
Wait By The Bridge

''During the Great War of Avidia where nearly every power on the southern continent was embroiled in a horrifying war,'' Maria spoke while leading them to a bench before continuing her story.

''I was part of a small kingdom known as Arindale, which bordered the Whispering Wave Sea, but one day, our neighbor invaded and killed the royal family, forcing the surviving people to flee, and that's when your representative appeared and told us about the Al-Maseeh At-Tinyan who is the coming savior who will save us, and that's when decided to join your kingdom,'' Maria concluded.

Archer nodded in understanding, ''It's good you're alive and well in Draconia. We need more people like you.''

When he said that, the older woman's eyes gleamed with devotion as she bowed again, causing Kassandra and Leira to giggle at the worshipper's reaction. After that, Archer asked about the harbor, and Maria took them on tour.