
Missing Legions

Archer was sleeping while cuddling up to Mary and Sera when the door slammed open, causing him to wake up. He shook his head and saw Teuila, Talila, Hemera, and Nefertiti wearing their armor.

The Aquarian Princess said, ''The Swarm is attacking our homelands, and this time, it seems more serious than the previous ones. We're heading back to help as our family contacted us.''

When hearing this, Archer cast Blink to get out of bed as he spoke, ''Who's going with you?''

''Everyone apart from Kassandra. She will keep you out of trouble while we're gone,'' Teulia replied while the other girls kissed him.

Ella spoke up next, her voice clear and determined. "I'm journeying to the Oakwood Kingdom with Llyniel. Meanwhile, Hemera, Hecate, and Talila will be returning to Mediterra. And Luce is accompanying Nala to lend aid to the Lionheart Kingdom while Nefertiti head to the Zenia Empire."