
What Battle Witches Can Do

[The girl's POV]

[Before they all were sent back to the domain]

Hemera cast her healing magic over the fallen wood elf and lion girl. The wounds started to heal and close, which caused the bleeding to stop. The sun elf thought to herself. 'I hope they are okay. I can only do so much and need someone who knows better healing spells.'

Nefertiti and Hecate joined in by giving the sun elf their mana, which allowed her to cast the spell. As they were tending to the two girls, Teuila shouted to everyone. ''Enemies incoming! Get ready to fight.''

Hemera told Nefertiti and Hecate to help hold off the creatures, which they agreed to. The two rushed over to Teuila and Talila, who were ready to fight. The house and protective enchantment lie in a mess and wouldn't offer them any protection to the incoming onslaught.