
An Arrow (4)

Minutes later Reiter and Conklin showed up in a fixed up truck seeing Oliver with a heavily bruised face lying unconscious on the floor, Conklin slowly went around Oliver before seeing that it was safe and tried to wake him up, "Hey! Hey!! Wake up!", Oliver's eyes opened slowly he quietly grunted as he felt the annoying tingles from the punch on his cheek and he slowly got up, "Easy does Oliver, what happened? Where's English gone?", "Yes, I would also like to know but before that, show me where you took him", Oliver was now up and took them to the hidden hatch in the floor and they all got down, Oliver gave the remnants of the magic item Constantine gave to him and handed it to Reiter and then they began walking with Conklin annoyed and confused as he's never heard any mentions of a place like this throughout his stay on the island so far.

"Why didn't you tell us about this place before?", Conklin asked, "I didn't know it was here but it sort of seemed like you did...", Oliver looked at Reiter for confirmation to which Reiter responded with, "I know this island isn't all it seems, you've done well Mr Queen", they carried on walking through the medieval-like tunnel way but Oliver quickly stopped Reiter as he was about to pass through to the room which had the grimoire in it, "Woah, wait, Constantine said that there was some sort of barrier thing like it was magic", "I have no interest in the chamber", replied Reiter who kneeled down with the red glowing orb towards the floor, Oliver following with his eyes eventually seeing symbols in the wall glowing in a dark blue colour, "What is that?", "A message from the ancients leading to a very special gift...heart of water...", Reiter turned around and then looked at Oliver, "Have you seen a cove on the island, surrounded by mountains?", Oliver stayed quiet for a few seconds looking down and thinking before looking back at Rieter, "Yeah I know of one", "I want you to go to that point and lead an excavation, take a dozen of the labourers and work them until you find...my gift"

Later that day Oliver and Conklin rounded up 12 workers and they arrived near a beach area, Conklin was watching from a distance and Oliver was more up close, "I need a couple of people in the water, bag down, see what you can find", a man with a black beard, brown jacket, sturdy build got up from talking to some of the other slave workers and said, "Everyone is tired, we've been here for hours, if you want them to work, they have to be able to", "Are you their leader?", "I'm the guy telling you to let them rest", "Hm, okay, well we brought food! Take 15 minutes and eat!", Oliver turned around and then went up to Conklin, "I need you to watch them and I'm going to enjoy my lunch in peace", "Sure!", Conklin went up closer but still kept a distance with his gun at the ready watching them and Oliver walked away back to the cave were Taiana was, he walked in to see her quickly get up and said, "Nice instincts", "Uh, I wasn't sure if you were coming back", "We'll I said that I would", "they both sat down near a fire and Taiana said, "Guess it's no surprise to you but I've lost faith in people, doing what they're going to do", "Do you notice Reiter interested in anything other than candler drugs?", "Yeah, he also enjoys stealing people away from their families", "You've seen him fo anything, uh, mystical or even magical", Oliver giving that face as if he wasn't even believing what he was saying right now and waiting for a response, "He has always been a little odder and very religious, he's even blessed some of the prisoners, claims he's healed their souls or some craziness", "Sigh...I'm getting to think that drugs are just a front for what he's really doing here", "What could be more tempting to a man like him than money", Oliver looked up and said, "Power, I can't stay long, Conklin isn't that suspicious of my compared to before but you still need to stay here, I'll come back as much as I can", Oliver giving a reassuring face and Taiana giving a slight grin and saying, "This time, I believe you", Oliver grinning back.

Later on, Oliver walked back to see Conklin sitting down and watching the slave workers search around for Rieter's so-called 'gift' but so far to no avail.




Oliver and Conklin along with the other slave workers still didn't find anything and decided to go back, they went into where Reiter was staying, "Well? Did you find anything?", "No", "Then what are you doing back here?", "Well, sir we looked around the area and there wasn't anything out there, not in the sand, not in the ocean, nothing", "Hmm...Mr Queen do you have anything to say about this?", "Well...", he paused for a second, "Well?", "I think it has to do something with the maps here", "I know the map isn't entirely accurate but what would you have me do Mr Queen", "I've been here for years now and come across some things, one of which seems to be submarine that doesn't work, I want to check it out to see if there is another map", "What you are suggesting is okay, gather some workers and go", 'Nicely done Oliver!', this, of course, was Ray telling Oliver what to say to Reider.




Oliver, Reiter and Conklin along with a bunch of other men were standing in front of a green wall within what looked like a prison, "Get the workers to start digging immediately!", Reiter said with eagerness, they pulled some of the workers in and minutes later they began to dig into the wall.

Hours passed and they were making quick work of digging into the wall, "What do you think's under there anyway?", "Power Mr Queen, power", Reiter patted Oliver on the shoulder and walked away, Oliver, on the other hand, was standing there watching before he felt pain near his abdomen and he felt an almost burning sensation, he quickly walked away as well and thought to himself, 'Crap, if Reiter sees this...', 'Hm? What's wrong Oliver?', 'Oh, hey, its the tattoo thing that Constantine gave me, it's starting to glow up', 'Oh, I see, I'll hide it for you in the meantime', 'Thanks', 'No prob'

The tattoo still burned but Oliver knew that he's been through worse so he bore with it, he then decided to rest so he went to his bed and took off his shirt, showing a body full of tales, bruised and scarred throughout and recently he got some new ones as he had to, in the end, get the map from the submarine, they weren't as big as in the original but scars none the less.

During his sleep, or more specifically the dream he was having he woke up exactly where he slept only to see a hooded figure at the door, Oliver had a constant feeling that he knew was there and saw the hooded figure step towards a light in the room, it was 'Shado', she sat down next to Oliver and they began to talk...




Oliver woke up to the noise outside, groggy as it was still relatively early as well as confused by the dream he just had and saw some of the other guards pass his door, he quickly got dressed and saw that Conklin was waiting outside for him, "What?", "Good your awake, Reiter's looking for you, follow me", the pair went on a truck to where Reiter was waiting for him near the dig site from yesterday in another room where he was sitting down with the maps he was provided with by Oliver.

Reiter looked up as he heard people enter the room, "Ah, Mr Queen", "What did you need", "Nothing much, just a...talk, do you believe in destiny Mr Queen?", "I'm more into free will", Reiter gave a small laugh and then carried on, "These maps conceal deeper truths, secrets I couldn't uncover without more information until you brought these to me, destiny Mr Queen", "Your point?", "I feel that there is more in your destiny", Oliver stopped paying attention as he slipped his hands into his pockets and in his right pocket he felt something that wasn't there before, a hand circular object and he took it out, a stone with odd inscriptions, Reiter saw this and his eyes widened, "Where did you get that?!", "I-I don't know, I didn't have it before, I woke up with it in my pocket, I mean I had a dream about it for a second but then I woke up and came here", Reiter smiled and again said, "It's as I said Mr Queen, destiny", suddenly Oliver heard a voice in his head, 'Oliver give him the stone', 'What? Why? I feel like this is a scenario where I don't give the bad guy a magical stone!', 'It's not that magical and it will make your job easier and Reiter will put a little more trust in you, there are more gains here than anything else', Oliver inwardly sighed and handed the stone to Reiter who then began to look back at the stone and the maps, Oliver watched him work from a distance and saw him smile and say, "It's the last key!", and he carried on.

Conklin came in and looked at Rieter work and raised a brow more a second and then looked back at Oliver who was leaning against a wall and whispered, "What's he doin'?", "Something to do with a rock with inscriptions on it, maybe he's trying to find out what it means", they both went outside the room but still stayed near just in case Reiter called for them again and Conklin began to talk, "All this magic mumbo jumbo, Reiter doin' all this, it ain't easy believing it myself, sigh...", they stayed quiet and then went back to watching the workers in the other room that they then decided to go back to and watch.

A little while later Rieter called for Oliver again and he smiled in joy, "Mr Queen, thanks to the stone you have brought me, I have finally figured it out, legend tells of a hidden place, within which lies a device of untold power, the quest to find it, requires one who has been granted the passage by the gods, I believe that person is you", before Oliver could reply, Conklin, ran in and said, "Boss, they broke through the wall", "Quite the timing don't you think Mr Queen, destiny awaits! Come I need you at my side when I claim my prize"

Conklin and Oliver were a few metres away from Rieter as he went up to the hole in the wall and he said, "Can you feel it? The energy, primordial!", the lights around them began to flicker on and off and make a slight fizzing sound close to a buy being fried, "What is that?!", Oliver said, "Destiny, Mr Queen!", then some of the lights exploded and they all retreated backwards, a ghostly figure appeared in front of them and began to speak in an ancient language.

(A/N: I say ancient language but imma just put it in English as it's from Ray's point of view and he can basically understand any language)

The figure began to speak with an ominous echo in its voice and said, "Destiny? No. We are something far greater... No stranger shall pass!", Rieter looked at Oliver and said, "What's he saying?", "It's not good...", Rieter then gave a signal to one of his men to start firing but to no avail and then it carried on with its speech, "You shall die for your violation.", everyone ran for the door but Rieter pointed his gun at Oliver, "What are you doing?!", "Proving what I know about you is true", "Rieter!!", Oliver shouted but he had already locked the door.

Oliver began to get some distance but then his tattoo started to act up again and glow with higher intensity, the ghostly figure saw this through Oliver's clothes and said, "You...you are worthy to pass!", and faded away, Oliver looked at the tattoo on his abdomen and then back at the hole in awe, seconds later Rieter and the rest came back in the room, "Rieter, you son of a bitch!!!", "I assure you, Mr Queen, I had all the faith in the world that you would survive", "Yea?! But what about everybody else!", "You are my only concern, we've gotten this far because of you, now let's finish it, you can have my apologies later", Rieter gave a torch to Oliver who begrudgingly took it and he took his first step into the hole leading into a cavern.

The began to walk seeing broken pieces of wood and chains above them in the narrow stone walls and eventually, Rieter stopped and walked into another room, light from above daunting on a totem on an altar with steps and pillars behind it, Rieter walked in front this time and Oliver said, "Well now that you've gotten what you want, you don't need me-", "No! This isn't the ned Mr Queen, it's the beginning!", "Of what?", Oliver replied, "I grew up in a small village in Africa, a country whose name has changed a dozen times over the years... One day bandits came to my village, they wanted water, and gold and women. Once they left with them, the only thing remaining of my village was...ash. My home and everyone I loved was wiped from the earth and I was helpless to stop it. And I swore that I wouldn't feel helpless again!", "So killing all the people your holding hostage is gonna help you not feel helpless? How does that make you any different than the people that destroyed your village?!", "Oh...It makes me very different...let me show you", Reiter got out his gun and was about to shoot one of the hostages but time stopped for everyone but Oliver.

Ray came out, "Well I know I'm not some hero, but I can't let innocents die by some dumbass who uses destiny as an excuse for everything, Oliver, knock out everyone here for my, including the people held captive", "Uh, sure", Oliver took Reiter's gun and knocked him out with it along with everyone else and then looked at the totem on the alter, "Hey do you know what that thing does?", "Yea' it's a stupid item that strengthens the user through each person they kill but at the same time corrupts them with any contempts and negative emotions that they have, it makes me sick quite frankly!", "Yea'...I agree, anyway, what should we do with it? Destroy it?", "Something like this looks easy to break but it's gonna be a little annoying, I could destroy it with a punch but it's built with magically imbued so it has fail-safes among other things I'll just give it to that women but first I need to seal the shit out of it! Wait, it's connected to Reiter so he may die... welp, I don't care", Oliver heard this but he also didn't care, quite frankly he wanted to kill all the other guards here, "Okay...Oh, I know!", Ray went up to the totem and heard it try and manipulate him, "Pfft, you think that it's gonna work on me?! Piss off!! Ahem!", Ray cleared his throat and then said, "HORVUTAH ENSOSIN GROHIIK!", Ray used a new shout which made a red energy net covering the totem and then used, "GOL HAH DOV!", the bend will shout which covered it in a sphere of yellow commanding energy, the two shouts made the totem die out of any power it held and Ray then carried it with him, he then saw Reiter grow pale and heartbeat stop, Ray then made sharp pieces of ice and then used telekinesis to move them above all above the guards knecks and pierced their knecks and ended their lives, Oliver watched this but then went back above to free all the rest of the prisoners.

(A/N: It means to catch, bewitch and bind)

Ray then did the same to Reiter as a precaution and then melted all the ice to get rid of the evidence of magic being used and went up with Oliver who was freeing the people in the cells, "Oliver there are still guards outside, we need to take them out", Oliver nodded and went and looted a gun that was lying around and went outside, Ray teleported to the other cells and freed the other people, "There's a plane, follow the other people and the rich boy(Oliver) to it", "Th-thank you! *sob* *sob*", eventually Ray reached a certain cell with a certain man in it, "So your Vlad?", "Yes", "Your sister is still alive, the rich boy didn't kill her but kept her hidden come on", "R-really?! Thank god!", he began to tear up a bit and ran outside helping people to the plane.

Ray heard gunfire and knew that it was Oliver killing the remaining guards, soon enough everyone was free and the guards dead, the pair met up, "What are you gonna do with the totem now?", Oliver asked, "Well it's basically useless now that I've sealed it but you can give it to that women now.", Ray got out Oliver's A.R.G.U.S transmitter and called for them to tell them the mission was over.

An hour later a few planes showed up, "Oh, I'll need to stay in your shadow for a while I guess...", "Uh, sure, wait, Taiana! I almost forgot!", Oliver ran towards where he left her, he ran into the cave and then he quickly told her that Reiter was dead and she could leave the island now, they ran towards Reiter's plane where all the prisoners were waiting and the A.R.G.U.S people were getting rid of the bodies.

Oliver saw Amanda Waller and walked up to her o give her the totem, "Here's the item", "Oh! Oliver", they then began to talk and she told him about how what he did wasn't wrong and he upheld justice and that she could still use a man like him but he declined and decided to go wit Taiana instead, 'Hey Oliver', 'Yeah?', 'Imma head back to Starling City'

Ray went out of Oliver's shadow and turned invisible teleporting onto an A.R.G.U.S plane and headed back to the city...

I was busy as fuck!!! But it's basically done now so I'm back to writing chapters

Anyway, you can support me on P.A.T.R.E.O.N link below -


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