
Just This Once

Archer grinned as the goddess approached the bath, but his gaze briefly fixated on her body as her unnaturally large boobs jiggled at every step.

However, he quickly regained his composure, aware of her immense power, and relaxed as she entered the water.

She sat across from him, a knowing smile adorning her face. Archer, although tempted, shook his head and greeted her with a grin. "Hello, my goddess. How have you been?"

"I've been good, Arch," Tiamat responded.

She leaned back in the hot water, her expression serene as she continued, "I brought you here today to tell you that in five years, the Swarm will reappear."

Archer's laughter in response to her warning left the Dragon Goddess puzzled, though she was well aware of his unpredictable nature.