
Get The Legions Ready

Archer went to kiss Teuila, but sudden explosions rang out as an enemy attack peppered the fleet. He jumped out of bed and made his way over to the window, only to notice the shield lighting up thanks to blocking the ambush.

An alarm rang out, causing the sailors to get into the battle stations as the 1st Fleet returned fire. He spotted a horde of Alliance and Swarm ships heading straight for them, causing him to smile.

''What's going on Arch?'' Teuila asked as she appeared beside him with a sheet wrapped around her body. 

''The Alliance is attacking,'' he explained before making his way to the bridge to see Olivia.

Following that, when Archer entered, he noticed the crew rushing around as the ship's cannons erupted. He watched as a wave of mana shells flew across the air before slamming into the enemy vessels.