
Bank Robbers

Archer flew over Naravo City and used Aura Detector to find the girls; soon enough, he located them. They were on the north wall, surrounded by Lionheart soldiers. He headed in that direction, and a smile appeared when he saw the two blondes.

He reappeared behind them with Blink as Nala said, ''The attacks have slowed down; the scouts reported the many hordes are heading south.''

Lucrezia nodded, ''Archer is probably on the move, and the Swarm hates that boy with a passion,'' she said with a laugh. ''You heard their commander; they call him a devil.''

Nala giggled as the conversation continued, unaware of Archer's mischievous thoughts. As he admired their figures—Lucrezia's soft curves and Nala's shapely form—he couldn't resist the urge. With a playful grin, he reached out and gave their behinds a quick pinch.