
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

Sudoku · 游戏衍生
108 Chs

Chapter 65 - The Owl Post

***** Bonus Chapter ***** A/N: So I got accused earlier of deleting reviews? Apparently 4.8 was too high an average rating or something.... I didnt even know I could do that ahaha. I mean, I would've deleted all the comments and hate reviews about the 'controversial vow' I had Khan take way back when, if I was that sensitive enough to delete reviews LMFAO. But maybe I will, since that last one was just a hater giving 1 stars in everything, saying this is a copy story. I mean, just my last 6 chapters were all completely OC with my Summoner's cup tournament, so its clear he hasn't read it..... that was fun to read ahah end rant/ *****

'Last day of classes for the week.... time is just flying ever since I have taken over Defense classes.' Khan thought, as he helped himself to some breakfast.

It was morning on Friday, and they were now fully into December, with winter season setting in upon them.

The following week passed by quickly after that first Defense class of Khan's. He found that with planning his own lesson plans, combined with his increasing OWL studies for his upcoming exams, Khan rarely had a free moment, causing time to just fly by.

After the success of his first class, Khan found that he was quite enjoying designing his own curriculum for his Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, not to mention actually teaching all the students.

Similar to fake Moody and his emphasis on Dark Arts, Khan had decided to focus on Combat as his specialty, teaching his various combat tricks and techniques to the Hogwarts students.

And what he found, kind of surprised him.

While he already kind of knew that the combat capabilities had fallen in comparison to his time, he found that many of the students, did not have any combat senses or even combat awareness for that matter.

They did not know about spell combinations, and even more surprising, none of them really knew how to duel.

Bloody hell, even the 7th years, who were supposed to be in the last year of education, and taking their NEWTs at the end of the year, were pretty terrible, and lacking in their practical combat knowledge.

Compare this to Khan's time at Hogwarts, and well, there was no comparison.

During his first year at Hogwarts, he had seen and experienced quite a lot of combat. And not just from his battles against goblins and poachers.

Students were also, very often seen duelling and practicing their combat abilities with their friends and peers.

In Khan's very first Defense class for example, he had been forced to Duel against Sebastian by Prof. Hecat herself, even though he knew very little spells at the time.

In fact, Prof. Hecat would later inform him about a 'secret' students duelling club, called 'crossed wands', which many of the students at Hogwarts participated in, and where Khan would begin to learn some of his combat techniques, with some of his crossed wands matches being a 4 persons vs. 2 affair.

So needless to say, in Khan's time, nearly everyone knew how to duel, and how to fight.

And while Jordan may have been a combat genius, picking things up quite quickly throughout the single year he attended Hogwarts, but that was more in comparison to the current era.

In his previous era, he may have been better than average, but thinking back to his professors, and their level of skill displayed when fighting off the invading goblins under Hogwarts, he knew he was nowhere near them, with all of them being magical powerhouses.

Thus, he could not believe that the overall skill level had dropped that much over the past century, with the students not even knowing simple duelling techniques.

There was one particular instance, where Khan was teaching the 6th year Defense classes for both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and he discovered disappointedly that these senior students did not even know the Protego charm!

"Do you mean to tell me, Mr Davies, that the lot of you, do not even know how to cast a basic shield charm?!?" Khan angrily yelled at the stuck up boy.

This stupid boy, Roger Davies, like Ron, seemed to dislike Khan for some reason, always making some backhanded comment about his teachings. Perhaps it was because Khan was biologically younger than he was, or some kind of ego thing, but regardless, Jordan would soon eventually have enough.

Khan had been demonstrating for this 6th class the importance of dodging in combat, vs. casting a shield charm, only to learn that these idiots did not even know how to cast said basic shield charm!

"Of course not! Half the ministry cannot even cast one properly, and you expect us 6th years to be able to?" Davies retorted, with attitude.

"If you expect me to believe tha-"

"Actually sir, Roger is right." The goody-two-shoes Cedric Diggory (un)helpfully chimed in. "My father is part of the ministry, and even he cannot cast a proper shield charm."

Khan stared at them in disbelief.

What the actual fuck?!?

To say nothing of the variants of the protego spell, at the very least these 6th years should know basic charm.

Literally everyone knew that charm during his century.

He had personally watched little 2nd years duelling in crossed wands casting that spell for goodness sake.

The shield charm was so basic in fact, that Khan rarely found himself using it during his later adventures, as it would not hold up against goblin and troll attacks.

Holding his hands to his head in helplessness, Khan began massaging his brain, trying to calm down.

"Ok so let me get this straight. You guys don't dodge, and don't even know how to cast a shield charm….. so what happens when an opponent casts a spell at you?" Khan was now legitimately curious as to what their Defense plan was. Countercurses? Potions?

"I would cast my spell first, and incapacitate him before he had a chance!" Davies bragged aloud without even raising his hand, standing up and taking an idiotic heroic pose for some nearby Delaney students.

Khan began laughing at this stupid boy's delusions, and soon tears began coming out of his eyes the more he thought about it.

"Ok so your plan, if death eaters show up like they did during the Quidditch World Cup, is to cast first and incapacitate all of them, before they even have a chance to react?" Khan asked Roger, between his laughter. "You?! Someone who cannot even cast a basic shield charm, Can somehow cast and incapacitate that many adult wizards, that quickly?"

"No- I- of course n-"

"If you weren't in my own house Ravenclaw, Mr. Davies, I'd be questioning your logical reasoning and judgement." Khan ruthlessly cut him off, tired of his attitude. "Now sit down, shut up, and stop embarrassing my house any further!"

Davies slouched down and sat, pouting at the verbal lashing, unhappy with this newcomer Jordan Khan.

It was him! Roger Davies, who was supposed to be king of Ravenclaw this year, especially with him having just been awarded the Quidditch Captaincy for their house.

'Then this stupid Asian bastard came out of nowhere to steal my glory!'

Khan received all the attention and admiration that was supposed to be his, and is now even rumoured to be dating that gorgeous French Foreign Female student from Beauxbatons!

And to make matters worse, Not only was Jordan younger than him, but he wasn't even a student, acting instead as a junior professor, and evidently quite skilled in combat, directly taking down a dragon.

Roger Davies dislik- no, scratch that. Roger Davies, despised and hated Jordan Khan. After all, who the hell could compete with all that?!

Khan meanwhile would go on to finish that class, patiently teaching the 6th year Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students a basic shield charm.


Khan was disturbed out of his thoughts of the recent events of the past week, with the arrival of the morning owl post.

Although he had intended to take a couple of subscriptions to catch up on current world affairs, he simply did not have any leisure time with his new teachers duties. On top of his OWLs, and lesson plans, he was also unfortunately in charge of marking assignments and homework for his Defense classes.

As a result, as per usual, Khan did not pay any attention to the incoming owls, continuing to eat, alongside Fleur, who of course, was sitting alongside him at the Ravenclaw table.

The past week, it was rare for Khan to be seen in public without Fleur. If Jordan wasn't in classes, or studying for his OWLs, the Hogwarts population would always see the two of them together.

Add to that, the fact that they were seen during Khan's tournament wearing matching outfits, along with Fleur doing her best impression of Koala, clinging to his arm, It only solidified the already growing rumors of them being a couple in the Hogwarts students eyes.

"What time will you be finished with your classes Jordan?" Fleur asked.

"My last class will finish at 3pm.... I have a shorter day today for some reason..... perhaps Moody scheduled his break period for the last periods on fridays." Khan answered her casually.

"I shall pick you up after you class!" Fleur declared with a smile, reaching over to grab his hand. "We can spend some time together preparing for your OWLs, before heading for our dinner."

Fleur saw herself, as basically Jordan's wife already, just without the ring. With her Veela magic already changing her, and their already close relationship, she was confident that becoming Jordan's wife was an inevitability at this point.

As such, she had been acting more and more like a dutiful housewife, accompanying Khan around, helping him with his various studies and teaching preparations, constantly showing her care and concern for him.

"Yes, that sounds good!" Khan had grown very appreciative of Fleur over the past week, especially with his newly increased workload. "Maybe even this weekend, we can actually take a bit of a break!"

He stayed holding on to her hand, giving it a squeeze, giving her a small smile. Although they hadn't kissed since the first task, they had definitely grown closer with Fleur's forwardness, and her acting like a dutiful wife.

Khan had to admit, it was quite nice to be cared for in such an intimate way. And so he had been attempting to return the affection, in a build up to attempt to ask her out on a Christmas date.

However, this presented a new challenge. He had never flirted, or romantically been involved with another woman. Having not been interested before, he had never learned from the older male figures in his life.... Hell! He had never even spoken with his father about girls. Thus, he had no idea how to take that next step and ask her out.

'Take a bit of a break.... You sound like a bloody wanker! You idiot Jordan!' Khan berated himself, at his poor virgin attempt at asking her out on a date.

He was feeling quite stupid and embarrassed at his comment just now, almost missing Fleur's excited agreement to his suggestion.

Unfortunately, Khan berating himself, while paying attention to the excited Fleur, did not realize that the atmosphere in the Great hall had changed, until a few minutes later.

All of the students had suddenly fallen silent.

Aside from himself and Fleur, who were previously in their own little world, the rest of the students were all huddled around around other various students at their respective tables.

Finally noticing the change in noise level, both Khan and Fleur looked around at the distracted students, wondering what had happened.

Heading over to Hermione, who had her own group of Gryffindors huddled around her, Khan and Fleur both were curious what everyone was reading.

Looking over her shoulder, at the paper open on the table, they read the headline.



Anyways, we've had some nice light, slice of life chapters for a bit. But things are gonna start to pick up again. Christmas is approaching, and that means Khan's OWLs are here, and so is the Yule Ball. Oh and ya, looks like Rita is up to her shenanigans again. Should be fun

Sudokucreators' thoughts