
Things have to change

Chapter Six

Cameron slept silently in his bed, when his phone buzzed, he ignored it at first, but when the sound never turned off he pulled himself up and took his phone from the charger.

"Why is Aiden calling me at this time?" Cameron wondered to himself.

He picked up.

- Hey Cameron. You know how you told me to find Abbie's brother Addie right?


- I followed him and his friends to the Power Plant, they're planning on turning off all the power in the town

"Wait- wait what?!" Cameron closed his other eye, "Their planning on turning off all the power?!"

- yeah... I don't know why, but it's their plan.

➜ [ Middleton [ Power Plant ]

Crash-spring crashed down besides Aiden shocking him a small a bit.

"Why didn't you turn into the fast guy?"

"Believe me I wanted to, but the Omnitrix thought something else."

"Anyway, there's our target and his group of friends." Aiden informed.

"That's those rebellious people." CrashSpring noticed.

"Rebellious people? Like people who don't follow the rules?"

"I guess yeah, but their group is called Rebellious and their all about justice for school students and school is prison."


CrashSpring knelt down, "I think so." He said before hopping off.

Addie, and the Rebellious group were about to jump over the gate when CrashSpring crashed in front of them.

"Stop right there Addie!" CrashSpring exclaimed.

Addie and the Rebellious group took a turn to the alien. One of the rebellious groups members stepped forward.

"Alien hero, I am Clinton, and I ask that you lend us your hand in stopping the continuation of school."

"Listen to him." One of the female members stepped forward, "We're not bad people, we're all doing this because we want everyone to be free from that hell scape known as school."

"I- i- I c- can't let you do that." CrashSpring said with difficulty since deep inside he wanted school to end, but if he let them go through with this the whole town would be effected. "Look I know I'm gonna regret saying this, I'm literally regretting it right now, but I can't allow you to end school."

"Once more the justice system failed us..." Clinton said with his head down.

"No!" Addie exclaimed, "We have to continue with this, we can't just stop our course because some injustice hero wants us to stop."

"Addie don't-"

"-No! Highschool has changed so much of my life and because of that it deserves to be put down and just maybe when that happens everything will get back to normal..."

"You can't-"

A large sphere crashed near the power plant. Everyone turned their attentions over to the sphere. The sphere opened up and stepping outside was; Tecknorg, Tamer, and Grasp. The three locked eyes with CrashSpring who knew what was about to happen next.

"The five of you need to leave now!" CrashSpring ordered, "Leave!"

The rebellious group ran off. Addie stayed behind and switched his attention over to the Power Plant.

CrashSpring moved over to stop Addie when Tecknorg shot green energy against him sending the alien back. The Vulpamance came rushing toward Crash-spring who struggled to pick himself up from the recent attack from Tecknorg.

The Vulpamance jumped at him and he leaped back into a flip. Crash-spring landed perfectly and seconds after sprung forward tacking the two Vulpamancers down. CrashSpring turned his attention back to Addie when Grasps came flying down with an axe handle slam.

CrashSpring pushed his head forward clashing with the double axe handle slam. A small shockwave occured between the two before they were both thrown back.

CrashSpring lands with a slide back, "What the hell?" He ends up asking himself, "These guys were working together? That explains why they had the same goal and that four armed f-"

"Give us the Omnitrix!" Grasps asked out loud.

"I'm telling you that, that doesn't work. We both tried it, this kid doesn't understand giving up."

"Tecknorg wants kid dead!"

"We all want him dead and too succeed we need to work together on this."

"Tecknorg doesn't follow anybodies orders!"

Tecknorg spat forward a ball of energy at CrashSpring, but instead of targeting him the ball went straight toward Addie. Aiden quickly ran out from where he was hidden and took the shot.

"Aiden!" Addie was shocked, "What are you doing here?"

"Get out of here!"


"If you ever want to see things become the way they were again I suggest you leave right now!"

Addie nodded and sprinted off. A Vulpamancer charged forward. CrashSpring kicked the Vulpamancer back then immediately a green energy ball came spiralling his way. He leaped above the attack and when he raised his head he was met with Grasps above him.

Grasps threw his arm down and a red flash surrounded the area. When the red flash dimmed down Cameron fell hard onto the ground, he avoided the attack.

"That watch of yours is the first one to timeout when shit gets real." Aiden said making his way to Cameron's front. "I'll take care of these guys until you're recharged."

Cameron lifts a wooden plank from the ground and stands in the ready. "Nah. Let's show these guys what we're made of together."

Tecknorg shot forward a green energy that Aiden tanked as he made his way to the three. The Vulpmancer that charged forward awhile back jumped at Cameron who slammed it back with the plank.

The other Vulpamancer came running. It leaped over Aiden and headed straight down to Cameron where it was met with a smack to the face courtesy of the wooden plank.

"You guys think you're so tough, but a simple plank to the face can take you down."

Grasps tried punching Aiden who slid underneath him and then punched Tecknorg in the face twice. Grasps from behind punched Aiden into Tecknorg who was in front of him.

Aiden struggled to pick himself up following the punch. Grasps leaped into the sky for a strong stomp.

"Watch out Aiden!" Cameron exclaimed.

Aiden without turning rolled off of Tecknorg which resulted in Grasps crashing down onto Tecknorg.

"You owe me for that one." Cameron notified while eying the Vulpmancer.

"Don't act like me helping your ass doesn't count."

Grasps lifted Aiden by the collar. Cameron threw his wooden plank into Grasps face angering the alien enough them to let Aiden go and turn their attention over to Cameron.

"Would you look at that... It seems as if my plank must have slipped somehow."

"You've messed with us for the last time!"

"Cameron! Behind you!"

Cameron ducked down sending the two Vulpamancers over him and straight into the face of Grasps. Grasps caught the two and tossed right into Aiden.

Grasps charged toward Cameron like a bulldozer. Cameron timed his second and jumped out of the way before Grasps could crash into him.

"Cameron move!"

Cameron moved to the left and Aiden clapped his hands hard together sending off a strong shockwave that pushed Grasps almost off his feet.

"That felt like I was being punched by myself, but stronger..."

Aiden smiles as he get up, "I have a very special ability."

The Omnitrix glows green, Cameron pressed the buttons on the dial, "So do I!" He exclaimed as he slammed his palm down onto the dial.

A green flash surrounded the area. Camerons body was pulled into the ground. An arm pushed out the ground then an entire wooden alien pulled out.

Woodworks pushed in forward and punched Grasps point blank in the face. Woodworks pulled back passing Aiden and then punching the two Vulpamancers back down.

Grasps cracked his neck and charged forward. Woodworks pulled forward, meeting Grasps halfway with an intense clash between the two.

A small stalemate occured between the two, the stalemate was small because Grasps was stronger therefore he had the advantage and therefore who easily pushed back his opponent. Woodworks thought quick and pulled his entire body back into the ground.

"YEAH LEAVE! I GOT THIS!" Aiden exclaimed sounding a bit out of touch.

Woodworks pushed out the ground with a double fisted uppercut that stuttered Grasps back. Woodworks rotated his body to face Aiden.

"...pussy..." He groaned.

Woodworks turned back to Grasps and was almost by a punch by him, but the alien was quick to pull itself down into the ground again.

A Vulpamancer clawed Aiden who laughed maniacally before clawing it back stronger. The Vulpmancer released a horrific screaming. The other Vulpamancer came charging toward Aiden, Tecknorg stupidly fired at the same second.

Aiden ate the claw from the Vulpmancer and now with it infront of him, it became his shield when Tecknorgs energy ball hit.

"Tecknorg wants to apologise for what Tecknorg had just done."

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!!" Aiden exclaimed before laughing again.

Aiden sprinted forward. Tecknorg looked for something to swallow since he was now out of stocked food. Aiden jumped up and clawed down onto Tecknorgs face.

Woodworks was sent back, but the wooden alien kept to its strength and pushed back in with a headbutt that would've hit if Grasps had not leaped up.

Grasps wanted to crash down onto Woodworks. Woodworks quickly pulled his body out of the way. Grasps grabbed Woodworks by the head and pulled the alien out of the ground.

"You're being difficult Omnitrix holder."

Grasps slammed Woodworks onto the other side of the field. Woodworks quickly dug his fingers into the ground.

"Maybe if you were more willing then you wouldn't be in this position."

Grasps tried to smash Woodworks onto the other side of the field, but couldn't then he noticed wooden links holding his arm down. Woodworks rooted his stem back into the ground and then threw his hammer arm forward.

Grasps was sent flying back. The four armed alien landed sturdily on their two feet. The Vulpmancer made their way toward Woodworks who ducked into the ground and then appeared behind them.

The four armed alien saw their opportunity and ran forward to tackle Woodworks. Aiden threw his body in the way of Grasps, but he simply rammed him away and then tackled into Woodworks.

Aiden still in the air was shot in the stomach by one of Tecknorgs energy balls. The energy sent him crashing into the power plants electric grid short circuiting the grid and taking all the power away.

"I STILL HAVE FIGHT! THAT WON'T TAKE ME DOWN!" Aiden said struggling to get back up from the shock he endured.

Grasps approached his foe. Woodworks planted his fist into the ground and grew out behind him ready and punched Grasp in the face. The Omnitrix released a red light returning Woodworks back into Cameron.

"Ten minutes passed already?" Cameron groaned, "It's fine... The power is out, Aiden and I can regroup and think of what to do next."

The Vulpmancer tried to bite Cameron who rolled out of the way then kicked one of them in the face.

"Get away from you ugly mutts!" He shouted pushing himself away from them.

"My mutts aren't ugly."

Cameron turned around and faced Tamer. Tamer gave him the scariest smile he would ever see.

"Dude ever heard of false teeth?"

Tamer went on and tried to grab Cameron who rolled away and then stood and backed away.

"How are you guys able to see me in the darkness?" Cameron asked.

"Haven't you always wondered why Vulpmancers don't have eyes?"

"Those things- wait they actually don't have eyes."

"Yep, they see using thermal vision."

"Thermal vision? Wow that's so cool." Cameron said sarcastically.

"Thank you."

Grasps grabbed Cameron by the cap of his jacket. He lifted the boy up as if he beat him.

Cameron slipped out his jacket and ran behind Grasps when the Vulpmancers charged to attack him. With the Vulpmancers distracted he could finally escape.

In the night Cameron sprinted over to where Aiden was. He climbed over the electric grid and silently made his way to Aiden. The two hid behind the grid.

"My head hurts man."

"What the hell dude?!"

"What's the problem?"

"Why the hell did you go all berserk out there, you were literally eating shots and laughing about it. That was insane."

"I'M NOT INSANE!" Aiden held his head in pain, "Sorry..."

"Dude are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's the plan?"

Cameron checked the time on his phone, "I need about like a minute or two... We have to map out an idea."

"This two against four fight is difficult, especially when they have that beast of a thing."

"The four armed guy is practically the guy throwing all the blows, the other two are distracting us from attacking the guy."


"How haven't those dog stuff detected us yet? I thought they had thermal vision."

"We're hiding behind electric generators that have stored inside from the electricity they generate. It's blocking out our heat signatures."

"Right..." The Omnitrix glowed green.

"So what do you have as an idea?" Aiden raised the same question.

"Nothing... Maybe that's the problem..."

"The fact you have no idea?"

"Yeah." Cameron started scanning through his aliens, "I really want to use Burn Out, but I don't want to risk losing, so in that case I'm going to use someone more smarter and efficient."

"How can I help?"

"Nah it's cool, I think I've got this."

"I'M ALSO A HERO!" Aiden exclaimed.

"Okay jeez. I'll try to fill you in somewhere."

Cameron slammed his palm down onto the dial; Green bubbles onto Cameron's hands leaving a claw in their place. The bubbles headed to his eyes which turned green. With a green flash Cameron was now Static-Brain.

About a minute or so went by and the power activated. Static-Brain walked out from behind the generators with Aiden standing behind him.

"You're an idiot for coming out of hiding."

"Idiot? Why am I not surprised that a simple minded brainless dimwitt like yourself would use such a straight point word... I cannot say I am disappointed, because those type of words are well in your word usage."

"Tecknorg understand not what he said?"

"That's because you're a simple minded Tecknorg."

"Shut up you two, he's stalling for something, I can sense it."

"Stalling for what?"

"I guarantee that you three would be delighted to know the reason for me stalling-"

"-So you're stalling!" Grasps interrupted, "Let's take him out now, neither of us want to keep Mrs Lateya waiting, you know how she is."

"You should be more polite when it comes to your interruptions, I suggest not attempting them at all, but that is just my opinion and that does not matter in this current situation, what does matter is the mystery of this person known as Mrs Lateya, I might be too humble to guess that she is the one that is ordering all your steps?"

"Ordering our steps what?"

"I am not shocked to be straight with you, Tecknorg is a self minded idiot, the Vulpmancer is a coward who is so pathetic that his mindless animals are better than him and you four armed man

... Well you are the only perfect one here... You should-"

"Tecknorg hates insults! Tecknorg is smarter than these fools!"

"Tecknorg can't you see he's trying to-"

"-Quiet you two."

"But Tecknorg-"

"-that doesn't matter."

"Whoa. Who made you the leader here? Who gave you the right to boss us around as if we're idiots."

"Nobody bosses Tecknorg around not even Tecknorgs mother."

"If the two of you haven't noticed, I'm far superior than the two of you combined, I'm no leader nor boss, I'm the person you follow just because."

"So you're trying to say we're below you? Remember that were not in this together after this whole thing is done we're going to be enemies when Mrs Lateya decides the official winner."

"And it's going to be me when that happens. I won't repeat my superiority over you."

"That's true, but when Miss Lateya finds you unconscious on the ground then it will be fair game for all of us."

"Try me..."

Static-Brain sent forward a jolt of electricity the shocked Grasps almost onto his knees. Grasps turned around to face the brain alien, and now with his back turned the two attacked him from behind.

"See? I noticed the little dangling string of dispute they had it just needed a pull to become active."

"You're a genuis in that form Cam!"

"Thank you for the praise, but make sure you are not far too overwhelmed by my genuis, I need you focused so the next phase of my plan may be implemented perfectly."

The three argued and fought with one another for about three minutes before Grasps took them all down. He raised his arm as if he won something.

"Now you're next."

Grasp leaped up. Static-Brain moved in a calculated way and then waited a second before firing a electric ball straight into the face of Grasps who crashed down. Grasps stood up shaking the attack off.

"Good you are in the perfect position."

Aiden sprinted forward and threw his fist against the back of Grasps. The punch was so strong that a sonic pulse of power shot through in between them. The pulse blew Grasps straight passing Static-Brain by an inch and Aiden was thrown down.

"And that is why I needed you to hold that damage you received from being knocked into the generators and being electrocuted."

"Yeah..." Aiden looked at his hands. "Hey uh I think I'm gonna head home dude if that's okay with you."

"Now-" The Omnitrix sent out a red flash, "-what are am I supposed to do with-"

A red flash shined below the hunters and they disappeared on the spot.

Aiden took out his phone and sent a message to an unnamed number the message said; "I'm gonna take that offer."