
C44.P1. Downwards

Continuing Jossie's POV:

     I was going to find Casimir. My heart throbbed as I thought of what would happen if we didn't make it out of here unnoticed. Would that bastard find us? Would he kill us on command? My mind was heavy with the thought of what my sister would do if she saw me here. I wanted to leave. My eyes scanned down the hallway frantically. I have to find him. 

     My head spun and I hit the wall. A few people glanced my way in alarm. They were coming my way but my mind was going some place else. My body was crashing. I could feel a sickness rising up from the pit of my stomach. I was nauseous as my surroundings changed. I was seeing through Juliette's eyes once again. It was like she was channeling me to her.

      "You know what I should give you?" Camren's voice made my skin crawl. I was uneasy immediately. I was seeing through her eyes now. It was like I was there inside her.

     "I-I'm not sure," her light voice would echo through my thoughts. I felt my mouth drying up. I wasn't sure what he would say. He was so starstruck by her moments ago. He suddenly pulled back. 

     Repulsion gleaming in his eyes. 

     I felt fear traveling up from my stomach. I could hurl any minute from the way he looked. Camren's thick hands grabbed my neck. His movement was timed exact. He began choking me. No- it was Juliette. I had to remember it wasn't me there. I wasn't present. I could smell panic rolling in waves over me. I was feeling what she felt. Her hands came into my vision as she scratched at his hand to try to stop him. 

What's going on?! 

He's going to kill her!

     "HELP!" She choked up. "Stop!"

     "Do you honestly think I would fall for your shit?" Camren hissed through his teeth as he leaned in towards my sister's face. "You greedy bitch! I know what was in that drink! Before I even drunk it!" D-did it not work!? How!? I saw it clear as day. She had put it in his drink! "You're probably wondering... How I found out? It was simple! Always have a motherfucking chess piece on another board!" He pushed back. 

     Chess piece? What did he mean by this? Did he have someone watching my family? No- it seems impossible to consider he'd go to that length.

     I could feel my sister struggling. Her legs buckled against the railing as she wrapped her foot against the beams to prevent herself from falling. He held onto her neck as he threatened 

...to let go. 

     I was blinking rapidly as I locked out of my sister's vision. I was back in the hall. My head resting in someone's lap. I looked up to meet Nathalie's worried expression. She pushed my hair away from my eyes and I could feel sweat built up on top of my skin. Nathalie? I told her to keep her distance... No, I can't worry about that now. Camren... Camren is going to kill her! I don't even know how to tell Nathalie what I saw. It's best if she stays behind. She should stay. I got to my feet as I fought against hands trying to prevent me from moving. 

     "No- let me go!" It wasn't hard to convince them as they let go.

     I rushed towards the balcony they were in and pushed past the guards without hesitation. I threw the doors open. I heard her scream. My thoughts darkened as I found him standing alone. Her scream echoed across the manor. My sister- he really did let go of her! I pushed my way in and shoved him out of my way as I looked over the railing for her. Down below I was struck with the image of her crimpled body. I had to glance away as the imagine remained in my mind. Blood was leaking out of her mouth. Her eyes weren't even looking up as she seemed to be looking at something on the ground.

     A stranger rushed to her side and pulled off his mask. He was over her with a swift care as he began to touch her hand. I was tense as I looked back at her. She was still breathing faintly. He would look away to scream, "WE NEED A DOCTOR!" I could see it in her eyes though as they faded. She was staring up towards the moon now. I watched as the life faded from them. 


'Why did he do this to you? Why were you such a fool?'

     My hands trembled in fear. I couldn't prevent it. I couldn't do anything! I felt tears rushing to the surface. I hated her so much... 

I hated what she had become... 

But, did I really want to see her die like this? 


     I placed a hand over my mouth as I tried not to scream. I slowly turned around as my eyes landed on him at last. He had been watching me the whole time. His lips turned upwards into a smile. How disgusting! I flinched away from him. He came towards me suddenly. My body shrunk away in fear as he grabbed my arms. He was preventing me from running as he pulled me towards the private room. He let me go as he closed the doors. I backed away from him quickly as my heart raced in my chest. 

     "Are you crying?" 

     He asked suddenly when he turned to notice me cowering. I was slowly moving towards the exit. He wasn't fazed by my motions. It was all planned for him. I could hear the other doors being shut and locked from the outside. He wasn't coming towards me, yet. 

     "Why would you cry over her?" 

     "She's my sister," I hissed through my teeth. What a monster! I know what he did! I could tell he knew I saw it. He just wasn't sure how.

     "Your sister tried to give me a potion," Camren snorted out. How did he know?! Why didn't he stop her? He just killed her! That's why he pushed her over the balcony? He killed her even though he knew what she was attempting to do? A-and how come the potion didn't work? "-One that would prevent me from processing the world correctly. She was committing the ultimate sin against the moon goddess and fate itself. Not to mention the way she's treated you all these years. She would rather have you dead, trust me. I wouldn't put it past her to try to kill me if she even got away with what she done. She got what she deserved, Josephine." How does he know it was a potion and not poison? He even knows who I am?

     "You know my name too," I whispered. My hair on my arms were standing up. I was trembling as I tried to perceive what was happening.

     "Of course I do. You've been on my mind since the moment I caught your scent. I had to look you up and once I figured out everything that's happened to you... Your pack will pay for how they treated you!" He was growling suddenly. I widened my eyes as I found only hatred and power in his eyes. He was crazy!  

     Did he kill my sister... for me? Is that his reasoning behind pushing her off the balcony?! I felt my jaw dropping slowly. I couldn't breath as I refused to admire his fine scent. He was just like the rest of them, wasn't he? He will kill me too if he knows I chose Casimir as my mate. 

     Camren wasn't even coming for me. Camren was letting me take my time in processing this. How does he know so much?

     "What exactly... do you know about when you said you know what happened in my pack's territory?"

     "Everything. I know your mother has been framing you for your father's murder. I know your pack has mistreated you this whole time. Ever since you were born. I know you're an outcast there because you're wolf-less. But, due to some recent camera footage I can conclude you've shifted recently. You are in fact eligible to lead your pack, but they don't want that. You're hated. I know your mother also convinced your sister to come here tonight and trick me with the potion. I know your friend that's been referred to as the rogue is being set up by your mother as well."

     "My mother is dead. I saw it with my own eyes, she was dead in the bathroom."

       "No. I had her sedated that night and she was brought here." 

     "She's alive?!"

     "For now. I plan on taking her back to Rabidcrest pack as a surprise gift. I plan to execute her for her crimes. I will also announce you're my queen to them." Hold- up! Queen? I'm not agreeing to that. He doesn't even consider the idea I wouldn't want him. "We will do whatever you wish to that foul pack. Chop them up if you wish. It will be up to your decision."

     Would it be wrong of me to tell him my mother really didn't do anything? That it was all me? I don't think I could ever have a closer pardon from a king. He's willing to kill for me. There is only one other person with intent like that. Should I really... have two as a mate? Is that selfish sounding? No- Two would be too much and they'd always be jealous of each other. They'd end up killing one another behind my back. One of them will have to be rejected. I already chose Casimir. I will have to stay with that choice. No matter how much this option can provide for me. How do I tell Camren I don't want to be his queen? That I chose Casimir to be my one and only? 

     I could feel tears slipping down my cheeks. Camren got closer to me now. He had snuck his way over by carefully placed movements that wouldn't alert me. He reached out and yanked me towards him. He whipped the tears off my face and made me flinch from his touch.

     "Why are you so scared? I'm not going to hurt you," he promised. Really, I wanted to believe him... But, he will not be like this once he finds out. "You're all mine now. That means you're safe with me." He leaned in towards my face but paused. 

     Camren suddenly reached up and yanked my mask off. I gasped from the movement. I flinched at every second I thought he was going to find out. His eyes examined my face as he gave a small smirk. "You're so lovely. Your hair is dark- like a raven's wing." He reached out and ran his fingers through my hair and forced it out of it's tight do. He curled his fingers around the strands he took out. 

     "Why are you so scared of me?" He asked softly. I couldn't help it as I trembled in his arms. My mind wondered back to how fast he acted to throw my sister over the balcony. He leaned in and smelled my hair suddenly. His eyes slowly turned to cat-like slits as he caught on to what he had been missing.

     How could I answer him now?

     "What's this?" He asked quickly. "Have you been naughty?" His eyes scanned towards my neck as he yanked the cloth away to reveal my hidden mark. The one that would expose my mated scent to him now. It must have been disguised with the perfume I masked over my dress. His nostrils flared as he must have began to think of how I was no better than my sister now. 

     I too- betrayed the gods. This must have been his thought process. Really, I would be once I reject him. Something my kind had worshiped most of all was the balance of fate with mates. I was naughty to his eyes now. To him... he didn't know what I knew. That I had been destined for two. He thought now- as I looked his tense body over. I had betrayed the gods just as much as my sister had. I could see it in his eyes, betrayal. I had disappointed him as he couldn't look at me now. He let me go as his eyes filled with sorrow. My heart suddenly ached at how much pain I had caused him. 

     "Who is it? What's his name?" He asked as he looked highly offended. His pain had turned to anger. "I will kill the bastard for marking what's mine!" He shouted. Did he not... consider it to be my choice? Was he now thinking it had happened against my will? He stormed towards the door. "Did you bring him here with you tonight?" He asked. I gasped and went after him quickly. No- he was now considering the first possibility. I was the ultimate betrayal.

     "No! Camren! Don't hurt him! I can explain!"

     "No! There is nothing to explain! A challenge has been accepted. I will fight the bastard until one of us dies!" He shouted. We were out in the hall and heads were turning towards us. I felt embarrassed as I tried to keep up with him. I can't let him find Casimir and hurt him! 

     I have to find Casimir and get him out of here. We need to get far away from this craz- I have to reject him. I felt my knees becoming weak. I have to reject Camren once and for all before things get worse.

     "Camren Legis Ramriez!" I shouted. I watched as he stopped to turn to look at me curiously. I stopped chasing him as I fell to my knees. I was out of shape and out of breath. "Camren, I reject you! Listen to my words carefully!" I saw people gasp and move closer to us as the drama was unfolding before their very eyes. Camren widened his eyes as his nostril's flared. 

     "I do not accept," he said harshly. It wouldn't be valid unless he accepted. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. My body was aching. I couldn't take this abuse much longer. My very being was fighting against trying to reject him again. I have to get him to listen to me. He has to hear me out. He's not my only mate!


     Where is Casimir?!

     'Run, my love. Run before the king finds you!' I begged that he would overhear me. Wherever he was at I wanted him to overhear me from the commotion in the room. Maybe it was too loud for him to focus in on my telepathic voice. I could only hope now that he would know to go. That somehow his wolf will know and make sure to get him out of here. 

     Camren had disappeared from my view as he stormed through the crowds of people coming in to see what was going on. I could hear them whispering that I had tried to reject the king. I could smell jealousy filling the pheromones that were occurring naturally in the air.