In the middle of the afternoon the next day...
"Senior Amir! Senior Amir!" One of the slaves from Mero's store entered that place desperately, shouting for that warrior.
Tenur and the mercenary on duty heard that and looked at the slave who was supposed to be picking up resources next to the other mercenary from the store in the Amari family.
They both frowned, sensing that some trouble was approaching them or these people would not return screaming and unattended.
Amir looked strangely at that person and asked. "What is it? Where are the others? Why have you returned like this?"
That man was sweating considerably, with his heart pounding so that he could barely speak properly. But he found a way to say what had made him act like this.
"Senior Amir, someone attacked us on the way back, and the mercenary Samir was killed on the spot!" He said, making an ugly expression as he remembered the tragic way that man had died.