
I Did Not Expect That

[You have lost 75 Hit Points]

[Hit Points: 165/270]

"Arr—" Henry started to yell in pain but he was shut up by the werewolf's large palm covering his face to muffle all sounds before slamming him into the mountainside. 

[You have lost 80 Hit Points]

[Hit Points: 85/270]

All the while, the five large claws dug deeper into the sides of Henry's face. 

[You have lost 50 Hit Points]

[Hit Points: 35/270]

"I was curious," the Werewolf said in a deep voice that made it sound like every word he spoke was punctuated by a growl,

"I wondered just how much of a challenge you'd present. How much fun you'd make this for me… I'm disappointed. Killing you will hardly sate me but it will do… Also, the night is young. I can find better prey once I'm finished with you."

While the Werewolf spoke and while Henry groaned into the inside of its palm, he felt a crushing pressure against his head. A pressure that sought to squish it.