
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · 漫画同人
38 Chs

Chapter 31! The Chunin Exam! Part 4:-Uzumaki Karin and Orochimaru's Attack!

-Where am I? Who are you? -were Karin's first words.

-Hello. -I told Karin everything.

-You did? Thanks for saving me. She started crying.

-Don't cry. It's okay. What's your name?


-Simply Karin? -Satsuki.


-You don't have a last name? -she asked Naruko.

-I'm an orphan.

-You're from the Uzumaki clan! -I stunned her.

-What? -No one guessed?

-She has red hair. A clear sign of the Uzumaki clan.

-What are you talking about?

-You're from the Uzumaki clan.

-What? -How do you know? -Karin asked.

-I don't know. But everything points to it. Are you from the village of Grass?

-Yes. -When she remembered her village she immediately covered her sleeves.

-Mm? Show me! -I moved closer.


-Show me." I looked at her gravely.

She couldn't stand the sight and showed me her hands. There were bite marks on them.

-God! -Sakura.

-What happened? How did your village let this happen? -she asked.

She lowered her head.

-It's all right.

I walked over and began to treat her scars. I slowly carried out the treatment.

The scars were everywhere you could bite.


-T-tilla! You pervert! -Satsuki, who was watching us, blushed and turned away.

Sakura and Naruko continued to watch me with interest.

-Good. Then will you heal the rest of the scars, Sakura? I'll turn my back for now.


When they were done, I called Karin over here.

-Girls, I'll be right back.

-Okay, we'll be here bro.

I moved home and found Tsunade cooking dinner. Alice and Kurama were negotiating with our business partners.


-Tila? What's wrong?

In a few minutes.

-Got it. I'll even do a DNA test.

-Good. Karin, listen to Tsunade.

I went back to our camp. But the girls weren't there anymore.

-Where are they? -I sensed them 500 meters away.

I ran straight there. Simba's cells told me there was a battle going on.

When I arrived at the scene of the battle, I saw him! Orochimaru himself. Anko's okay, so he got to us first.

He went after the girls.

-Satsuki, Naruko, Sakura! -Orochimaru sent a huge snake at them. I created a Rassen-rengan and punched it, into the snake's head.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the snake disappeared.

-Not bad, kid. -Orochimaru licked his eyes.


-Girls. It's okay.

-What do you want? -I looked at him seriously.

-I wanted to see what the son of the Hokage and apprentice of the so-called "Chaos Rider Manasa" could do!

-Are you a fan or something?

-Yes! -He started licking his lips again.

-Do you know he doesn't pay attention to people with no manners? -He froze again.

-I took your opinion into account.

-No way!

-I don't stick my tongue out in front of people anymore.

-We're witnesses.

-So we have to take you out! -Orochimaru started crawling toward us. His legs turned into a tail. Ewww.

And as he approached, I smiled. He sensed danger and immediately jumped away. And cracks appeared in the place where he was just standing.

-What is it? -Orochimaru was curious.

-Curious! -Orochimaru repeated my thought, taking hold of my chin.

-It's like I'm in Ollivander's shop, buying a wand.


-It doesn't matter. Attack!

-Hmm. "Calling technique!"-he bit his finger and put it against a tree.

-Let's see how you do with that! Attack! -There were huge snakes in the cloud of smoke. Fifty of them.

-Hmm, give me a minute. I have to get ready! You want to see me deal with them? -I put my hand out in front of me.

-I do.

-You'd be surprised.

-I can't wait! -Orochimaru sat down on a branch and watched.

I'll show you again.

I created 20 clones in suits and tools, and three clones in white tuxedos. I myself, changed my clothes to a fancy black tuxedo and a red shirt, and white gloves appeared on my hands. A conductor's wand appeared in my hand. My hair lengthened and developed behind my back.

After looking at the misunderstood girls, I smiled and snapped my fingers.

The girls' clothes changed.

Satsuki now wore a beautiful blue dress. She had crystal earrings. She had black boots.

Naruko wore an orange dress with gold patterns. With orange boots.

Sakura in a pink dress with white gloves. And with pink shoes.

I used magic to turn the earth into glass.

-Shall we begin? -My clones went and asked the girls to dance with them.

The girls tentatively agreed. I waved to the clones. They got ready and began to play. I conducted with my wand. The girls and the clones stood at a distance and got ready. Orochimaru watched with interest and some shock.

И.... Beginning. The clones took the girls by the waists and began to lead them in a dance. They twirled and danced. The girls had embarrassed faces.

Well, with a wave of my wand, I killed snakes. With every swing, the snakes exploded. My clones were playing, and I was killing snakes.

I surrounded the girls with a magical dome, so no guts would fall on them. All the remains disappeared or turned into golden sand.

Orochimaru was fucked up. His eyes were running haphazardly. He watched his snakes die with each note. He was sweating all over himself.

The snakes attacked me, and I dodged and made them explode in the dance. While the clones danced on top of them, it rained gold grains of sand.

The snakes began to spit acid. And I dodged them. You should have seen Orochimaru's face. No one knows what kind of shock he's in but me!

Some genin dancing kills his snakes.

Now that the big snakes were almost gone, the small but poisonous ones started attacking me. They were everywhere, both underground and in the air. But that was no problem. I began to spin around, and my wand began to release jets of fire. Under them, all the snakes disappeared.

One large serpent released a poisonous cloud. This cloud caused the plants to start rotting. Well, I blew them back out with wind magic. The big serpent was unharmed, but there was nothing left of the little ones.

Some of the snakes, using water techniques, started shooting water arrows at me. Right. They're summoning animals, so they're ninjas. As they approached me, they turned into steam before they even reached me. I, on the other hand, was watching Orochimaru. He was thinking like this right now:

- "I've never seen anything like this! Beautiful dancing, but deadly. But how? Why do snakes explode? What is he using? Is this wand some divine artifact given by Manas? I have to get that wand."-then I couldn't stand it and smiled. I knew it wasn't the real Orochimaru, just a clone. I had a good idea! You'll hear about it later! It's going to be hilarious.

The biggest snakes started spitting fire and lightning. Yeah. I wasn't dodging them. I was just circling. The fireballs and lightning, because I was circling with the wind currents, turned around and returned to the snakes.

Unexpectedly, the snakes couldn't dodge it. They died because of their own techniques. Finally, the leaves of the trees began to rise from the ground. They began to whirl before me in a whirlwind. I began to guide them, and they destroyed everything in their path. And then all the snakes disappeared.

The girls and clones were still circling. Oh, how romantic. And then the music ended. I waved my wand a few times, and the clones stopped.

The clones bowed to the girls and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The girls bowed to them, too. They smiled. They seemed to have forgotten that they had been chased by some maniac a few minutes ago. I'm glad they came to their senses.

The other clones are gone, too. Well, I changed my clothes. I was now wearing a white suit and a blue shirt.

-So? Are you surprised? -I smiled.

-Surprised? I'm astonished! -Orochimaru came to his senses and started licking again.

-Now you're going to be even more surprised. I ran at him and held out my wand. Suddenly a sword shot out of his mouth. I jumped back and dropped my wand toward Orochimaru. Orochimaru smiled and jumped to the wand and picked it up.

-Hey! That's mine! My teacher gave it to me! -shouted I.

-So it's true? -His smile got even wider.

-There's a recognition seal on the wand? I can take it off."-Orochimaru began to tighten his grip on the ground.

-Thank you, Tilla-kun. This is for you in return for your gift.-He threw the scroll at me. I stopped and looked at the scroll. It was the "Earth Scroll."

And Orochimaru had literally fallen through the ground.

-Tila! -Satsuki.

-Brother! -Naruko.

-Tila-kun! -Sakura.

-Are you all right?

-I'm fine. Look what he left us. I showed them the scroll.

-The Earth Scroll? -Sakura.

-Yes. -Now we can go straight to the tower. I know where it is.

-So our hike is over?

-Yeah. -You made it. You all did good.

-Thank you for saving us. Satsuki said.

-I'm supposed to protect my girls! -I smiled, but Satsuki blushed and looked away.

-You look beautiful.

-S-thank you! -All the girls blushed and thanked me together.

-So girls, get changed!

-Oh! That's right. Tila-kun, turn around! -Satsuki looked at me demandingly.



-Nothing. Hurry up, I said.

After they changed, I moved everyone to the tower. I've set seals all over Konoha. The Forest of Death was no exception.

When we got there, we opened both scrolls and Iruka-sensei appeared in the smoke.

-Good job guys! You made it through the second stage! -she praised us.

-Thank you!

-Go upstairs. You're the third one to arrive here. Your rooms are 45 to 48.

-Who's first? -She asked Naruko with her finger to her lips.

-Sand's team, our team number 8 is second.

-Mmm. No wonder! Team No. 8 scout squad. -Satsuki nodded.

When I got to my room, I already wanted to go to Gaara.

But then I felt Anko meet Orochimaru and they started talking. After putting the seal in the room, I went to warn the girls.

-Girls, you get some rest. There's something I have to do.

-Okay. But be careful brother! - Naruko came up and kissed me on the cheek.

-I'll be right back.

-Okay! -Afterward, I moved over to Anko.

-Well, we're off then! Iruka-sensei, take care!


We said goodbye and went upstairs.