
You're Very Handsome

The woman approached the mutilated lioness, who was still trying to get up while mumbling Archer's name. But the evil woman stopped as an object flew toward them, and she saw her husband crashing into a nearby lake.

Ceasing her assault on the girls, she hurried to the man's side. In her absence, Archer emerged. Upon witnessing their condition, panic gripped him. 'They're injured! I need to help them before that couple returns.'

His violet eyes were glowing in rage, but he saw Nala and Llyniel badly injured. They looked like they were dying. Archer rushed over to them and gathered them together. He cast Cosmic Shield around them and Aurora Healing on the two, but it was too late.

The woman reappeared in the new clearing the battle caused, looking angry. Archer stood up and sensed the other girls not far away cast Azur Cannon at the shield and sent it flying in their direction.