

The bandit cleared his throat before speaking. "Our camp is located in a cave about ten miles away from here. You got to follow the river until you come to a waterfall. The cave is behind it."

Archer nodded, committing the directions to memory. "But you got to be careful. The cave is well-hidden, and there are traps and guards all around. If you're caught, they'll kill you. So be smart.''

He used his tail to finish off the man by piercing his chest. Archer flicked his tail to get rid of the man's blood. He glanced westwards, his eyes scanning the horizon. Before taking flight, he made a quick round and gathered eleven hearts.

Without delay, he spread his wings and took off, feeling the wind rush past him as he soared over the river toward his destination. As he flew through a small wooded area on the east bank, he saw a group of creatures dressed in ratty clothing running towards a small cave nearby.