
Anything I Want

Archer and Morena went to all the prisons in Florida and kidnapped thousands of scumbags. Once they were all cleared out, the duo paid the scared taxi driver before returning to the Domain where Demacia was waiting.

The black-haired necromancer's blue eyes glowed as she spotted them, ''Did you get the prisoners?''

''Yes, little sister,'' Morena replied with a knowing smile. ''Prepare the north and east cells while I handle the south and west.''

Demacia nodded eagerly, his excitement barely contained as he followed the older woman toward the southern prison he had built for them. Soon enough, they arrived at a thick metal door.

Morena turned to him, her smile widening with satisfaction. ''Each of the four prisons can hold thousands of humans, more than enough for our needs. And we can create Death Knights from the first fifty prisoners to serve as our guards.''