A fat otaku boy like eroge as much as football, but because of his health situation, he couldn't play the sport that he liked. One day, he play the infamous galge, "Love and Football - Both Must Score!" which combine the football and the galge elements, but.... Well, you know what happen next right? Right?
I love earning or receiving money like normal people. But, actually I love spending more! As a innocent teenager who rarely in good health condition, I never had a chance to spend my time for shopping or wasting money on anything I wanted. All that I have in my past life is the things brought by my parents or my sisters. Thank God there exist the online shopping, so I can buy eroge or galge without embarrassing myself, like begging my sister to buy it. Of course, at first time, she has to teach me how to make purchase and creating an account for the transactions. But, to be honest, she know what I'm buying as I'm using her bank account. All my allowance and donations (from the game live stream) go to her bank. And until I gone into this fantasy world as the main character, she the one who sign and receive my order packaging, thus aware everything that I purchase or do so whatever. It's feel weird, but I allowed it. At least, she just kept silent about it.
As conclusion, this is the first time I went shopping in the real premise, and spending my easy earned cash in this world. I feel nervous just by standing in front the store. The Science Sport Centre in this town is the only store providing the sport equipment and special 'items' (cheat) for my conquest. This place even have special gadgets for me to appraisal the girls intimacy for me to get laid and conquer the main heroine.
"Ting... Welcome..." As I walk into the store, a familiar sound echoed just like the famous convenient shops in my 'past' life. Because of the technology, this store didn't attend by human but you can buy anything by browsing the catalogue that appear in the interface of the special board that located near the cashier counter.
Of course, there are people here to supervise the place, and the person is Dr. Emilia Wolowitz, the owner and the daughter of the famous sport scientist in football field, Sheldon Wolowitz. She seem busy for her research, but may make her appearance when I make the payment later. She actually aware about me because the store equipped with special devices that informed her about any customers that arrived. There even special anti-theft mechanicals - the stun teasers and alarms to counter the criminals.
For her background setting, she open the store as well as her laboratory in this place due to her hostile relationship with his father. She left her home, and accepted the invitation from Amamiya family to open the store here as to develop the football abilities and performance of their territory football teams. She actually not just focusing the football development but creating the bizarre creations, thus making his father going mad with her.
For your information, there are two football teams representing the Amamiya territory -Amamiya United FC which compete in S tier football league, Super Sakura League (mid table team) and Amamiya Town, the secondary team that fighting to avoid relegation in last tier football league, Sakura Championship League, which two tiers below Super Sakura League - below Nation Sakura League. The Amamiya clan tried to increase their players abilities by bringing Dr. Emilia to their providence, yet the only main problem is MONEY. All of her product are quite expensive (1 Pina equals to 1 dollar or 100 yen in our world) and most new and young players don't afford it. That's why the store is very unpopular one and rarely people shop here.
The store also give you an opportunity to do part-time work here, with 100 Pina at the morning time for every Sunday. She need help to organise her stocks and raw materials for her research. But, the requirement to get the job is you must achieve 40 points in your Science stats. Eventhough the pay is quite cheap for the part-timer, if you work here, you can get 50% discounts prices for every products in the next days for one week period. You also can increase your Science stats for +1 permanently every time you work. If you work for 4 time straight (once a week), she will give you a special pill (increase all stats except learning (academic) for +1 (including the bad attributes like Dirtiness and Injury Proneness), therefore save me plenty of time to increase them. So, every 4 weeks or a month, I have opportunities to have one, as long as I work on every Sunday!
I remember that this shop actually lead me to bad ending in early game as I failed in the football scholarship selection trials. That happened in the third game play, as I focus in increasing my Science ability so I can work in the store as early as possible. Of course, I have inherited the stats from the last game, but it's only 10 percent of it. As examples, if my Dribbling stats achieved 40 points, in the next games, it would be 4 points not like the first play, only 1 point. Yet, there actually the stats that you won't inherited from last game, excluding the Learning (academic) - Strength, Stamina and Natural Fitness. Without increasing them, you cannot perform better in the match, thus wasted your other attributes. After receiving the failure, I been roasted by the viewers, but the fans kept increase plenty after that. Like people said, the failure is the mother of success.
For now, I'm planning to work here at coming Sunday, and I got my way now to avoid the last failure by using money. I went to the special boards for my first mission - spending money to buy success like big football clubs. People may wonder why I don't buy after I work here later for discounts, the answer is I need to buff up my ability as early as possible! When I clicked the purchase option link, all the product list appears on my sight.
1. Scout Spectacle – 50,000 Pina (Intimate Appraisal)
This is the first and my biggest priority thing to be brought! This is also the reason why Dr. Emilia father get mad with her, creating this stupid stuff. He actually afraid that people will miss-issued this gadgets in order to snatch people heart. Yet, only protagonist (me) can use this high tech product! I click it and put in my (virtual) cart to buy it later.
2. Workout Gym Set – 200,000 Pina (Natural Fitness, Stamina, and Strength buff)
The biggest cheat and the expensive one! I never have chances to buy this even in tenth play as the prize are quite monstrous! You actually can buy Pina with you real money, but the cost quite high, 10 Pina cost 1 USD! You need 20,000 USD or 2,000,000 Yen for God sake to buy the equipment! But now, the nightmare already end, cause I have money! Enter you in my cart, hahahaha!
"....." Dr. Emilia starring at me with weird face, as she make sudden appearance, standing at cashier counter, waiting for me to make my payment. I thought there was no one here!
"Sorry, I so excited seeing the product..."
"No, please go on..." Her face show that she has no any interest to make conversation with strangers like me, especially the weird one.
3. Special Jogging Shoe – 20,000 Pina (Agility and Pace buff)
Unlike another sport shoes sold in this place, this shoe can buff your Agility and Pace stats permanently, even you didn't wore it. The price actually worth it, and it's very helpful in many ways. Buy it. Control yourself Jimi! Don't laugh like idiot!
4. Stamina Enhancer Potion – 10,000 Pina (Stamina buff – permanent) (Available one per month)
This is one of her dangerous creations, and worth every Pina! In the game, you can only buy one in every month, but I think I can buy more now!
"Tet....." A buzzer sounded as I tried to increase the amount.
"Sorry customer, you can only buy one because it's dangerous to take more that one dose for every one month period." Dr. Emilia open her mouth, explaining the situation with her beautiful voice. For your information, she also the bang-able girl like another girl character other than the main heroine. I never sleep with her but one of the viewer managed to do it and cost him the bad ending. He sacrificed all the time for her, and even with the bad end, he said that it's worth it. Salute to the cultured guy!
"Ok, thanks for the information..."
"Yeah, whatever ever...." She just like cool beauty. 25 years old virgin and single women just great!
"Your smile is disgusting..." Ops, sorry. I'm showing it in my face huh?
5. Complete set of Football cloth and equipment – 20,000 Pina (Balance and Determination buff)
This purchase consists the full gear of football player, including the jersey, boot, protectors and other stuffs related. Actually, you can get it later in the game (after becoming the first team player, mostly in third year) but I wanted it as early as possible! The products giving me a good buff! Off you go, in my cart... And try to act cool....
"Weirdo...." Damn, Dr. Emilia sure attentive to me.
6. Science Journal Complete Set – 50,000 Pina (Science buff)
This product contains the set of scientific research books that related to football, yet pretty useless for football abilities. But, buying this increase +5 for your learning ability, Science stats, thus important for me to work in this store. When I look at Dr. Emilia, she avoid my stare, but showing started reaction. I don't know what happened to her, but I ignored it to continue my purchase.
7. Full Set Special Sand Weight (arm and leg) – 25,000 Pina (+1 Strength per day if wore 24 hours)
Like some anime characters with yellow turning hair when he power up in training arc, I buy those product in order to strengthen up my ability. The unique thing about the product is when your wear it, it will invisible and you can arrange the weight by using your mind. It even automatically changing it weight depends on situation, as examples, it will turn off the weight if you involved in match games. You don't need to change it when you go bath or sleeping because it will never disturbing your daily activities. What a technology!
8. Ultimate Aid Kit - 2,500 Pina – Shortened the injury time (reduce 1 week)
Playing football risk you the injuries. So, to prevent getting injured, you need special treatments to cure it. By using this product, you get instant healthy or reduce the injuries time for 1 week without any side effects! I may sound like a television advertisement but it's real in this world, not my (our) old world. I'm buying it for amounts of 10, to prepare myself from the worst part in football games - being injured. Not only you can't do anything but resting, it's also blocking your stats development hence making you waste the precious time.
9. Special Bokken Set – 50,000 Pina – (Bravery and Strength buff)
Actually, I don't need to buy this swordplay equipment until the school sports event, because all of the student in that school (my future high school) required the student to pick one sport to represent your class in the event. The sword fighting (kendo) competition is the best choice as the winner gain +5 Strength stats. The most delightful things about this purchase are it's granting you special buff for your Strength stats even you don't equip it. The Strength stats quite important especially when you face the 'save the damsel' event, the game scenario where you will face the thugs that threatened the girls - leading to intimacy increasing and later on, scoring her (sexy time)!
"...." Ops, control your emotions, Jimi! Dr Emilia is watching you. Without doubt, I can see she really focusing on me now, staring at me secretly. I should control my behaviour more carefully.
10. Training Ball – 500 Pina (requirement for skill training)
The last but not least, this purchase is the must, for your to do any skill training during the training arc (first 4 weeks). Basically, the players will buy this as the game started to train their skill for the selections that will coming up. The price quite expensive for the beginner player, and even didn't give you any stats increment, but you must buy it for your training. For your information, the ball is the requirement to use special function that only exist in the game; [auto-training]. In other words, you need to put the ball intact close to you and active your training even for the learning (academic) stats. Let's say you want to active auto-training function for Jogging (increase Stamina and Natural Fitness), just touch the ball and in two hours time, you will training automatically with stop and gain the stats increment that you the exercise that you choose.
Why I know it? It's written in the manual duh. I'm reading the manual while explaining it. Think again, to who did I explain with? Well, never mind. I clicked the buy button and done!
You might think that my purchase only 10 items, but actually it quite plenty. The sets that I bought not just 1 item, but there are few other thing to make it one set. So, that a large purchase that I made for today at this place. I look at the special board for the grand total of the transactions.
[Total price = 450,500 Pina]
I went to the cashier counter, where Dr. Emilia standing with weird reactions, waiting for me to confirm my purchases. I don't know what she thinking about but there a happy feeling that beaming from her, although it not too obvious.
"Here my card. Please send all the item home except the potion and spectacle...." There another shopping spree need to be done, so I used the delivery service to send those purchases directly to my house.
"Yes... Thanks for your purchases...." She quite nervous suddenly talking to me even though at first she acting a cool onee-san. Ah, before I forget....
"Hey, can you hire me as part-timer here, Dr. Emilia...."
"Eh, why rich brat like you want to work here, although you got lots of cash on your hand?! Wait, why do you know my name?" She startled with my sudden inquiry, as she look at my card balance, still over half a million Pina.
"Of course Dr. Emilia, the daughter of famous Wolowitz clan! I read plenty of articles about you and that's why I chose here to spend my money. You are my idol in the Science field because of your superb work and creation. That's also the reason why I wanted to work with you and learn directly from the expert..." Without any hesitation or shame, I lied with the straight face, praising her.
"You know the payments cheap right, and the requirement quite high. I don't think you can work with your ability right now..." She said that directly to my face, estimated my current Science stats, which the only condition to work here. Well, she not wrong after all.
"I will increase my ability to work with you!" I said it with confidence.
"Well, come here every Sunday morning but only if you fulfill the condition, I will allow you to work with me. Expect hard work but less reward...." She look at me with challenging mode, dare me to work with her. She smile a bit, while saying that words. She also handled my card as the transactions now have completed.
"Don't worry, working with you is the greatest reward, smell you later!" I put my card away and take two of my item that I didn't send home with the delivery service. I drank the potion, that taste like Yak**t, and wear the spectacle. While on it, I try to scout the intimacy of Dr. Emilia to me, and shocked by the result.
Like always, cliffhanger for everyone!
Player Information (Current)
Name : Jimi Shujinko (male) | Age : 15 | Position : Center Forward
Title : Wonderkids
Money : 549,500 Pina
| Math 1 | Language 1 | Science 11 (up) | History 1 |
| Corners 1 | Crossing 31 | Dribbling 40 | Finishing 40 | First Touch 1 | Free Kick Taking 31 | Heading 31 | Long Shots 40 | Long Throws 1 | Marking 1 | Passing 40 | Penalty Taking 1 | Tackling 1 | Technique 31 |
| Anticipation 1 | Bravery 6 (up) | Composure 1 | Concentration 1 | Decisions 1 | Determination 6 (up) | Flair 31 | Leadership 31 | Off The Ball 31 | Positioning 1 | Teamwork 1 | Vision 1 | Work rate 16 | Physical 1 | Agility 36 (up) | Balance 6 (up) | Jumping Reach 1 | Natural Fitness 6 (up) | Pace 6 (up) | Stamina 26 (up) | Strength 11 (up) |
Hidden Player Attributes
| Adaptability 30 | Consistency 30 | Dirtiness 24 | Important Matches 30 | Injury Proneness 1 | Versatility 30 |
Special trait
| Magician | Phantom | Power Header | Play Maker | Poacher | Knuckle Ball | Fox in The Box | Long Shot Taker | Flair | Crosser | Engine | Captain Material |
#Note Dirtiness rise because of cheat (purchasing)
#Note All of increment base in the item buff. Read the chapter carefully.
Yahallo guys. Thanks for the support guys! Hoping that this novel will long last, not like my others. Still weak in English and hopefully will increase my language skill. Happy reading!
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