
A Fatal Attraction

When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Samy_Davis · 现代言情
15 Chs

Chapter Five

Dani's POV

I can't understand my son, he was so uneasy last night that he didn't seem to be comfortable in bed.

Every time I leave home to the club, I leave my phone at home incase he wakes up or incase if an emergency, he can contact me.

So I was surprised, when he borrowed it from today saying a visitor was coming.

He even joined me in cleaning the house despite his laziness.

I don't know what has gotten into him but I just humored him, after all what can I do? I love the little weird kid

Here I am, in the market to buy some meat and vegetables just incase Ivan was serious about having visitors

Who knows? Maybe his classmate or friends from school decided to visit him at home went home. I don't want him to be embarrassed.

I have a lot of shortcomings with him, so whatever its his request, I try my possible best to grant it.

I left the house in a rush just brushing my hair with my fingers

I was almost already sweating profusely due to the scorching hot sun outside. I look terrible, boyish even but I don't care. It is more comfortable this way compared to the tight clothes I wear to work.

I was about to enter the house when I heard Ivan's voice as if talking to someone inside.

"Why are you staring like that? Don't you still believe that she's my mother?", He said very bluntly to whomever he was speaking to

I don't know what to do with him, he's becoming more and more arrogant as the days go by.

"I just can't imagine that that lady is your mom. It is too far fetched. She looks like a goddess in the night and something entirely different during the day.

What the hell?!

I quickly ran into the house to see who was with my son in my house and met with the shock of my life.

In my living room was my son and Logan, sitting side by side.


"She's here already! Mom your boyfriend is here!" Ivan shouted


"He said you're really beautiful"

"Me? I didn't…" Logan said

"I don't think that's what I heard, Ivan." I said through clenched teeth

"Mama, please don't be mad at…"

"Shut up Ivan!" I yelled at him

"Get out. While I'm still trying to control myself." I threatened Logan

But he remained seated as if he had no intentions of listening to me.

"This is my house and I can charge you with trespassing. How in God's name did you find my house and how dare you come here?" I angrily yelled while staring at him.

"Mom I gave him the address" Ivan quietly said

I whipped my head to look at him and saw him fidgeting with his head bowed. He knows he messed up hence the remorseful look

"Ivan! How could you? Why do you keep doing things like this to me?" I asked really disappointed and angry at him.

He looked up at my face and started crying when he saw just how disappointed I was at him.

"I'm sorry mom!" he yelled in tears

My heart softened a little when I saw how bad he felt.

I took a deep breath and knelt down beside him

"It's okay Ivan, I'll let it go this time okay? But this is not funny." I said as I hugged him

For the sake of Ivan I'll tolerate this annoying man for today.

I really don't understand his desperation to have a father, but I can't blame him. The society we live in makes him believe he's incomplete without one.

I stare at Logan and Ivan as they play with his toy bricks on the ground and I can't help but feel my blood boiling.

Why is he in my house? Playing with my son and deceiving him with his stupid smile.

I know he's just playing along but I don't want Ivan to get his hopes up, he's already very excited as it is

"Let's eat! I announced, using my leg to kick their game.

They looked up at me in surprise and stood up at the same time, I stared at them as they both walked over to the dinning table.

"Don't stare at me too much, you might fall in love and we don't want that do we? He whispered into my ear as he walked past.

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. A few more hours and this will be over

"Baby, will you just stand there? Come and sit next to me, let's eat". Logan said smiling at me like the devil, he's obviously having the time of his life at my expense.

"Yes mom, sit down, the food is getting cold"

I sat down next to Ivan

"Mom, you know you told me…"

"Yes Ivan, I told you not to talk when eating". I said cutting of whatever he was going to say next. With the rate at which he talks I don't trust the next thing that will come out of his mouth.

Most especially anything about his dad.

I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me or looking at me with pity.

So we just ate quietly, everyone focusing on the plate in front of them in the awkward silence.

I was stunned when he suddenly held my hand, pulling me close to his face. In no time my face came so close to his.

My heart pounded as he slowly brought his face closer to mine.

I don't know why, but I automatically closed my eyes, anticipating.

"Here, there's a grain of rice on your cheek". He said as he brushed it away.

And I almost died of embarrassment.