
Chapter 10 A

Before he could ask Venom to release the pressure on his balls in order to be ready for the date, the alien began to work. But what she was doing was different from what the hero had in mind.

"Hey! What are you doing? That is a sensitive part!" Peter asked as he felt the girl's tendrils massaging his sack directly.

The boy's cock immediately went full mast, revealing a massive erection that created a huge bulge in his pants.

Even if they were extremely sensitive, the boy relished the sensation of the tendrils massaging his soft skin. It was an unusual sensation, as the wet and warm tendrils gently kneaded and rolled over the surface, relieving any aches and pains. He couldn't help but close his eyes and sigh with pleasure as the tentacles worked their magic.

"Improving it." With those small words, the boy felt something different.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain as a tentacle went under his skin, injecting a foreign substance into those sensitive and full balls. At first, Peter was terrified and tried to cry out in protest, but as the tentacles moved back and forth, injecting the unknown liquid deeper and deeper into his body, it began to feel a strange, warm sensation spreading through its veins.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

The pressure inside him had been growing and growing until that sensation made him unable to contain himself any longer. With a loud moan, he unleashed all the pent-up cum, sending burst after burst of seed into his suit.

"Oh . . . fuck . . . "

He felt his body shaking as the drops of semen were quickly absorbed by the girl that still was doing her job.

"Warn me before doing stuff like that . ."

"But you're always so cute when I catch you off guard."

After that, to Peter's surprise, the sensation became actually quite pleasant. He felt a sense of euphoria wash over him as if all of his worries and fears were melting away. The boy couldn't help but let out a little sigh of pleasure as the injection finished, feeling completely relaxed and at ease.

"Are you done?"

"Wait for the best part."

"What . . ."

Peter experienced an unusual sense of expansion. It wasn't painful, but it felt like the skin of his sack was stretching to accommodate something inside of it. He could feel the chemicals working their way into his empty testicles. A tingling sensation was followed by the realization that they were now significantly larger than before.

Peter gains:

Magnificent sack: The users' balls are increased to the size of golf balls. Now they produce three times the quantity of normal sperm that a normal human can hold. The sperm density on his spunk is also five times bigger than a regular male and can survive up to 5 days inside a woman. This causes the man's cum to become really thick, similar to sap.

"I understand more strength or even a bigger cock but touching that is a little . . ." He felt a little uncomfortable as the alien molested him in such a private way. This wasn't some extra flesh, she was directly messing with his swimmers.

"You will need a stronger seed to breed all kinds of women from any species," she whispered with a happy tone.

She gave a small kiss to her work, proud of the modification.

"If you want to conquer alien queens and gods you need to make them your brides. What kind of husband can't get his wife pregnant?"

"Ok, you have a point. Just be gentle."

"I will try."

After a few hours, Peter did normal Spiderman things to compensate for the time he would spend with Mary Jane that night. He should have given Gwen a nice gift in exchange for filling in for him.

As he walked down the street, the boy wore all black. He wore a leather jacket, a white shirt, black pants, and black shoes. Peter moved with purpose, his stride sure and confident. His dark clothing blended in with the shadows, lending him a mysterious air.

"Do you need to go this dark? I look like a bully," Peter asked inside his head.

"You look great, trust me," Venom reassured him.

He walked into the bar, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. His heart raced as he remembered the woman who had summoned him, the girl he had been thinking about nonstop for the previous few hours.

As Peter pushed his way through the crowds, he couldn't help but feel nervous excitement. He didn't know what to expect, but he was excited to see her again and to put the woman in her place.

He eventually found her at the far end of the bar, sitting on a stool with a drink in her hand. Mary Jane was just as lovely as he remembered, with long, flowing red hair and piercing emerald eyes that sparkled in the dim light of the bar. But there was something odd about her.

Peter approached her, his heart pounding in his chest. She looked up and met his gaze as he approached, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Hey Tiger, looking good in black," she said, motioning for him to take a seat next to her.

Mary Jane Watson was a stunning young lady with short, stylish hair that perfectly framed her face. Her eyes were piercing green, and her full lips were often set in a determined expression. The girl's body was toned and athletic, thanks to her passion for dance and physical activity.

The girl's current outfit consisted of a form-fitting crimson leather jacket, a bright and colorful green blouse, and sleek and stylish jeans.

Mary Jane had a wide variety of accessories that she liked to mix and match with her outfits in addition to her clothing. Chunky statement rings, a bright and green scarf, and an elegant and sophisticated handbag.

Peter sat and ordered a beer, unable to take his gaze away from her. He couldn't believe he was sitting next to his ex-girlfriend.

The boy could see the issue now that he was closer. The girl lacked the usual amount of light, and her face was tired, the kind of fatigue that sleeping couldn't cure. He was curious as to what had happened to her.

"Mary . . . you look different."

"Same for you, don't worry, I don't have any aliens attached to my body."

"How did you . . ."

"I know you more than you think. Wearing those clothes only meant one thing."

"It's different this time."

"I don't care, honestly I liked you a little more back then."

"Really? Did you like me being an aggressive asshole?"

"Better than someone that let others walk over him."

"Did you just call me to argue? "

"I just wanted to see a friendly face."

The two kept talking while getting drunk with the past and nostalgia. They avoided discussing what they did while they were separated.n As they conversed, the boy found himself enjoying the woman's company and becoming increasingly drawn to her. He wasn't sure if she felt the same way, but he was hoping she did.

When they were finished, Peter accompanied Mary to her apartment as if she were a regular civilian. He was well aware that the girl disliked Spiderman. The boy and girl walked down the street late at night. They were engrossed in their conversation, completely oblivious to their surroundings. Suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadows and grabbed the woman's purse.

The burglar was quick and agile, easily snatching the woman's purse and darting away into the darkness. Peter, determined to catch the thief, was about to run to him but there was something strange, his Spider senses did not point to the thief. They pointed to Mary Jane.

"Wait!" He screamed while turning to see the woman as she pulled out a double barrel sawn-off shotgun from her jacket.

Peter stood there stunned as the woman pulled out a gun and pointed it at the other man. She pulled the trigger without hesitation, striking him in the leg. As he saw Mary's face twist into a happy and bright expression, the man's eyes widened in disbelief. She seemed completely engrossed in the act of violence she had just committed as if the light she had lost had miraculously returned to her body. Peter couldn't help but feel fear and disgust as he watched the woman, wondering what had driven her to commit such a heinous act.

"What is the problem?" She asked, a mischievous smile on her face, as the man's agonizing screams filled the air. The gun ripped half of his leg off.

"I like her," Venom chimed in on Peter's mind.

After the woman fired the shotgun, the air was thick with the acrid odor of gunpowder. As he tried to take in the scene in front of him, it burned his nostrils and made his eyes water. The stench seemed to linger in the air, a constant reminder of the violence that had just occurred. It was a smell the man was all too familiar with, one he associated with danger and destruction. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he watched the woman coolly holster her weapon, wondering what had happened to the girl to change her that way.

"I am calling an ambulance, hold on!" Peter rushed in, first was the burglar's life. He had stolen a purse, but that was not enough to warrant this punishment.

The boy realized he had to do something to assist the victim.

Peter used his own web to close the wound, not his first time doing something like this. He wrapped the bandages around the leg tightly, hoping to stop the bleeding. Peter couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty wash over him as he worked. The boy knew he had to try, even if it was only to make the victim feel better until the ambulance arrived.

The woman's twisted grin revealed that she was up to no good. Her eyes seemed to dance with malice and malevolence as she watched the man. Mary's lips curled up in a sly, satisfying way as if she was salivating at the scene. As he watched her, the man couldn't help but feel uneasy, wondering what she was thinking and what she might be planning. Despite her evil smile, the man couldn't help but be drawn to her, as if he couldn't resist her allure.

"Come on, give me my bag back." Mary got closer like a cat playing around with her prey.

"Please leave me alone!" The man screamed in pain as he threw the bag back to the crazy girl.

"Help is coming! Just hang out for a little!" Peter finished bandaging the man out. Fortunately, he was too preoccupied with cowering in terror and staring at the psychotic woman to notice the web emerging from the boy's hands.

"There, you go. It wasn't that hard?" The girl grabbed her bag back and began to slowly walk away.

Peter realized he needed to act quickly. He took out his phone and dialed an ambulance, his hands shaking from shock and adrenaline. Not because he had just witnessed a man being shot, but because Mary Jaine was the one who did it. He tried to keep his voice steady as he spoke to the operator, giving them the address and explaining the situation as clearly as he could.

He could hear sirens approaching in the distance and knew that assistance was on its way. Peter only had to hang on and remain calm until they arrived. While waiting for the ambulance, the man couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him. The boy knew he should have done something to prevent this, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow to blame for the man's injury.

However, before the ambulance arrived, the woman was no longer there. The man watched in shock as she disappeared around the corner, leaving behind her act of violence.

"Come on buddy, I am here for you. Everything will be fine." Peter comforted the wounded man.

"Thanks . . ." he said gratefully that at least someone had stayed behind.

After the burglar had medical attention it was time for Spiderman to catch the criminal.

Peter set off after her without hesitation, determined to deal with her. After changing into his hero suit, he swung as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest as he followed her through the winding streets.

After what seemed like an eternity, the man finally caught up with the woman in a narrow alleyway. Peter could see the twisted grin of satisfaction on her face as he approached, she was cornered and had nowhere to go. Despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the man attempted to remain calm and collected, knowing that he needed to take command of the situation.

"Why did you do that?!" He pinned Mary Jane to a wall, holding her by the wrist. Both arms were immobilized so she couldn't try something funny.

"It was just self-defense," she said with a vulpine grin on her face.

Something strange was brewing inside Peter. He had pursued and eventually cornered the same woman he had wanted to fuck all night. Mary's cocky attitude, combined with the chase, lust, and the wish to punish a criminal, made him... aggressive, and he loved it.

"Don't lie to me!" Peter yelled at her without taking off his mask. The boy's grip on her hands tightened, and he swears he heard the girl let out a small moan.

"Getting a little aggressive? What happened to the old and gentle Peter?"

"Stop playing around." Peter's face reshaped, and he grew a line of fangs like Venom used to do in order to look more intimidating.

"She is mocking you, my love! She knows that you don't like that kind of violence and she did it in front of you! She knows about Uncle Ben and still did this thing!" Venom chimed in, fanning the flames.

He was angry, furious! Shooting a man in front of him? After what had happened to uncle Ben? She knew that and that bitch still did it. He was getting out of control, his heart rate racing, and any friendly part of him quickly got buried until a mountain of feral rage.

"I like this more . . . well if you want to know." She made a small pause.

"Do you see his face? For those brief seconds that I was in front of him, I was the center of his world!"

The girl shivered as if she had just had an orgasm.

"Oh god . . . the attention I felt . . . it felt soooooooooo good."

"Why are you doing this? You are not like this Mary!"

"The girl you know had big dreams of becoming a famous actress. This? The best I can hope for is a few seconds of that person's attention."


"When I shot him in the leg and got closer, I could see that he was completely focused on me. Do you know what that sensation is? Is superior to any clapping cheer or clap!

"You need help."

"I will not get it. What are you going to do? Arrest me?"

"Well, Spiderman beats criminals . . . and you are no exception." He felt Venom slowly release a chemical cocktail in his body in order to boil his brain in lust.

Peter let her do it, it was time to put this girl into her place. Did she want attention? He would give a big load of it.

"Are you gonna punch me?"


As he tried to steel himself for what he knew he had to do, Peter let out the girl. He couldn't stand by and do nothing because the woman had caused so much harm and destruction. The boy had to act, no matter how difficult or unpleasant it was. But secretary, he was going to love this.

The boy took a deep breath and closed his eyes, attempting to focus his mind and push aside all of the doubts and fears that threatened to overwhelm him. Peter knew he had to be strong and brave to do what had to be done, and he was willing to pay any price to ensure that justice was served.

As he stood there, the man could feel his resolve and cock hardening within him, like molten steel being pounded into shape.