
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · 漫画同人
38 Chs

Chapter 32! The Chunin Exam! Part 5:-Mitarashi Anko!

I found myself under a large tree and heard a melody.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0NFbGXFXJc)

(Or here: Naruto soundtrack Orochimaru Fighting Theme)


Looking around, I saw Orochimaru standing in front of Anko on a branch. Anko herself was holding her bloody hand.


"You can't beat me, Anko.Orochimaru said slowly.

"You're one of the best shinobi in the village, but how could you not notice that the one you nailed is just a clone?" he was smiling. Orochimaru started to change his face. A second later, the real Orochimaru appeared in front of Anko.


"Why are you here, Orochimaru?" -Anko.

"Come to kill the Hokage?"

- no. Not yet. I was interested in one guy. Tila Uzumaki.


- yes. I met him earlier and he gave me a nice present. Look. I have already removed the seals on it and must test it.Orochimaru took out a wand from the scroll, which began to glow as it fell into his hands. Anko watched in surprise.


"This is an artifact of Manas himself, which he gave to his disciple. "The Wand of Chaos!""what kind of nonsense is this?" I didn't give him any names!

"I'm going to demonstrate its power now.Orochimaru started to smile and pointed his wand at one of the giant trees.

A white beam of light shot out from the wand, and nothing was left of the tree. Orochimaru started laughing.

"Here's a divine artifact!

"N-n-unbelievable! Anko could only say.

"I must study it carefully. If I can recreate such a weapon..., I can destroy all the hidden villages!

"That's not going to happen! Anko objected.

"Oh, my poor Anko. Are you still mad that I left you when you were useless?

Anko touched the seal around her neck.

"Oh, yes. The cursed seal. I was going to give it to Tom Uzumaki, but I couldn't. Are you in pain?" Nothing will pass soon.




Orochimaru pointed his wand at Anko and grinned. Anko closed her eyes and said goodbye to everyone. Anko only wanted to say goodbye to her best friend, Kurenai. No one else in the village liked her. Because of her dark past.

She had already accepted her fate.


-Anko. Everything will be fine! "What is it?" she heard. Anko opened her eyes and saw a guy with red hair standing in front of her. She recognized him immediately. It was that guy. Anko was surprised.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've come to save a beautiful girl.

"What are you talking about?" Get out of here! Anko shouted.

"Don't worry. The wand will never harm its owner.Orochimaru, who was grinning at us, froze.

He tried waving his wand. But it didn't work out.

"What did you do?" Orochimaru looked at me questioningly.

"Like I said, the wand won't hurt me. And in a few minutes, control of the wand will return to me!

- what? I've removed all the seals.

"You're sure of that."Orochimaru looked at the wand and saw a very small seal on the tip.

"I see. Well, see you later! he said and started sinking into the ground. Again!

"You think I'll just let you go?" Fire style: "Great Fireball!"."I blew a fireball right at him.

Orochimaru summoned the "First Gate of Rashomon". They blocked my technique and Orochimaru escaped.


"Whew! He's gone.Anko exhaled.

"Ouch! now she could feel the pain in her arm.

"Haaaa." You're a problem woman, Anko.-I went to her, sat down and took her hand and began to treat her.she blushed.

"Who's talking? "What is it?" she asked indignantly."You even gave him the ' Divine Artifact-Chaos Wand'!"

"It's not the Wand of Chaos, it's the conductor's!"

"I don't care! The bottom line is that it's a powerful weapon! How could you be so careless? Your Teacher will be disappointed! And I'm in you, too!

"Please shut up!"

"Don't you dare shut me up!

"Enough! Otherwise I'll…

"Otherwise, what are you?" - here I couldn't stand it and put my hands on her shoulders and kissed her on the lips.

Shock! She shut up. It really works!

- Universal technique. Applies to all women! I smiled.

Anko touched her lips and pouted.

"THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!!!" Anko released the snakes. Which wrapped around me.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I like you?" I scratched my cheek.

"You're asking me?"

"You didn't like it?"

"That's not the problem!

"You liked it, then?"

- Grrrr. You're pissing me off. I'm going to kill you!"

- Beats means loves!

"Nothing like that!


"Okay, that's enough of a joke. Anko will you come with me? I held out my hand for him to come to me. I scared off the snakes with my chakra.


"To the tower. You need to rest.

"But of course.....

"My father already knows about Orochimaru and get ready!"

"And the weapon?"

"You don't have to worry about that! Anko gave me her hand and we moved.


In my room.


-This is my modest mansion for the duration of the second stage.

"Not bad.

- thanks.

"I never thought that when I was on the verge of death, I'd end up in a guy's room."

"What are you thinking, pervert?"


- Nuuu laadnoo!

"Now what?"

"Get on the bed!"

- what??? Anko's eyes were like saucers.

"Lie down." On. Bed.

"B-b-but I-I-I'm b-not ready!" Do you want to rape me? Anko smiled playfully.

-Anko. It can wait I want to help you!

"How?" "What is it?" she asked.

"I'll break Orochimaru's 'Cursed Seal'.

- what? How will you do it?

"Am I an Uzumaki or did I pass by?"

"That's true enough.Anko lay down on the bed and I sat down next to her.

I touched her neck. Very soft skin.

"Please be patient.

- OK.

I closed my eyes and moved into Anko's inner world.

There I started looking for Orochimaru.

I saw her memories. She was also disliked and overlooked in the village due to her being Orochimaru's student.

She was judged. She felt lonely. But she had a friend! Kurenai. She ignored the rumors about Anko and offered her support and friendship. Anko was happy. Her life began to improve. She had new companions. But still, the seal on her neck was a brand.


Finally in the dark corridor (who would doubt it?) I saw the throne where Orochimaru is sitting.


"Well, well, well. What people.

"Yo! I waved at him.

"Hurry up."he said and closed his eyes.

"I wanted to give you some advice first. You've already lost. You'd better give up.

"You know you're giving advice to a clone.

- yes. But this way I can send a message to your original.

"Hmm." Thanks for the tip, but I have a plan. When that day comes, I will watch the destruction of Konoha and laugh.Orochimaru's eyes filled with amusement.


"The one who laughs last laughs well!" See you at Orochimaru's battlefield."I created an' Energy Spear ' in my hand and threw it at him. The spear exploded and Orochimaru and the dark room disappeared.


I woke up and saw Anko. She was sweating profusely and had a fever. The seal on her neck disappeared and she lost consciousness.


I moved home. I took everything I needed and went to the pastry shop and bought a Dango.


When I got to my room, I undressed Anko, not before the goal of course! I left the purple underwear on. Hehe. I cleaned my clothes with magic.


I picked up a wet rag and started wiping her sweat. After wiping away the sweat, I put a rag on her forehead and covered her with a blanket.

After that, I sat down on a chair near the bed and picked up the manga "Wanpanchmen" and started reading.


In 2 hours.


Anko woke up and stretched. She felt refreshed. Only now did she notice that she was only wearing her underwear! She immediately wrapped the blanket around her.

"Where are my clothes?" she poked her head out and looked around. Her clothes were washed and packed. And there was a plate of Dango on the table next to her. Her mouth watered and she immediately picked up one of the chopsticks. There was a note.


--"I know you like Dangos. Enjoy it! ---


She looked in the opposite direction. There, she saw a red-haired guy sleeping peacefully.

He was leaning on the bed.

Anko blushed. No one cared so much about her. She gently stroked his hair.

-Thank you! -she said and approached to kiss the guy on the forehead, but he raised his head. Anko kissed the boy on the lips. The guy was surprised. Anko was surprised, but instead of pulling away, she leaned forward. Tila answered her.

Anko was about to take off his clothes, but Tilya stopped her.


"Anko, wait.Tilya pulled away from her.

- what? Anko didn't understand.

"I don't want to take advantage of your condition.- the guy answered. Anko was surprised. Before that, all the guys wanted her just for that, and that's why she never had a relationship. But Thiel refused her. This was something new.

"I thought you liked me."Anko was upset.

"Stupid! I still like you. You just need to know everything about me. After you agree, I won't give you up to anyone.Tilya patted her head.


— yeah. But get dressed first. I can't concentrate."


In a few minutes.


"So you have a whole HAREM?" Anko was surprised.

"Well, yes.

"So that's who Kurenai was talking about! So you were at the ball?

"Oh, you saw us?

"The whole village was talking about you.

"Cho really?"

— yeah. Everyone was wondering who this handsome man was, who had seduced even the unapproachable Kurenai.


"So what?" Can I join your harem?" Anko asked.

- yes. But first we'll go on a date.


"I don't have sex on the first date!" Do not offer sex!


"Ha-ha-ha."they laughed together.

Then they went outside.

"Then we'll arrange a date after the exam!" -Anko.

- OK.


Anko grabbed the guy by his clothes and pulled him over and kissed him.

- Til see you! "after that, Anko disappeared in a whirlwind of Shunshin.


"Tilya..." it said softly. He turned around and saw the girls smiling.

"So that's what you're doing... right?" Little brother... " said Naruko.


"Damn it! I thought.