
The Birth Of The Draconia Kingdom

[Aisha Ashcroft's POV]

That's when her advisors and friends told her to leave for the Western continent to find this so-called white dragon. She never knew her grandfather had been watching her, thanks to his childhood friend, who was one of her bodyguards.

As they joined the river leading to the Avalonian's capital, they were ambushed by pirates chasing them from the southern continent. When Aisha saw this, she ordered the remaining sailors to attack.

However, the moment proved untimely, for the pirates swiftly closed in and boarded her vessel. As the battle erupted, she realized that victory was slipping away. Desperate, she hastened toward her cabin, where her mother and family hid.

But she was cut off by a large human pirate who grinned at her before commenting. ''Now we got you, dragon girl. The prince will pay a pretty price for your beautiful self.''