
A Life Time Of Promises: I Will Protect You Each Lifetimes

Born with a mysterious bloodline ever since Ashtria was a kid her family background is a mystery for her.  She grew up without a father, only her beloved mother and grandfather were by her side. But one eventful day, one of the most terrible experiences happened to her that changed her view of the world. Her mother lying on the cold hard floor of the streets wet and soaked in her blood. Since then she had no one but her grandfather, and since then her view of the world has become different than before. Ashtria matured at a very young age, she become aware of many things that a kid her age shouldn't even be aware of. Years passed she grew up with her grandfather's care, she became an extremely intelligent youth with many talents and skills. She used these capabilities to strive, to reach her dreams along with her grandfather. But it seems like destiny has something reserved for her, many unexpected things happened, then just like her mother, her beloved grandfather died in a tragic death and it became the turning point of her life. This made her realize many things, this made her view of the world broader than ever before. Since then she started her journey of revenge to seek justice for her loved ones. During her journey she met many people, people who changed her, people who stand up with her in every moment of her life. And during her journey she stumbled upon mystery after mystery, particularly about her bloodline. She came to the realization that there may be a connected reason why these things happened to here because of her mysterious background. As she went deeper on her journey, she never gave up, she held her head high, and no matter what obstacle she faced, she continued her every step without fear. ... Maximillian is a man that every woman's dreams, he got both looks and power, he is also both intelligent and passionate man. But despite that he was still betrayed by his very own beloved woman, because of that her mother even died in a tragic accident. Since then he has become cold and distance towards women. Dreams, it all started with vivid dreams. These dreams are so realistic, that it become a mystery that bothers Maximillian. That's because no matter how vivid and realistic the dreams he can't see the face of the particular woman in his dreams. He became confused that it drove him crazy. But, he stumbled upon a certain girl, he unconsciously became attracted to her. He doesn't know why but that became another mystery to him. Despite being young, the woman is an extremely intelligent and capable person, and maybe that is one of the reasons why he slowly fell for her. At first he was full of denial, but slowly he saw himself always thinking about her, always wondering about her. It even added the strange feelings he will feel every time he looks at her. And another thing is this woman had the same features as the woman in his dreams, especially her eyes.

Elle_Tsukki · 奇幻言情
13 Chs


A grand banquet is currently being held in a huge world-class arena. This arena is huge and its structure design is advanced. There are famous businessmen and women, worldwide famous actors and actresses, even politicians, and much high-class, wealthy, and powerful people gathering inside the banquet, now and then another luxury car arrives one by one.

You can see that these people are not ordinary by the cars they used to get here.

A girl is currently sitting inside a car, staring at the window glass, when you look closely at her you will immediately feel the strong aura she emits, such a strong aura that will shock you, such a girl with delicate features emits such strong aura, well who wouldn't be surprised?

When you saw this girl at first you wouldn't even imagine that this girl came from a poor family background, at first you will presume that this girl is a pampered lady from a wealthy family.

Well, who would even think of that, after all the girl is currently driving in a luxury car, wearing an elegant and fancy dress, adored with expensive jewels with shining diamonds. Though the design of those jewels may look simple but with those diamonds, well its cost isn't simple at all.

But the girl is sitting inside the car with a calm expression, you can't even read what emotions she has.

When her car arrives all the reporters rush to take their cameras just so they can capture the image of this person, yes this girl is so famous, her achievements are not ordinary at all. But her story isn't like those Cinderella stories that you know, she didn't get married to a wealthy and powerful man to climb to the top, she climbs from the bottom, all the way to the top where she is now, using her skills and capability, without clutching on someone powerful to help her.

She isn't like those girls who use their bodies just so they can taste the sweet taste of wealth.

She isn't like that, she has her pride and dignity, although there are so many hardships came through in her life she walks forward without stopping, even though there are so many vines keep clutching at her, even though there are so many thorns in the road she's walking with her bare feet, she keeps walking forward with head held high up, face full of confidence, courage, and determination.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of the arena, where the grand banquet is being held.

The reporters at the entrance turn their heads toward the car.

When they saw the car and its model the reporter's good intuition turned on.

The entrance has a long red carpet and the reporters' camera flashes are bright, they're surrounding the entrance of the arena to capture all of those famous persons. Because the person who organize this banquet is a secretive and mysterious person almost no one knew who she or he is.

But there is one thing they knew, this person owned one of the biggest companies existing nowadays.

All of this person's achievements are not ordinary, and there's a rumor currently ongoing that this person's total network now is cost hundreds of billion nearing a trillion.

When the car stopped all of these reporters went crazy, they want to see and if their lucky, interview the person inside of the car. They want to capture this famous but mysterious person, after all this is the first appearance of this particular person in public.

They swarm around the car, even though the bodyguards of the banquet are already giving them a warning they still swarm around the car like crazy, just so they can get the headlines on the news.

The driver goes out from inside, then walks to the entrance of the back seat to open its door, and then from there, a girl goes out she has a slim body and jade-like skin, and the dress she's wearing hugs her exquisite features perfectly, face with fine features, spot-less skin, and plump pink lips that has a light pink tint, the girl's hair is shiny raven-black, delicately styled. Half of her hair is loose, with big curls of her hair cascading down into her mid-thighs.

She looks so young but she emits such a strong aura, she has a calm temperament that you can't find in any other girl around her age.

At first, the reporters were confused, who is this girl? Because they thought the famous person of the banquet today already arrives, so they thought that the person is inside of this particular car.

They tried to look inside the car but no one is inside.

The reporters look at the girl again, and that's when they got surprised, they can finally feel the extraordinary aura of the girl which fits a person with an extraordinary reputation. From the start when the girl steps down from the car she is calm, there is no emotion you can see on her face.

In short, you can't read her.

She then takes her steps onto the red carpet leading into the banquet, there are so many famous and wealthy people who already walk on this red carpet before her, but now watching her walk on it you can't help but feel mesmerized, she is truly breathtaking.

All of the persons inside the banquet are now gathering into their social groups, they were currently laughing and talking while having wine or snacks in their hands.

Upon entering the entrance of the banquet all of the guests suddenly turn their eyes and set on the girl entering the banquet, if the reporters were mesmerized by her, these people are no exception.

The girl calmly walks into the banquet to her destined seat location.

Some of these people mock her in the past because of her poor background, and some of these people schemed against her and try all means to bring her down. But some of these people although they didn't do anything to her, in silence, they wish to see her one day down on her knees unable to stand up again, but they can only wish this forever. They can wait forever in nothing, all of the people who want her to fall didn't succeed to bring her down because of her unbreakable defense against them.

Yes some of them manage to pull out their plot but it didn't break her, it only makes her stronger, and the desire and determination to climb up only strengthen her heart, they can only watch her with envious eyes while she keep walking to the top unstoppable.

The girl didn't feel uncomfortable or even nervous by the eyes she was receiving, on the contrary, her lips raised slightly into a smirk, she is rather pleased by those eyes she was receiving, she is the star of this banquet tonight.

All of the eyes of the people in this banquet were eyes of envy, some were jealousy, but some eyes were full of astonishment at this moment.

But upon this huge crowd that is currently staring at the girl, some people have eyes full of belief and affection.

Other people who didn't know this girl fully, still have doubts in their hearts, how can a girl like her be one of us here in this grand banquet that only rich and powerful people can attend? How can a girl like her manage to be a successful person with billions worth of achievements with her poor background without using underhand means like her body?

But among these many people, some knew it, that's because they witnessed all her hardships. They all managed to watch her struggles and hardship, every step she took just to reach where she is now.

This girl is truly stubborn yes she is, even though so many people are targeting her, even though there are so many people trampling on her, she didn't give up, she won't let them be happy, and she shows all her capability, she fights and stubbornly stands up again and again.

Well, that is the will of life, she believed that all of these hardships is natural, she know in herself that the road to be successful is hard, but she refused to give up.

Now finally, there's a sweet fruit to taste, this luxury, wealth, and power that she has now, this is the fruit from all of the humiliations and hardships she suffered.

In all people's lives, we all have our very own hardships, we are all the protagonists of our own stories, and the people surrounding us is either our supporter or the villain who will make things in our life harder.

But we all have our very own reason to live and keep to hold on to this life.

When the girl finally takes her seat the epic atmosphere inside the banquet died down, but some of them make her the topic of their conversation, some were full of praises but some conversations were full of ridicule, you can sense the jealousy by listening on their tone of voice when they speak.

The girl only sat on her seat calmly, she then waive her hand to order some wine. The wine, and snacks she orders are of course expensive ones, in the past, she even remembers, she is only a lowly person they mock and laugh at. But now these waiters have full respect for her, indeed like what her grandfather said to her, even if it is sometimes unreasonable, in this world only the powerful ones can survive.

The waiter put all of the food and wine on her table, she pick up the wine the waiter served to her, and swirl the glass of wine in her hands. She stared at the red wine deeply, she then reminisces, her past self needs to work a job not even appropriate for her age.

Despite all the attention she gets she only drinks her wine calmly, she can already hear the whispers of the people at the banquet. She put her wine glass on her table, for her it's easy to read a person's true emotions and true intentions, it is clear as water, and easy as if she's reading a book.

That is one of her powerful nature.

Not many people can do it, but this thing is one of her talents since she was a kid. And also it is one of the characteristics she got from her grandfather. Remembering her grandfather, a burning rage emits from her heart, but she quickly calms down.

But you still can't see any emotions in her at all.



She heard footsteps approaching, she slowly put down her wine glass. She smile as she recognized this person, the person stop at her side with a wine glass in their hand.

She look up at the person with a smile, the person smiled back at her.

"Your back...", the person spoke with a deep and attractive voice, his tone is full of adoration and affection.

She stands up and gets her wine glass, on cue the two click their wine, and they sip on it in unison.

"Yes...I'm back.", she answered, her voice is sweet and her tone of voce is playful.