
Rest And Recover

Landing Ships rushed across the chaotic sea as the Alliance bombarded them for the fortresses. Nala got annoyed at this before flinging hundreds of Earth Bolts and Bombs at them.

As Olivia's voice cut through the chaos, the spells sliced through the air and peppered the enemy, ''Ladies, your craft is ready to leave; the first wave has disembarked.''

Nala, Talila, Demetra, and Elara nodded determinedly before walking deeper into the ship, where thousands of soldiers rushed about, ready to join the battle. The white-haired woman stopped at a large bay that opened to the sea outside.

When the Demon Shark saw this, she got excited and said, with a big smile, ''I will go and cover the second wave's approach. Reports said the Alliance ships are encircling us.''

''Don't worry about that; the 1st will destroy them,'' Olivia exclaimed, causing the surrounding soldiers to cheer.