
Could Die

Archer nodded at the Aquarian commander with a smirk, ''She's my paternal grandmother, but as a dragon, blood relations are irrelevant to me as this body wasn't what it once was since becoming the White Dragon.''

''Yes, Dragon Prince,'' the commander quickly replied before fading into the crowd.

Just as he was about to speak to Brooke, a red blur crashed into his chest, sending him stumbling backward. It caught Archer off guard, but that's when he felt soft lips kissing his neck and nibbling his ear.

Sera was so excited that happiness sank through their connection, causing him to smile. ''Hello, my beautiful dragon girl,'' he said with a voice full of love as the smell of wildflowers reached his nose. ''I missed you so much.''

The beautiful brown-skinned girl leaned back and stared into his eyes with a radiant smile, ''I love you so much, Archer. Never forget that.''