
I'm Going To Capture It

Once Archer cleaned the bed and women, he grabbed both of them before pulling them into a warm hug. Maeve had a sweet smile as she laid her head on his left shoulder while sleeping as Ashoka took the right.

Her tail wrapped around his forearm, which made him smile as he soon fell asleep as the storm outside battered the cabin. The following morning, Archer woke up only to see his breath thanks to the cold weather.

'Damn Frostwinter. I hate this season,' he thought with a sigh.

He quickly used Blink to get out of bed and walked over to the nearby window only to see the storm had calmed down which made him think, 'We can head home soon, but I'll leave some Dragon Marines, Maeve, Nala and Ashoka behind to guard the fortress.'

Following that, Archer made his way out of the bedroom and to the kitchen, where he started making some tea as the women were sleeping. Ten minutes later, he slumped into a nearby chair with his drink.