
Deep Below & The Winterclaw Legion

[Verdantia Continent]

Subterra, a concealed realm beneath the surface of Thrylos, stretches with an intricate network of tunnels hidden from the eyes of those dwelling above.

Within this subterranean domain, a malevolent force known as The Swarm holds sway, instilling fear and terror in its wake.

Among the inhabitants of The Swarm, a race known as Ratlings holds a position of dominance, their origins shrouded in dark and sinister experiments carried out by an ancient dark god.

These winding tunnels are an eerie home to many monstrous and dangerous creatures. The cunning entities within The Swarm have masterfully subjugated and harnessed these creatures.

Molding them into formidable weapons poised to unleash havoc upon the unsuspecting surface dwellers.