

[Ella, Leira and Halime's POV]

Once their lessons were over, the trio left the college and went to the city to get something to eat.

While walking down the street, Leira turned to Ella and asked worriedly. ''Do you think they're okay?''

The half-elf nodded with a smile before answering in a concerned voice. ''They should be okay, but we don't know until Archer contacts us.''

Leira sighed but didn't say anything else until Halime spoke. ''I'm sure they'll be alright. They are with him after all, and he won't hurt them.''

The two worried girls calmed down, but that's when Ella quickly reacted and cast an Earth Shield that stopped a surprise attack.

When the other two saw this, they reacted instantly and got ready to cast magic.

Once the attacks stopped, they looked in the attacker's direction and saw over a dozen people covered in black standing there.