
Snow Fall

Archer nodded before speaking. ''Thank you, Mele. To be honest I only did it for Teuila I wasn't looking for a reward.''

When Teuila heard Archer's heartfelt words, she initially looked at him in surprise, but her astonishment soon transformed into a joyous giggle.

She playfully teased, "I thought you were a greedy dragon who only did things for gold."

Archer shook his head with a warm smile and replied earnestly, "I did it for you and the others. You girls mean a lot to me."

Teuila's eyes sparkled with appreciation, and she reached out, taking his hand gently. "Thank you for saving me at Seastone."

Archer reciprocated her smile and proceeded to engage the trio in a conversation, sharing stories about his adventures and experiences since his last visit to the Southlands.

Lashure mentioned that they had expanded their influence, taking control of half of the Southlands, while the Zenia Empire had claimed the rest.