
That's Reassuring

Sadie was miserable and everyone knew it. She didn't want to annoy Fletcher when he clearly didn't want to see her but she probably ended up annoying everyone else instead by asking if they had seen him so often. 

When she heard a knock on the door, she expected it to be Connor or Marlee asking her to come play something but she really wasn't in the mood. Then she heard her husband's voice sounding rather hesitant and she immediately threw herself at him and apologized for what she put him through. 

She had sincerely thought he was mad at her for making him kill again because he hadn't even bothered to check on her but he was shocked that she thought that. Apparently, he had thought the same thing in reverse. That she was mad at him. 

They cleared that up but he seemed surprised and wary that she correctly guessed he killed Dusk. He felt the need to explain himself and she got a lot more than she bargained for out of that.