
He Doesn't Even Know Me

Delia was watching an episode involving creating haute couture involving tie dye, which was considered rather casual, and she couldn't help but wonder if she could do something like that. Tie dye was also retro and everyone knew those trends were making their way back around. 

Goodness knows she had worn plenty of tie dye when she was a little kid. It was very popular back then. 

She thought it could look tasteful if it was done right. Especially with the right color combinations as long as it wasn't too bright. Faded tie dye was way better than the super loud stuff.

"What do you think, Felix? Will tie dye make a comeback?" Delia asked the cat. 

He didn't so much as meow in response. She had come to expect that from him. He wasn't a very chatty cat. He only meowed when he was hungry.