
Piece Of Junk


—One Week Later—

"Incredible," Louis said with wide eyes as he did a little twirl around as though to better take in the sights. 

Henry rolled his eyes and looked to the side to share an uninterested look with Andor only to see the Fighter's expression was quite similar to the Mage's. 

He let out a sigh. 

This comment by Louis was not the first he had made since they had been on a walk through the Alvareen City streets. It didn't matter how many times Louis saw the structures, he made it clear how impressed he was every time. 

Henry didn't —couldn't— deny that Alvareen was beautiful. The massive buildings with varying districts and bustling streets reminded him of Saint Claret except for the light sheen of snow all over the buildings with the snow always getting thicker as the day went on. 

Alvareen had a wintry beauty about it. It was certainly different from the far warmer Saint Claret and its environs.