
A Lazy Mans Motivation to Eternity

One man's failure is a fortune to another. Due to bad luck, karma or bad fate, I failed too ascend at the very last step and died, well almost but at least I can give opportunity to another to achieve what I couldn't.

Rutabulis · 奇幻
46 Chs

The Hunt

As the sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the plain, a gentle breeze was rustling through the long grass. The plain seemed to stretch on endlessly, adorned with sporadic trees that provided both shelter and camouflage for the mystical creatures that inhabited this realm.

Amongst the grass, a majestic mystic tiger prowled with graceful stealth, its sleek stripes blending seamlessly with the surrounding environment. Its eyes, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, were scanning the area, searching for prey or any signs of danger. The air was filled with an air of mystique, as if the very spirits resided within the land.

In the distance, towering mountains were rising to the sky, their peaks shrouded in thick, swirling clouds. The mountains seemed to hold secrets of their own, as if ancient powers were dwelling within their majestic heights. The sun's rays were struggling to penetrate the dense cloud cover, casting an ethereal glow that created an aura of mystery around the mountaintops.

On the opposite side of the plain, the grass gradually diminished until it faded away completely, revealing a vast expanse of shimmering blue. The endless sea. Stretching out as far as the eye could see, its waters seeming to merge with the sky at the distant horizon. Legends abounded among the inhabitants of this land, speaking of the sea as a gateway to the unknown, the place where the world ended and new realms began.

As day gave way to dusk, the sun dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of fiery orange and blood red. The scene was breathtaking, evoking a sense of both awe and trepidation, giving anyone pause to enter this open grassland. It was indeed true since to arrive at this plain one had to cross the treacherous mountains which was an impossible feat for anyone who was not strong enough.

And yet ...

as the sun sank lower, casting long shadows across the plains, a solemn silence hung in the air. The land had become a graveyard, the remnants of a great battle that had unfolded ages ago. Hidden by the long grass, the ground bore the scars of conflict, marked by shattered armor, broken weapons, and the remnants of fallen warriors who had succumbed to a resounding defeat.

The girl, an anomaly amidst the desolation, sprinted with an ellegant grace that belied her tender age. Her cerulean locks billowed behind her like a vibrant river of blue, contrasting against the muted colors of the surroundings. Her azure eyes, although captivating, held a deep lifeless sadness, their depths hinting at a history far beyond her years.

The plains stretched out endlessly, a seemingly infinite tapestry of golden grasses that whispered mournfully in the wind. The cries and roars of unseen beasts echoed intermittently, a constant reminder of the untamed and dangerous nature of this realm. Yet, the vastness of the plains swallowed those sounds, burying them beneath layers of solitude.

The pursuers, both men and beasts from the plains, were relentless in their chase. Men with hardened faces and rugged armor, their eyes filled with a hungry determination, pursued the girl, driven by unknown motives. The beasts, their snarling maws and fierce claws, embodied an instinctual hunger, as they lashed out at the men who were chasing the girl. The men had not expected beast as one or two fell behind.

Yet, no matter their speed or ferocity, the girl eluded them effortlessly. Her steps were light, barely making a sound as she weaved through the grasslands, leaving no trace of her passage. The grass weaved as she passed. It was as if she danced with the wind, her movements harmonizing with the rhythm of the plains.

Her delicate features remained devoid of emotion, as if she were a porcelain doll. Her white garments, adorned with crimson accents, billowed around her like ghostly apparitions, blending with the pale hues of the landscape. Her dirt-streaked face bore witness to the harshness of her journey, small cuts and grazes standing as testament to her resilience.

The pursuit continued, the distance between hunter and hunted remaining unchanged. The fading light of the setting sun cast an ethereal glow upon the girl, accentuating the enigma that surrounded her. The plains, with their solemn history and endless expanse, seemed to conspire to protect her, to shield her from those who sought to capture her. It was as if the dead heroes themselves carried her from her pursuers.

As the girl vanished over a distant rise, leaving only a trail of grass rustling in her wake, the plains whispered their secrets. They held the untold stories of fallen warriors, augmented bodies resting beneath the soil, their sacrifice giving life to the very ground they had fought upon. And now, a young girl with eyes like deep oceans had emerged, entwining her destiny with the forgotten echoes of battles long past.

In this vast and desolate landscape, the stage was set for a collision of worlds, where ancient power and relentless pursuit converged.


Weary figures gathered around a hastily erected campsite. They removed their armor to reveal tattered garments that bore the stains of blood and dirt. Their attire, reminiscent of a bygone era, mirrored the harshness of their existence in this unforgiving land.

The leader, a man of weathered features, leaned on a gnarled staff, his eyes reflecting a desperation born of survival. His voice carried the rough timbre of one accustomed to harsh realities, his words laden with the weight of their circumstances. His balding head shone as the flames from the campfire danced besides him.

"Now, listen, ye loyal dogs," he growled, his voice grating like the scraping of steel upon stone. "We find ourselves on the edge of a grand opportunity, one that could change our wretched fortunes. Beyond these cursed plains, across the treacherous mountains, lies a warlord hungering for power. 'Tis the girl we seek, for in her lies a power that could bring us wealth beyond measure."

His words hung in the air, mingling with the pungent scent of sweat and desperation. The men, their faces etched with lines of hardship and determination, exchanged wary glances. They knew the risks, for they had tread upon the edges of morality, embracing a savagery befitting this world.

The fire crackled, casting flickering shadows upon their faces, revealing the primal hunger that lurked within. Their eyes gleamed with an unyielding thirst, for they were slavers, merchants of human suffering, and the girl represented the promise of a bountiful sale to the warlord they sought to please.

"Aye, 'twill not be an easy hunt," the leader grumbled, his voice laced with a mix of caution and ruthless ambition. "But the spoils that await us, and favor we shall garner, are worth the risks. The warlord covets her power, and we shall deliver her unto him, basking in the riches that shall befall us."

The men nodded, their eyes gleaming with a desperate hope that bordered on madness. They knew not the boundaries of morality, for survival had stripped away the veneer of civility, leaving behind only a brutal resolve. They spoke in gruff tones, their words laced with crude oaths and hardened curses.

As the moon ascended, casting an eerie glow upon their huddled figures, plans were drawn upon the dirt, traced by scarred fingers stained with the grime of battle. Strategies were forged with ruthless efficiency, maximizing their chances of capturing the elusive girl who held the key to their twisted dreams.

The night draped its shroud of darkness upon the encampment, wrapping their plotting figures in an atmosphere of savagery and desperation. Dreams of conquest and power stirred within their troubled minds, igniting an insatiable hunger that urged them onward.

"Come the morn, we rise from these wretched grounds," the leader declared, his voice carrying the weight of their shared desperation. "With blades sharpened and hearts hardened, we shall track the girl's cursed steps, for we are the hunters."

And so, as the campfire dwindled to glowing embers, the pursuers succumbed to an uneasy slumber, their dreams filled with visions of savagery and the relentless pursuit of their quarry.