
Ch. 3 A Suspicious Grandpa

The Yuletide Party was held in a countryside manor owned by the Ministry of Magic. It used to be the meeting place of the Wizards Council before the Ministry of Magic took over. Now it was used for Ministry functions.

My grandfather, grandmother, and myself rode to the driveway of the manor on a flying carriage. 

I was nearly jumping with joy, it was so similar to an airplane, but so different at the same time. We took sharper turns and I could hear the wind and flapping of the flying horses' wings.

We landed softly on the ground, and a chauffeur took our carriage away. As in it was shrunk down and placed in a small cage. Cool.

When we went to the entry hall a pretty blond woman approached us.

"Lord and Lady Gaunt, I am happy to see you all again," she turned to me, a flirty smile on her face. "And you must be Heir Reigis Gaunt. I was informed the paperwork was finalized only yesterday. Congratulations."

I returned her smile.

"Thank you miss?"

"Grace Poppins. If you wait just a moment I will herald you all in."

"I'd be willing to wait all night if you wish," I teased.

She opened her mouth to reply but my grandfather spoke.

"Don't boy, she's a slut who sleeps with muggle men."

A bright blush of embarrassment lit up the womans face and her jaw clenched.

My own jaw was hanging open as I gaped at my grandfather. That was… terrible.

My grandfather glared back at me, then looked to the woman who was still in shock.

"No need for an introduction inside. Thank you."

My arm was grabbed somewhat forcefully and I was pulled inside.

"She has a daughter with a muggle man despite being a perfectly good half-blood," he said, as though that was an excuse for calling a random woman a slut. "She didn't even marry him afterwards."

"Mother Jess is muggleborn," I almost growled.

I had barely spoken to the woman since awakening in this body, but she had been nothing but kind to me in my memories.

"And she joined your fathers Coven while still in Hogwarts like a smart lass."

"Dear, its not too bad to have Reigis gain some experience, he doesn't need to bring in every girl he sleeps with into the Coven, you didn't," my grandmother placated.

I hadn't been planning on sleeping with her at all, there was no harm in just flirting.

"I don't want him catching some muggle disease."

Both my grandmother and I rolled our eyes. We couldn't catch STD's from muggles anyways. Our magic wouldn't allow it.

"You need to understand boy that sleeping with women like that will lower you in the eyes of the good families of our country. You'd lose potential Coven members. Allies with others of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. They wont respect a man that shags a random muggle loving slut in a broom closet."

"I'm pretty sure I remember you saying you got…" a look of disgust covered my face at the thought. "Willy wet plenty with girls at Hogwarts."

"Yes, and I didn't go around announcing it or putting babies in their ovens. Witches need to be in Coven's to get pregnant by a Wizard. So if you ever sleep with a random whore and she tells you she's pregnant she's lying and probably spread her legs for some homeless mudman."

Alright, my grandfather was a sexist conspiracy theorist, it was official.

"I'm going to apologize to that woman later," I told him.

He glared at me then just waved it away.

"As long as you don't announce the apology or sneak off with her that's fine. Now we need to go and introduce you to the polite members of society."

I already knew this was going to test my patience.

I had been introduced to the Minister, his pet toad, several high nobles, even Mr. Malfoy and Draco Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy was probably the most beautiful person I had met yet. Of course being the sod that he was Lucius had brought three of his wives to show off. He also not so subtly asked if I wanted to take one of his daughters for my Coven. Of course he did that after making a sneakily snide remark about only if I had the capacity to back it up.

I ignored him and his son completely and instead rained down compliments on Narcissa.

She was actually very pleasant to talk to, and in a much more subtle way said Draco's younger sister was very kind and was a perfect copy of herself.

I moved to the table of food and drinks, getting punch for myself and a small plate of fruits.

"Mmm, excuse me?" A sweet accented voice said.

I turned and had to clench my jaw to keep it from dropping. Immediately I felt the shields I spent years developing in my mind react.

A drop dead gorgeous woman only a few years older than myself. She seemed elfin in stature, all soft curves without being overtly sexual. A visible collarbone, gentle swell of medium sized breasts, full kissable lips, and a thin waist that didn't seem like it could exist in real life, where were her organs?

"Monsieur?" she asked in a thick french accent.

Fleur Delacour, the future french champion of Beauxbatons. A part-veela or maybe full veela, I wasn't knowledgeable on the subject.

"My apologies my lady, how may I help you?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"Occlumency huh? Thank you, I prefer not to have drool on my dress. May I grab some fruit punch?"

I moved out of the way and she took a glass. My eyes flitted to the v-neck of her tight silver dress.

"Hmm, it is not polite to stare sir," she said, a smirk on her lips.

"I know, but its hard not to. Though I am sure you get that a lot being a veela."

She raised an eyebrow as she took a sip from her glass.

"You know?"

"I'm well educated. Though sadly enough not to know your name."

Her smile blossomed like a flower.

"Fleur Delacour monsieur, and how about yourself?" she said, sticking her hand out.

"Reigis Gaunt," I replied, taking her hand and giving her knuckles a gentle kiss.

I felt her freeze at a moment when I said that. I looked into her eyes and she was slightly more guarded now.

"Ah, let me guess, my grandfather said something abhorrent."

Her eyes widened slightly.

"I, well, your grandfather-"

"Apparently is not good at making friends. I was talking to a lovely woman on our way in, the herald, and he called her a slut because she had a son with a muggle man."

I shook my head.

"Ridiculous to me, nobody should be able to stop a person from finding their family, regardless of muggle or magical. So, what did my grandfather say to you."

She blushed slightly.

"Not to me, to my mother. After my father died she had a lot of suitors, and one who was particularly insistent. We moved here to get away from all of it. I was twelve at the time and your grandfather said to my mother that he would think about taking her for a ride if she'd give up her children to his grandson."

A bit of punch dribbled out of my mouth as I drank and I had to hurriedly wipe it away.

"That son of a-, honestly I don't know if he hates me or loves me."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Well for one, he wanted Veela to join my Coven, for another he ruined any chance of that happening by acting like a prick."

"Oh so you want me to join your Coven?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll be honest," I whispered moving closer to her ear. "I have the power to have a very large Coven."


"But that also sounds like a pain in the ass. Especially if I just filled it with the first few beautiful women I find. I'd rather have a family than a bunch of sexy bitchy trophy wives."

"Oh, and which would I be?" she asked, taking a step closer.

I could feel her magical allure clash into my mental shields. I could see down the front of her dress and saw that she wasn't wearing any type of bra. If she bent over just a little I'd see her nipples.

"I don't know," I said sadly shaking my head. "It required months of effort to find out. Would you like to start now?"

"How would we do that?"

"Dancing obviously," I said, sticking my hand out to her.

"Not a quick romp in the broom closet?" she asked, a smirk on her face.

Her allure was telling me to let go, take her up on the proposal, but I could see the glimmer in her eye.

"My apologies but I have been explicitly told not to take any beautiful women to broom closets tonight. You will have to settle for a dance."

"Ah, too bad then. I suppose we will have to reschedule it for when you start Hogwarts," she said with a smile taking my outstretched hand.

"I guess so."