
Underground Exploration

Archer continued to watch the waves of mana shells, magic, and arrows for an hour as the Dragonfire Company didn't stop firing. This allowed enough time for the infantry to set up outside the wall before the creatures slammed into their shieldwall. 

The force of the Swarm Creatures' charge pushed them back, but the shieldwall held firm. The Dragon Legionnaires in the center pushed the enemy back while the large monsters pushed back the Dragonblood Knights on the wings.

Elara appeared next to them before shouting out orders to the Dragonblood Knights and Dragon Paladin commanders to reinforce them. As Archer observed his army fighting with the mutants, he spotted a dust cloud in the distance.

'Lucian is back. Now this will get interesting,' he thought as Sera cast her Infernomancy magic on a group of trolls, causing them to burn.