
Too Much Mana

[Hemera & Talila's POV]

The two elves sprinted across the battlefield and soon found another tunnel they ran down while the creepy creatures chased after them.

Hemera turned around and started casting one of the new spells she had learned while studying in Archer's library. ''Sunfire Birds.''

Talila saw bright orange birds suddenly appear around Hemera and shoot off toward the creatures rushing down the tunnel.

'They are beautiful.' The mixed elf thought to herself as she watched her aunt's spell.

When they connected with the creatures, it caused explosions that shook the tunnel, which gave the two women time to get further ahead of the beasts.

Hemera started sprinting, followed by Talila, who had her bow ready but only now realized she wouldn't need it.

The two ran for an hour until they came to a fairly decent-sized chamber, and when they stopped, Talila turned around and aimed her bow back the way they came.