
A Laid Back MC Traverses the Multiverse

After going through a rough situation, a young man finds himself in another world with the "option" of traveling through the worlds that he thought of as fiction. Unexpectedly, the young man wants nothing to do with world travel or adventuring. He just wants to laze around and do nothing.

JustACommonReader · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chapter 21

"Are we really doing this Orabeo-nim?"

"Yeah, are you sure about this Adan? This is really... I don't know, impossible?"

"Adan... this is the Impossible Mission we're talking about... How about we not do this and spend our time lazing in our room?"

Adan gave the girls a deadpan look and asked, "Do you think I would let you girls come with me if I know that we can't complete it and have one of you get injured?"

Yi Seol-Ah, Yun Seora, and Odelette Delphine looked at each other unsure of what to do but ultimately trusts Adan. They then simultaneously looked at Adan and shook their heads.

Yun Seora then stepped forward as she said, "Fine... we'll go with you. But after this, we'll spend the rest of our time cuddling in bed..." When Adan saw Yi Seol-Ah and Odelette Delphine nod their heads, Adan couldn't help but give them a knowing smile.

When Yun Seora started being a little bolder in what she does around him, Odelette Delphine quickly followed suit but looked very awkward with her child-like body. Yi Seol-Ah, on the other hand, took a little over 2 and a half weeks before she started doing lewd things around him.

Adan could hold himself a little from Odelette Delphine's advances with how it doesn't arouse him at all. But Yun Seora's and Yi Seol-Ah's bodies were a whole different hurdle!

Both girls had the assets to turn him on, but Yun Seora was a little thicker and- that's beside the point!

Adan didn't know how much longer he could hold on!

I mean, who sleeps naked with a man that isn't your lover!? Well, except when you're seducing him or you're doing a one-time thing or- GAHHHH!!! You get the point, right!?

And there was even this one-time that Yun Seora and Yi Seol-Ah bought maid outfits, cat girl outfits, nurse outfits, school fucking uniforms, and aprons! They even roped Odelette Delphine into joining their cosplaying!

And don't get him started on Maria Yeriel and Clair Agnes!

Adan was so close to raping the two little minxes but persevered until the end. He was praising his wives for giving him enough strength to hold on until they left the Neutral Zone!

Adan patted Yun Seora's head and said, "So why don't we start this mission? Tomorrow's the day that we'll leave this place and I want to get some of those items for the girls. So please give me the coupons as we had agreed to..."

Yun Seora, Odelette Delphine, and Yi Seol-Ah were a little jealous of Adan's wives. If they were out of the picture then they knew that they would've banged Adan a long time ago! He even thinks about them when they're here and thinks about giving them gifts! The jealousy that was rolling off of the three lolis were staggering.

Adan then looked at them and said, "Why don't you guys-" Before Adan could even finish his sentence, Yun Seora quickly jumped on Adan's front while Odelette Delphine was sitting on his shoulders as Yi Seol-Ah was hanging on his back like a monkey.

Adan looked at them with a wry smile and said, "So it seems that I don't even have to sign to you guys. The only thing I have to do now is just pat myself or something?"

Yi Seol-Ah nodded her head as Odelette Delphine was looking around the area in peace while Yun Seora was busy humping Adan's erection.

Adan could only facepalm at what Yun Seora was doing and thought, 'This girl knows no shame... were are literally at the noticeboard and she doesn't even care that she's humping me!'

Adan looked around and tried to see if there were people who were looking at them but felt relieved that no one was around. He then took the mission out and read it before he tore it apart.

Siege (Remaining Number of Attempts: 1/1)

Within 48 hours, annihilate the race of Guardians protecting the "Sanctuary" and destroy this impenetrable fortress!

Difficulty: Impossible

Success: 172, 800 SP, A One-time use VUP Store Coupon (1 per person)

Failure: Death

*May be done as a co-op mission. (6 person max)

Adan let out an excited smile as he and the girls disappeared from their previous place as only blue particles were left.

When Adan and the girls finally appeared again, they were surrounded by ice and were in quite a high place with how the 'Impenetrable Fortress' was below them.

Yun Seora, Odelette Delphine, and Yi Seol-Ah looked at the fortress in shock and then turned towards the clearly excited Adan. Odelette Delphine then asked, "Ummm, Adan? How are we going to 'annihilate' the race of guardians?"

Adan shook his head with an excited smile present on his face and said, "It's now WE that is going to annihilate the guardians but ME."

Yun Seora, Odelette Delphine, and Yi Seol-Ah were looking at Adan in shock and quickly tightened their hold on him. Yi Seol-Ah immediately shouted, "NO! You are not going in there alone!"

Adan chuckled at her words and said, "Who said I was going down there?"

The girls looked at Adan taken aback by what he said as Yun Seora asked, "Then, how are you going to complete the mission?"

Adan smiled savagely at her and said, "By testing out a new spell of mine."

Yun Seora and Yi Seol-Ah looked a little confused by his words but didn't delve too much into it as they were Magicians but Odelette Delphine looked at Adan in curiosity and asked, "What kind of spell!?"

Adan proudly puffed his chest onto Yun Seora's and said, "You remember how I said that I got a Supreme Tier spell? And how I almost got to the peak of fire manipulation? Well, I'm going to show you!"

Odelette Delphine's eyes sparkled in delight as she said, "Yes! Finally! Let's go!" Yun Seora and Yi Seol-Ah looked at her in amusement as they looked at Adan who propped them down onto the ground.

Adan then walked towards the edge of the cliff and smiled. He then outstretched his right arm and pointed it towards the fortress and whispered, "Cruel Sun..."

As soon as Adan said that, a gigantic ball of fire appeared above the fortress made of ice. He smirked a little when he saw a figure escape the fortress and then focused more on the ball of fire dropping onto the fort.


Adan let out a satisfied sigh of relief when he heard the after-effects of his spell and then turned towards the shocked girls. He then gave them a smug smile and said, "So how do you like it? I held back a pretty large amount of power on that one cause I don't want you guys to get tanned or burnt."

Yun Seora and Yi Seol-Ah looked at the fort with shocked eyes and then back at the cause of the fort's destruction. They couldn't believe that the fireball Adan made could cause a lot of damage.

Odelette Delphine quickly latched on onto Adan as she shouted, "Can you teach me that!? Please? Please!? PLEASE!??!" as her face was very close to Adan and her arms were around his neck and her legs around his chest.

Adan chuckled at her reaction and pried her off him as he said, "Maybe I'll teach it to you when you reach LVL 5 or something like that," as he grabbed the back of her dress and placed her on the ground.

Adan then looked at the far off distance where he saw the figure ran off to and outstretched his arm again and whispered, "Flaming Javelin..."

The girls looked at Adan in confusion as a javelin made out of fire quickly formed in front of Adan. They then watched uncertainty as he grabbed the javelin with his bare hands and threw it.

Adan let out a smile when he heard a loud cry of anguish in the far off distance. He then turned towards the girls and smiled warmly as he said, "Alright! It seems that we're done here girls! We can go back now..." like he didn't just commit genocide on a race called Guardians.


Only one chapter today cause I was literally procrastinating and reading other fanfics here in webnovel... and thank you HanDaewi for commenting on the books you have been reading cause those were very good reads.

I fastened up the plot a bit cause I really don't like staying in the Neutral Zone anymore. I'll try making them leave in the next chapter or the one after that.

Thanks for reading my book and please leave suggestions in the comments.

Odelette Delphine

Yi Seol-Ah

Maria Yeriel

Clair Agnes

Teresa Hussey

Chung Chohong

Seo Yuhui

Phi Sora


Pick 4 more girls... I almost forgot about this LMAO