
Chapter 5

Peter woke up the next morning, he was greeted by the musty smell of his small and cheap department interior. The room had not been aired out in a while, and the smell of stale air and old furnishings filled the environment.

The room was cluttered and cramped, with little space to move around. The bed took up most of the space, leaving just enough room for a small dresser and a desk in the corner.

The desk was cluttered with papers, pens, and other miscellaneous items, and the dresser would be overflowing with clothes and other personal belongings but now it was empty. The walls were bare and white. The floor was covered with a cheap linoleum that was peeling and stained in places.

"Good morning, my love," a soft voice purred at him inside his mind. Gentle and melodic, 10 times better than an alarm clock.

Under Peter's blankets, he noticed the symbiote in her humanoid form quickly emerging around his massive erect cock. Peter didn't need to be a genius to know what the alien was doing under his sheets. Still, he pulled them out, looking at her was part of the charm.

"Good morning," Peter thought with a gentle note. However, he quickly understood his mistake.

"I mean, finally putting that tongue to good use. Make sure to not leave a single drop, you sentient fleshlight," the boy berated the alien with an aggressive and dominant tone. After all, Venom wanted this kind of dirty talk.

The girl's fangs approached his morning wood. Even if Peter knew that he was safe, the boy's cocks quivered in fear. It trembled at the sight of those sharp weapons, glistening with droplets of black saliva. Venom's mouth opened wide, revealing more rows of those jagged teeth, each one capable of tearing through flesh and bone with ease.

"Don't worry master. I am a good pet." With those words, Peter felt a strange jolt of pleasure on the back of his head. Being called Master gave him a satisfaction that only a bullied nerd like him would understand.

From her deeps, a massive pink tongue came out, easily as thick as Peter's arm and even longer. It writhed and wriggled, undulating as it coiled around his cock. The surface of the tongue was slick and slimy, glistening in the morning light as it moved. His cock, which was much smaller in comparison, seemed to almost disappear within the folds of the huge tongue. Venom continued to wrap around it, Peter manhood was slowly engulfed, completely consumed by the writhing mass of flesh. The sight was both strange and somewhat unsettling as if his cock was being swallowed whole by a giant, living creature.

"Fuck, you are so good with this. Do you really enjoy being my personal cum dump?" How many times Venom almost killed him? Too much. Now? She was gargling with his cock. He had to admit it, remembering the troubles she caused him, made the sensation even better.

Despite the fearsome appearance of the alien, Peter knew he was safe. For now, at least. The girl was simply enjoying her treat, savoring the salty and earthy flavor of the fully erect cock as she licked her way around it.

"I love it, it's a dream come true." She knew her place. Fuck, why he didn't do this before? How much she suffered being alone or with shady criminals? Why was he so cruel to her? Peter felt a little guilty.

"Then go faster! I can't wait all morning waiting for your lazy ass to finish!" As an apology, at least in the bedroom, he would give her the beast she wanted.

Venom, with an excited moan, obeyed her master. With each lick, she became more and more aggressive, attacking the boy with increasing ferocity until eventually fully swallowed her prey. This made Peter let out a loud moan as his cock reached the back of the monster's throat.

The boy tried to hold on, but his balls were already stretched to their limits. He quivered and trembled. The spunk inside sloshed around, threatening to burst through the tip at any moment.

"Coming! Shallow it all you useless whore!" Peter roared, it came out naturally this time.

With a loud grunt, the boy exploded, sending bursts of cum directly into the alien maw. He moaned loudly as his balls clenched and the pent-up pressure inside was finally released.

"That is . . . slow and steady . . . savor your breakfast . . ."

Venom chugged it like a milkshake. Peter could see her throat working to swallow the thick liquid, and he could imagine the feeling of it coating her esophagus and stomach as it went down. She took gulp after gulp, following each burst from her lover's cocks until he was completely empty.

"So good. . . ."

Finally, with a calm sigh, the woman let out the cock rest, uncoiling her tongue. She let out a satisfied belch as the warmth from Peter's spunk spread through her body.

"Thanks, that felt really good," he said with a calm tone, enjoying the last seconds of his orgasm.

"I am happy you like it. Gwen will require additional training to obtain this level. After breeding her, Peter decided to stop the lewd shenanigans for the night and gave her some time to recover. But there was no doubt that the girl would be able to reach this level of oral expertise for a long time. Peter was eager to teach her, it would take a lot of work but he would enjoy each second of it.

"Give her some time. She needed to do a lot of paperwork before moving with us." Also, the girl needed to explain to her dad why she was moving to his best-dead friend's apartment.

Venom covered the boy's body with the same intensity with which she had taken Peter the night before, sheltering him from the early chill.

"So, what did you do while I was sleeping?" Peter asks, hoping that she didn't go into late-night crime fighting.

"Sold all your clothes in a pawn shop and bought a month's worth of dog food," said the hot and throbbing mass of black goo working as a sheet.

"What?!" He was shocked by the revelation.

"I am the only clothing you require, and you are in a dire financial predicament. Dog food is inexpensive and contains all of the nutrients needed." A tingling sensation ran across Peter's body as Venom talked. She softly tickled him with thousands of needle-like fangs directly in contact with his skin, like a playful cat biting of his owner.

"But, it's dog food!" He didn't care what it tasted like.

"I can eat it and then inject the nutrients directly inside you." Well, at least she had a solution for that. Peter could get some decent food once he had enough money. Everybody was doing sacrifices during those dangerous times.

"Fine . . . I guess." He let out a sigh and his hand went to hug the mass of shivering darkness around him.

Peter was wrapped in his favorite alien goo and teeth blanket. Most people would find snuggling up with that monster repulsive, but it was the most comforting thing in the world to him. Despite her rough and unappealing appearance, it had become a valued companion.

The boy couldn't help but smile as he ran his fingers over the wet and hot surface.

"So, let's talk about the three things we need to solve, in priority order," Venom said with the same commanding tone that a passionate secretary would have.

"Well, first is money." In terms of money, Peter was living paycheck to paycheck.

"Yes, no more of that photography business. Get that bounty money going," the voice in his head gave him the ultimatum.

"What? No! That feels dirty! I am your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, not your friendly bounty hunter Spiderman." Getting money for fighting crime? Even if the bounty system was new, that felt kinda wrong. It took away the luster of being a hero who did good just for the sake of doing it.

"There is a reason why the government is awarding money to each hero who is assisting in the cleaning up during this time." She had a point. Maybe it was something just temporary?

"Yes, but..." Peter felt a soothing and pleasurable sensation ram through his body. It was as if all of his nervous anxiety about the idea had vanished. She was assisting him in focusing, remaining calm, and thinking logically.

"Look at it from this point. Your problem, Peter, is that you bite more than you can chew." She made a small pause. A rush from all the time's Peter had to juggle his two lives came into his mind. Each time he had lost important dates or he had to quickly take off his costume.

"You want to keep your normal life and be Spiderman. Which one will save more people?" After that question, a flashback of the last words of Uncle Ben assaulted his mind.

She was right.

"Spiderman." Peter was a good boy but not what the city needed now. These people needed a hero.

"So stop wasting time trying to do that silly job that gives you scraps and get some real money. Hey, I am not saying that you need to drop your photography hobby but for now, focus on the mission." Venom made it extremely clear that he didn't need to stop being Peter Parker permanently. He needed to concentrate on the most important things right now.

"Each second you take arguing with Jonah Jameson is a second you could use to save more people." That asshole, fuck he hated him so much.

"Yes, you are right." Peter gave in. She had a point and he couldn't make any counter argument. Fuck, the boy would live eating dog food if he didn't start to make some money.

"There will be time for your big multinational company but for that, we need to start small," she said and he felt the teeth around him reshaping, forming hundreds of tiny smiles all over his skin.

"Talking about that, let's talk about our second problem. Power-ups!" The taboo topic in the superhero community. Getting stronger and more toys to play around was something that only villains do. Even Ironman, the big genius, limited the full extent of his power. Everybody knew that he could make an army of robots but he didn't.

"Indeed. Also, I am already injecting your body with 10000$ monthly worth of steroids and other growth stimulants," she proclaimed with a triumphant tone.

"What?!" Drugs?! In his body?! What would Capitan America think about it? Well, he got his power from a drug so . . . it wasn't that bad.

"Don't worry, I am keeping the secondary effects at bay. Your heart and liver will be fine and I am already working on increasing your testicles size, efficiency, and potency." A weird flex but he found it a little charming. She was doing all in her power to help him.

"Thanks . . . that is nice of you. So you can create any chemical?" Peter asked with curiosity. She could become an excellent source of free medicine. However that would put a target on his back, big pharma didn't like competition.

"As long as it is normal chemistry. Things outside the periodic table, cosmic energies, and magic are impossible for me to do."

"Oh, so if I find something like the Supersolider serum you could make a copy of it?"

"In theory, yes. Also, the quantity is really small at the moment, not enough to be useful in combat but enough for this kind of thing."

"Quality rather than quantity, got it." Still, extremely useful. Damm, Venom was really a helpful ally.

"Next is martial arts."

"Always wanted to learn them but never had time." Also, he was kinda afraid of revealing his secret powers during training.

"Capoeira, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and Karate would be great for you."

"Why don't I learn magic?"

"Magic takes years to dominate. You are a genius Peter, you could learn what would take 10 years in 3."


"In that span of time, you could get a lot more gains by working on what you are really good at."


"Exactly. Your plate is already extremely full, adding more things will not help you."

"I have a few improvements in mind."

"Yes, you must eat your enemies!" She proclaimed with a triumphal tone.

"What?!" Cannibalism? Again?! He thought she was over that phase.

"In a metaphorical way. For example, you could reverse engineer the Vulture wings."

"I mean, it kinda ruins my branding."

"You could use it just for special occasions. Like if you have to fight someone in the air or in the ocean."

"Yea, not a lot of buildings in the clouds or in the sea."

"So you get it right? Using your enemy's power against them."

"Sounds like a solid idea. So we hunt villains for their tech and bounty money by night. By day we tinker and train in martial arts."

"You forgot something. We need to build your harem."

"What? But I already have you and Gwen," Peter protested.

Two girls? That was fine, but more? It was kinda greedy on his part. Maybe one night stand with another girl but nothing else.

"Be honest with me, you don't want to fuck Black Cat on the ass after blue balling you for so long?"

She had a valid point. Peter was tired of her flirtatious coworker. There were at least 5 innuendos in every sentence they said. It was getting on his nerves to the point where his eyes were too focused on her and he couldn't concentrate while fighting crime alongside the woman. He'd wanted to bend over that kitty since they first met.

"I would love to do that."

"You don't want to shove your cock in Captain Marvel's eternal resting bitch face?"

The woman was always serious and seemed to think she was better than everyone else. She never cracked a smile or joked around, and the heroine frequently boasted about her accomplishments and belittled other heroes. Peter found it frustrating to work with someone who was always so arrogant and uptight. Giving her a lesson would be extremely satisfactory.

"That sounds hot."

"You don't show She-Hulk that you are the stronger powerhouse of New York with the might of your dick?"

"Those muscles . . ."

That woman was always one step ahead of everyone. She was always doing bigger and better things, and she seemed to get the most attention and praise. Peter couldn't help but be frustrated and disheartened by She Hulk's unwavering success. The boy knew he was a capable and competent hero, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was always in her shadow. So having her gargle on his cock, coat those abs in his spunk, and address him as master sounded like a dream come true.

"Peter, it doesn't need to be fantasies, you can have them."

"Fine . . . as long as they are also into it!" He wasn't a rapist monster that would break girls with his massive cock! Peter was a hero! There wasn't anything wrong with flirting with other heroes. Ironman and Gambit did it all the time and never got in trouble for that.

"Don't worry they will." She chuckled a little, Peter didn't know what she found that thought so funny.


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