This is a mash up between different worlds Worlds known so far : 1. Komi-san can't communicate 2. My dress up darling. 3. Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru || The Pure Girlfriend's Fall (NTR Doujin) 4. The real world (Yes, the one you are living in. Not any anime.) 5. Wolf Children (Movie) 6. Viral Hit/How to fight (Manhwa) 7. ??? -------------------- Warning : There is NTR element. It is not exactly NTR(no kissing nor sex) but many readers felt it was. So I am here to warn you. And there's incest too. Hopefully I don't waste your time. ..... If you like my story, join my p@treon : p@treon.com/emmanuel_capricorn. (change @ = a). [Link : https://patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn] Get 15 early chapters and premium pics of characters while also supporting me

Emmanuel_Capricorn · 漫画同人
295 Chs

A liar meets a liar

"Noooo!!!!" I screamed in horror as I watched the giant TV screen in my room.

My face creased and wrinkled to form the perfect expression of a man who have seen the worst of humanity.

At one point, I coupd not watch anymore and just dropped my head and stared at the floor.

'Humanity is the worst thing that ever happened.' I thought with blank eyes.

My heart was beating extremely fast. Maybe it was due to the disgust I felt right now or maybe it was because of the hate I felt towards the world as a whole.

I was currently on the floor, doing a plank while I was watching the infamous hentai 'Boku no Pico' on the TV.

Yes, Boku no Pico is in this universe too. Unfortunately.

Why was I watching Boku no Pico? You may ask.

The answer was definitely not because I like pedophilia and gay porn. Instead, the answer was quite simple.

To get my heart beating fast.

You see, since I had not experienced any progress on my path to acquiring the skill 'Bullet time', the author had given me an interesting idea.

Which was watching messed up things to get my heart pumping. And he recommended the hentai to me.

He told me that it was definitely something which would get my heart pumping supernaturally fast.

But after thinking more about it now, I realised the author was just trolling me.

Though I admit, he was quite convincing at the start, throwing out examples like Jujutsu Kaisen's training and other stuff. And the desperate me back then, thought it was a good idea to follow his advice.

"You got me good author. You got me good." I muttered as small beads of sweat dropped from my forehead due to the current position I was in.

{What do you mean?} The author asked. Innocently.

I frowned deeply, " You are clearly messing with me. This is not working at all. My heart is beating fast but this level I can achieve through my breathing alone." I said.

"You are just taking advantage of me and bullying me."

{What do you mean? It IS working!!} the author exclaimed in surprise.

"No it's not."

{Is too.}

"It's not."

{It is!!! You are only in the first episode. You will realise it is working after the second episode. That's when shit gets worst.}




'Maybe?' I thought back then. I was already suffering so better go all the way, right?

And looking back, I realised it was the biggest mistake.

Because finishing the second episode, I realised it is not working at ALL!!!!

{HAHAHAHAHA!!! You are so goddamn gullible.} the author laughed hysterically.

I cursed at him and then I had to go to my homemade gym to deadlift some 800kg weights to cool off my anger.





"Fucking bastard." I cursed at the author again while I wash the sweat off my body in the shower.

{Hey, I said I'm sorry. It was just that I was really surprised when you told me that you haven't watched it before. I wanted to corrupt you so bad.} the author said in an oddly convincing manner.

And it was true. After seeing all the memes and warning in my past life, I have avoided the cursed creation called 'Boku no Pico'. But here comes my so called friend - the author - and he didn't even spare a single counter thought before advicing me to watch it.

He even said that it was about a kid getting stuffed with a deadly meat. And to a certain extent it was true but goddamn it!! The way he said it made it seem like the kid was getting fed poison and he died or something.

Well he didn't die but it's worse.

Way worse.

I shivered even though I showered with hot water.

{Again, I am sorry but you can't stay that pure forever. This is a messed up world. I'd rather teach you that than letting the world teach you.} the author said, like a wise sage.

He made it seem like he was sacrificing himself for my own good.

Shaking my head in helplessness, I turned off the shower and got out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my wasit.

After a few naked pose in the mirror and admiring my aesthetic body, I put on some clothes and went downstairs.

When I got down, I saw my mother and Kurumi cuddling in the couch while their eyes were glued on the TV which was showing a trashy K-drama.

Yes, those things are quite popular in Japan. It was probably the only Korean thing Japanese people liked.

Though what truly caught my attention was the way the two were cuddling.

Kurumi was resting half of her body on Sumire's lap while her head was wrapped around by Sumire's arm. 

Sumrie would also continuously stroke Kurumi's orange mane in an almost hypnotical manner since her eyes were focused entirely on the TV.

I wondered how this happened. Only few weeks ago they were quite hostile towards each other but not they were acting like best friends.

I guess they have something in common which connects the two of them in a strange way. 

"Is breakfast ready?" I asked and my mother nodded slowly without tearing her eyes off the TV.

I also turned towards the TV and saw this handsome korean guy talking to a girl, charismatically. The camera focused on the guy's face entirely - which was even prettier than some girls.

I scoffed, annoyed that she was watching that guy's face instead of me when I was much more handsome.

"By the way, I have some important work to do in the art gallery today. So I will be leaving after breakfast." she said, her voice was plain and rehearsed.

That's a big fat lie.

She was still looking at the TV as if absolutely intrigued. But I knew now that she was just avoiding eye contact with me.

She had always somehow made excuses to not spend the weekends with me for a while now. This is the third time now.

I knew that it was because she didn't want to be too close to me. Maybe she did so in fear of losing control of herself since Saturday was when I execute the Operation : MM.

She loves me. I was sure, in a taboo way.

Yet she was persistent on lying to herself and me.

I wonder how I was going to break through that invisible wall she erected between us.

'What is stopping you Sumire?'

" I will be going out today too." I said and I saw Sumire's eyes which was once focused on the TV suddenly lose their focus.

She did not move her head but I knew she was not even seeing the TV anymore from the way her pupils shrunk.

There was a pause - only two seconds - but it felt like 20 because of how intense it was.

"With?" She asked, her voice was strange.

"No one." I said,

That's when she turned to me and her eyes cut to mine. They locked on my purple orbs and they stare.

Purple meets purple.

A liar meets a liar.

She didn't need to know that I was going out with Marin. That would only hurt her and make Operation : MM complicated. It was not even a date, Marin didn't see me that way.

So it was better if she had no knowledge of it.

She swallowed her saliva and maybe her words too as her eyes shook.

Then she said, "O-Okay." 

Her eyes immediately ran away and her voice was shaky.

She knows.

Just like I knew that she was lying. She knew that I was lying.

"I will be eating breakfast early." I told her and she nodded, still stroking Kurumi's fur while the wolf seemed undoubtedly intrigued by the K-drama.

We usually had breakfast late on weekends but I was going to eat it at a normal time. But it was an 'early' breakfast for a saturday morning.

As I ate my amazing breakfast - credit goes to my perfect mother - I was busy with my thoughts.

Thoughts about my current relationships.

I had my mother and Marin who I was aiming for. They are the two girls which I would love to have as my partners. I was determined on having them as my lovers.

But I was facing different trouble with the two of them. I like Marin but she had no interest towards me 'that' way. 

Meanwhile my I love Sumire and she also had interest towards me 'that' way but it was a taboo one. She was stopping herself.

Getting them to love me back in every way would be hard.

I honestly didn't know which one was going to be harder to achieve. Right now the situation was pretty hopeless.

With my mother avoiding me and Marin still showing not showing interest to me other than light teasing.

But what I was wondering about was not a way to achieve my goals. Instead I was thinking about what would happen next.

Yes, I was counting my chicken before they hatched.



What would happen next if I succeed in achieving my goals and earned the heart of both women?

What then?

Well, It was pretty simple. I would definitely never choose another girl over my mother at any point so I would have to lie to Marin if I wanted to be in a relationship with her.



But I didn't want to do that.

I have experienced betrayal and lies in my previous relationship.

I definitely did not want to do that. 


I would NEVER do something similar. I refuse.





So, what would I do, if both girls were ready to love me back?


{Okay, here we go....}


Author : I swear to God I did not see this coming either. I really gave this guy the wrong character development.

Check out my patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn.


And thank you for reading.

[IMG of the chapter cover]