
Comes With The Territory

"So she doesn't care that you're a werewolf but doesn't want to marry you right away because she wants to understand our lifestyle better first," Max clarified after Dane told him everything. 

"Yeah. Honestly, it's about what I expected. Humans are surprisingly cautious." 


"Hey, it's half a win, isn't it? You thought it was too soon for her to be able to accept any of it," Zoe pointed out. 

That was true. Dane had to hold on to that. Ginger was willing to give him a chance but how long would it take before she married him? Years? Decades? He wished he knew. 

Most werewolves he knew got married pretty quickly since there was no point in waiting. When you knew, you knew. Why bother dragging things out? Humans didn't think like that though. She was obviously at least a little skeptical about how imprinting worked.