
You're My Rabbit

Archer glanced at the Kraken Princess and immediately noticed her sweating profusely. Teuila's labored breaths broke the silence, prompting a thought to cross his mind. 'Is it because of their other forms?'

Concerned for the duo, he quickly cast Mana Manipulation on both of them and spoke firmly. ''If this keeps up, you two might need to return to Draconia. I don't want either of you to suffer.''

''It's the southern coast of Avidia,'' Aurelia revealed as she used a cloth to wipe away the sweat dripping down her beautiful face. ''Sea races struggle here with the intense heat. We can travel throughout the day, but only for a couple of hours.''

Archer looked concerned and walked into a nearby portal only to open a portal to the Domain's giant sea before speaking, ''You three go swim for a few hours. Eve and I will continue until it's nighttime.''