
Just Leave Him Alone

Archer nodded in agreement when he heard Sagana's response, and then he spoke, "Can you take the group back to the domain and let them see the doctor?"

Sagana smiled and jumped back into the portal. Meanwhile, he walked over to the cage.

He summoned his claws and ripped them open. Sagana and a group of dragon-kin women appeared, carrying blankets.

They rushed to the traumatized girls and started guiding them into the portal, assuring them that they would be safe.

Teuila watched all this unfold and spoke when the last girls vanished. "Arch, why are you helping that group of girls?"

He sighed before telling her the truth. "Well, they were brutally abused for god knows how long. What they need now is peace and not more stress. The dragon-kin can help them. Then, if they want to leave, they are more than welcome to."

She nodded in agreement with his decision, and the two of them went on to search for the treasure, which they soon found.