
Chapter 52 - Back to Work

After game night the weekend was a nice relaxing one for both of the couples, with the game night itself just being a fun time for everyone to laugh, drink alcohol, and just enjoy themselves, while also getting some much-needed rest and relaxation. After that, Alex spent most of her weekend helping Sam to complete her house. This included Alex helping to build more furniture, and even doing some painting with Ruby. It was just a nice relaxing thing for Alex, Sam and Ruby to do, to just spend time together and bond. It made Sam very happy at how comfortable she was seeing that Ruby is with Alex, it is everything that Sam has hoped for in a potential long-term partner. During the weekend, Alex didn't stay over on either of the nights, as Sam and Alex's relationship is not like Kara and Lena's, and that is perfectly fine. From the very beginning, when Alex had flown out to Metropolis, the two had made it clear that they both wanted to take things slow. Even though both Alex and Sam really enjoy spending time together, and look forward to the next time when they will see one another, they still understand that they need space from each other. Sam and Alex recognise that they need to be apart, just so they don't feel like they are suddenly in this committed relationship, where they are basically a family. There is nothing wrong with couples who do that, who basically spend all their time together very quickly, in fact it is exactly what Lena and Kara did, but it just isn't for Alex and Sam. In fact, due to everything that has happened over the last week, Alex and Sam have not even been able to go out on their promised date, as the lunch they shared with Ruby really didn't count.

For Kara, Lena and Alura, the weekend was a bit different compared to Sam, Ruby and Alex's. As Lena was still recovering she couldn't exactly go out and do much, or anything that would have her standing on her feet for too long. Of course, over the weekend Lena was still a bit stubborn, arguing with Kara on a few occasions that she could in fact go out a do some stuff. However, Kara, being a caring person, and just not being stupid, was not having it from Lena. Lena had been shot less than a week ago, so she was in no state to go out and do any prolonged activities that could put unneeded stress on her body. All this just resulted in Kara, Lena and Alura staying inside Kara's apartment for basically the entire weekend. The only time that anyone left was on two occasions when Kara had to leave Alura and Lena behind to go take care of some Supergirl stuff, as criminals do not take the weekends off, unfortunately. But even though the trio were stuck indoors, they all still very much enjoyed their time together. Alura spent most of the weekend close to Lena, not really wanting to leave her side for long at all. Kara did notice this, and she realised that Alura probably still has some concerns that Lena will disappear out of her life again, even though both Kara and Lena have tried to make it clear that that won't be happening again. Kara just thinks that there isn't much more that she and Lena can do to reassure their daughter, it will just take time for Alura's concerns to fade away.

Due to the fact that Alura was basically attached to Lena's hip for the entire weekend, Kara and Lena did not get to spend much quality one on one time together, and they certainly did not get a chance to repeat their shower antics from the Friday. The only real quality time that Kara and Lena got to spend together was on the Friday and Sunday nights, when they were both falling asleep in Kara's bed, wrapped in each other's arms. They didn't get to spend the Saturday night alone together, as Alura had got quite clingy, and insisted that she wanted to sleep in the same bed as both her mommy's, which when Alura phrased it like that, how was either Kara or Lena going to say no to her. But even the limited alone time that Kara and Lena got to spend together, was not really much. This was because as Lena was still recovering from her injury, her body still needs a lot of rest, meaning that Lena fell asleep very quickly, almost as soon as she got into bed with Kara. But even though this was the case, neither of the couple were complaining. Kara and Lena both know that they will get more quality alone time in the future, so for the weekend, they were more than happy to spend the majority of it as a trio.

While Kara, Lena and Alura were spending time together over the weekend as a trio, the three of them mostly just sat on the couch and watched various movies. This meant that for most of the weekend Lena was subjected to various Disney films, much to both Kara and Alura's glee. Lena watched as both Kara and her daughter sang their hearts out to the variety of songs in the Disney films they watched, obviously having watched them many times over, and knowing all the words, while Lena has hardly watched any of them. It was weird for Lena in that moment while she watched Kara and Alura sing, with a smile on her face, as this is not how past Lena would have pictured spending her nights with her partner. If you asked Lena, not even a year ago, how she would feel about spending her day and evening watching Disney movies, with her girlfriend and her daughter, while both of them sang along, Lena would have said it sounded like a nightmare. But in reality, back in the present, that couldn't be further from the truth. Lena absolutely loves watching the joy on both Kara and Alura's faces as they sing the songs in the films, or get excited in anticipation when a part of the film that they love is coming up. Lena thinks it is all very wonderful, and a part of her wishes that she could have had a childhood like the one Alura is getting, where she could have been happy like this, and laughed and sung, while watching her favourite movies. But of course, Lena did not get that childhood, that potential childhood probably died with her birth mother, so she has to just be happy that Alura is getting a great one now, while she gets to experience all this joy first hand, and maybe a part of Lena enjoys some of the movies too.

Over the weekend, at the few times that Kara left the apartment to take care of some Supergirl duties, Alura did not want to continue to watch any films without Kara. Alura's claims were that she didn't want her mommy to miss any part of the film they were either already watching, or about to watch, even though Kara had specifically told her to watch the films without her before she left, as she has seen them all many times over. It was all very sweet of Alura, and sums up the half-Kryptonian's caring nature. However, due to the lack of movies as entertainment, this left Lena and Alura with a question over what they should do to pass the time together, which admittedly worried Lena a bit. Lena wasn't worried because she was uncomfortable spending one on one time with Alura, that couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, Lena has already previously spent quality one on one time with Alura, on several occasions. Lena's worry was that as she was injured, and still recovering, she was spending time with Alura while she couldn't do much. Lena knows that previously when she watched Alura on her own, they did activities like ice skating or going out to the park, or even just going to the store to get some food, but Lena currently can't do any of that. Well, Lena could do all of that, but she would probably incur Kara's wrath as a result of it, and most likely her own bodies too. So, this meant that Lena just was unsure as to how she and Alura would pass the time without Kara, without them being able to watch any films. Thankfully though, Alura was the one to come up with a suggestion, suggesting that Lena could help her with some of her school work. When Alura suggested this, Lena was very relieved, and happy to help Alura, while also knowing the girl probably doesn't actually need her help. Lena thinks that Alura probably just wants her to teach her some more advanced stuff like she had promised her, but Lena really wasn't in a place to do that right now. However, Lena made the best of the situation, teaching Alura a few little extra things related to the work Alura presented to her.

Overall, the weekend was a nice enjoyable, and much needed, one, for both Alura, Lena and Kara, as well as Alex, Sam and Ruby. The two trios had all been through a lot over the last month, so they all just needed this time to reconnect, and make their bond even greater than it was before. The only bad thing about the weekend, was that for everyone involved, it came to an end far too soon for their likings. But of course, they would all have future weekends together, where they could spend just as much time together, doing all sorts of things.