

Mele gestured for the trio to join her on stage. Archer, Teuila, and Ella climbed the stairs, As they approached the beautiful Queen, a warm smile greeted them.

"Come, stand by my side," Mele beckoned, arranging the three next to her, their presence adding to the regal ensemble.

They stood alongside the other members of the Royal family. King Lashure, adorned in his majestic Royal attire, stood tall on the stage, a beaming smile on his face.

Standing beside him were two dignified figures, Emperor Amkhu Sharifi and King Rayhan Samra.

Turning around to address the two men, King Lashure spoke with a tone of camaraderie and joy.

"Emperor Amkhu Sharifi and King Rayhan Samra, it brings me great joy to see you here with us today."

Emperor Amkhu stood tall, his sun-kissed complexion and deep brown hair and eyes emanating an aura of wisdom.