
I'm The Shadow Prince Remember

Archer watched as the Earth Dragon's blood splattered the tunnel walls, which caused the Hydra sisters to roar in excitement as they witnessed his strength. Then, he continued down the tunnel and occasionally ran into more monsters.

With a swift punch, Archer dispatched the dragon, but this time, he kept the bodies for the Nightmare Ants he planned to summon. After ten minutes, he called for the creatures, and they quickly began burrowing through the ground.

'It shouldn't take them too long,' he mused. 'They can dig fast.'

When the ants finally spotted him, their excitement was palpable. Their mandibles clicked in anticipation as they hurried toward him. Archer watched with satisfaction as they surrounded the fallen dragon, ready to feast on their prize.

''Don't eat anything just yet!'' he ordered, causing the ants to retreat. ''Take the corpses back to your nest and tell the queen I will see her soon.''