
C36. Undisclosed

Continuing Juliette's POV:

     My alarm's blaring sound woke me up. My heart raced in my chest as I realized I fell asleep last night. I never got a chance to talk to Edith. I grabbed my phone and cut the sound off. I opened up the messenger app and found my cousin's name. I was going to text her... But, who knows how long it would take before she'd answer. I decided to call her.

     "Jules? Why are you calling this early?"

     "Hey, do you think its strange? About my mom? We both saw her dead in the bathroom. Don't you think it's strange?" 

     "What are you talking about?"

     "Don't you remember?"

     "Honestly, I don't remember much from that night. We were both in a wreck. I'm sure whatever you think happened is just false memories."

     "Edith... We both saw my mom dead in her bath tub! Don't you remember coming to my house and looking for her? You were the one that checked her pulse!"

     "Not really. I told you my memories are fuzzy from that night."

     "You must be huffing fucking spray paint in that shit bedroom of yours because it did happen," I growled through the phone. Why is she denying it? I hung up on her quickly and tossed the phone to the end of the bed. I got to my feet and marched towards the window as I looked out to see a car sitting in the drive that I wasn't familiar with. I left my bedroom as I went downstairs to see what was going on. Did they find Matthew's body? I heard voices coming from the sitting room where the dress-maker had our dresses hanging up on a portable rack. She turned to look at me. 

     "Good morning! I thought I would bring this by personally," she explained as I found my mother writing a check for the lady. She looked up towards me.

     "Good, you're awake. Go get ready. We're going to leave as soon as the limo comes by for us." She handed the check to the seamstress, Anna. There wasn't much to say about Anna. She was the town's dresser. She could make anything for anyone. Her boutique was not far from the house either. I nodded and turned around to leave. "You sent the other arrangements to the address I requested, correct?" My mother asked. I slowed my footing as I overheard.

     "It'll be there on time, Luna."

       "Good. I hope you enjoy the tip."

     "It's more then enough."

       "You're dismissed." 

     I stopped at the edge of the stairs as I waited. The seamstress came around the corner suddenly and headed towards the door. I followed her out and closed the door quietly behind me. I grabbed her elbow as I made her turn towards me.

     "What's the address she gave you?" 

     Anna swatted my hand away as she stared me in the eyes. She suddenly moved away from me as she walked towards her car.

     "I've been employed to keep quiet on that part. Why don't you ask your mother?"

     "If I believed she'd tell me the truth then I wouldn't be out here asking," I growled as I stormed back into the house and slammed the door shut. I ran upstairs fast as I headed into my room. I locked the door as I sunk against it. What the hell is my mother doing? I heard my phone buzz on the bed and I walked over to it slowly. I picked it up to see Anna had messaged me something. I clicked on the link and it took me to private maps where the address pulled up a place out of the territory. A diner called, Tolen's? I looked it over before resting my phone down on my lap. What's my mother sending to a stupid diner? Why would she ask a dress maker?

     "Juliette, I hope you're getting ready!" My mother yelled up to me. I quickly deleted any trace of the link. I pre-packed last night. I just had to get myself ready to meet royalty. I could meet the king's mother today. I know my mother was on good terms with her. I slipped the potion into the suitcase in a safe place. It would be hidden in a compartment no one would know where to look. It was a precaution incase they checked us like we were going into an airport. I half expect it since we're going to stay at the palace. They must have strict policies. When I was sure it was safely away I sat the suitcase by the door. 

     This morning would be a quick body routine. One that consisted of washing my face and applying light cosmetics. I curled my hair. The dress I picked out was a gold sequin spaghetti strap which was under a size to which I was used to wearing. So it showed off more curves on my body. I chose a pair of black pumps. I had matching jewelry planned accordingly to the style. It was light-weight. I pulled a pair of black panty hose on to keep me a little warm. The dress cut off not far from my ass so I was lacking in clothing in an arctic tundra environment. Which most wolves didn't dress in layers... I pulled on a leather coat for pocket use. I would keep my essentials inside of it. I grabbed the suitcase before hauling it downstairs with me and placed it by the door.

     "How much longer before the limo gets here?" I asked as I walked down the hall to look for my mother. 

     "Are you ready?" She asked as she came out of the master room with her bags in tote. She dropped them on the floor. "Go get some breakfast. I'm not sure when we'll have another chance to eat," she told me as she pulled out her phone. "I'll call and see where the damn limo is."

     I walked down to the kitchen where Grandma Della was preparing a morning smoothie. She smiled as she saw me come into the kitchen. I smiled back at her as I looked in the fridge for some pre-made parfaits to eat. There was a blueberry one remaining. I snatched it up since it was my favorite to eat. I grabbed a bottle of water before hunting down a spoon. 

     "Good morning," my grandma said.

       "Morning," I muttered. 

     "What's going on?" she asked in concern. 

       "I think mom is hiding something," I grumbled.

     "She always is," Della said as she turned on the maker one last time before fixing herself a glass. "Are you really surprised?"

     "I think I'm more worried then anything. What if what she's hiding is bad?" I asked in concern. I mean... she is devious. She always has been. I've kept her secrets for so long now. I know what my mother has done in the past. She's never been a saint. My mother had an evilness about her as much as my father was descended from a rogue. I just don't know how she came from my sweet grandmother. 

     "Hopefully whatever she's planning doesn't get her caught," Della said as she walked off towards the dinning room to have her breakfast. "You just take care of yourself most of all while you're in the king's territory. Ok, dear?"

     "I will," I said as I followed after her and sat down with her. She had already made herself a healthy fruit bowl.

     "Juliette the limo is here!" My mother shouted as she stormed into the dining room. "What are you doing? You'll get fat and won't fit into your dress," she scolded. I frowned and stood up fast. 

     "Take it to go," Della suggested as she grabbed my hand to prevent me from saying something to my mother. "It's a good idea to eat something. You don't want to be starving by the time you meet a royal. You'll look like a fool while you scarf down whatever snack they provide."

     "I wish you could come," I whispered.

     "We both know I have to stay and look after the pack. You ladies go on ahead."

     "Bye mother," my mom said as she motioned for me to come. She was out of the dining room without another word. I leaned over and gave grandma Della a kiss on top of her head. I took my snack with me as I followed my mother outside. The driver was already loading our bags into the limo. I followed my mom into the back of the limo. 

Jossie's POV:

     I could hear a phone going off at the end of the bed. Somewhere mixed up in the discarded sheets. Casimir's strong scent hit my senses. I found myself waking up as he groaned with annoyance. I pushed on his shoulder to move. He was wrapped up around me. His body let me go as he scooted to the bottom of the bed and searched for the phone. It kept ringing and stinging my thoughts. He finally found it and shut the noise off as he brought the phone up to his ear.

     "Yeah?" Casimir's sexy voice brought a tingle between my legs. 

     "Where are you kid?" I heard a strange voice asking him. It sounded like an older male's voice. Cas crawled back up to me and gave me an arm up. I crawled under it and clung to his chest. My attention going into the phone call.

     "Safe, I promise." Cas looked down at me as our eyes met. 

     "That's good. I haven't heard from you. I was starting to get worried. You haven't been in trouble lately, have you?"

     'Are you going to tell him,' I whispered low. Who was he talking to? I don't think he should tell anyone where he is or what happened recently.

       "I got into a little trouble. I'm coming home in a few days."

     "Where are you right now?"

     No. Don't tell him anything.

     "I can't tell you. I'm trying to stay low for right now." He ran his fingers through my hair. His head shaking to tell me no. Whoever he was talking to he didn't trust enough to say where we were. I could hear a quick pause pass on the other side of the phone. Then man took a sigh before he'd speak again.

     "I'm worried about you, kid. I know you got into some trouble in pack Rabidcrest's territory. I should've came there with you in the first place. I sent some people over there to find you but they came up dry. Wherever you are... you should come back home. I can't protect you if I don't know where you are or what you're up to." 

     "Soon," Cas promised before hanging up the call. He put the phone on the floor beside the bed. I leaned in towards his mouth when he turned back and stole a kiss from him. That man... Must be very important to Cas. He was worried about him.

       "Who was that?" I asked curiously. 

     "Ezekiel. He's my dad," he explained. He brushed his hand over my shoulder as he caressed it. "It sounded like he wants me home. Probably to give me an ear full. It's his own fault for sending me there," he chuckled out. I frowned softly as I thought over what I heard.

     "Cas, he sent the rogues to my family's pack? D-Does that mean he might be responsible for Matthew's death?"

     "He wouldn't give direct orders to kill your Uncle. That would start a war."

     "My pack started it first," I whispered. It started with my mother's hand. "He has a good reason to give those orders to protect his son. You have to realize my pack already started it." He nodded as he listened to me.

     "It does look that way," he whispered. 

     "Your dad was asking where we were... but how would he know to call your cell phone?" I asked and slowly set up. I felt a shiver crawling up my spine in suspicion. He nodded as he thought back on what I said.

     "I sent him a message earlier telling him I'm alive. I couldn't just let him keep guessing. He gave a playful growl as he pushed me onto my back and crawled over on top of me. He leaned down into my neck and kissed it softly. "Don't worry. We're safe here. The king's territory is so big. We'll fly low under the radar for as long as we want. As soon as we see the king we'll head back to my homeland." His voice made my anxiety calm down. He was right. I'm overthinking things this time. He moved off me and pulled me into his arms to wrap me up safely. "I won't let anything happen to you, my little mate."

     Thinking on it now... I've realized Nathalie still hasn't called me about that meeting with the king. Has it really been that hard to get in touch with the Beta? It's been a week here. We've been waiting... it's almost time for the masquerade. I suppose it has been busy for the royals. Beta Ethan is probably too busy to answer phone calls. After all he's helping out with masquerade preparations. 

     "Jossie?" Cas asked suddenly and broke my thoughts. "Do you want take-out tonight? I was thinking something sweet and rice related."

     "Something with pork." I moaned out at the thought of eating something that good. It was my favorite. Sweet and sour pork with rice and vegetables? Yes, please! 

     "I'll order some when you're ready to eat it." He ran his fingers through my hair once more as we ended up curling back up into my favorite position. A silence would wrap around us for a little while before he spoke up to change the tone. "Jossie," his voice would be soft as he grabbed my attention. 

     "It's been a week and we still haven't heard from Nathalie about getting a meeting with the king," I told him as I interrupted him from saying something. I could feel the anxiety rushing over me. We're gonna have to do things the hard way by finding him at the ball. We'll have to get outfits... "Which means we're gonna have to do things the hard way. We better find something decent to wear if we want to be let into the masquerade."

     "Last minute might be hard," he whispered. 

     "I'll ask Nathalie if she knows a place we can go." 

     "She might. She knows the area better than I do," he muttered. "I only come and go. She lives here." I felt my mouth raising into a smile. I don't know why... But, him admitting he stayed here before was somewhat... thrilling. He really was from a rogue pack. He was a rogue's son. He just admitted he didn't feel settled anywhere. I guess... I'll be his only exception. 

     "I like that about you," I whispered. "You make me feel safe with you. You're not tied down to anything-" Being tied meant he'd have obligations to fill. 

     "I'm tied to you," he growled playfully. "Only to you." This might be hard for him... But, he's already proving he'll stay with me. I think I can trust him. He doesn't have anything else to pull him away from me. I leaned in towards his lips and hovered over them. 

     "I want to do the same for you," I whispered.

     "I'm sure you will," he whispered. "When your mind isn't so distracted. You want to save the king. You also want to make your mother pay for her actions." That's right... I haven't told him everything. "I want to help you do anything you want. We'll settle your worries," he promised me. I don't know when I can tell him the truth... When can I tell him that I was the one that killed my father? That I did it to protect my mother... and this is what were the results of that. I'm sorry... Cas, I can't tell you just yet... I don't want this time we've shared to end. Will he think differently after I tell him? "I can tell you're worried again," he whispered as he rubbed my lips with his thumb. "Do you want to say what it's about? Is it about who killed your father? I overheard you telling Nathalie that you know now. Do you want to talk about it?"

     "Cas... I don't think I'm ready to tell you," I whispered.

     "That bad?" He asked. "Was it your mother?"

     "No..." I trailed off and felt shame washing over me. "I was trying to save her... She didn't deserve it." He sat up fast and looked back at me.

     "You killed him?" He asked. I could smell it. His emotions turning to anger. I felt my body begin to tremble as his pheromones dominated the air. He was terrifying. He frowned and I suddenly smell the air let go of his emotions. It was peaceful again as he must have cut the ties. He got on top of me and cupped my face in his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you," he promised. "I just want to kill your mother now." I whined as I looked away from him. I was still trembling as I imagined what rage he was hiding from me now. 

     "If I see her again she is dead to me. Look at what she's done! She's outcasted you since the moment you were born. The one chance she had at changing everything around should have been the moment you saved her. But- look at how she has repaid you?" He asked as he suddenly pulled me into a hug. "You will never have to suffer from her again," he promised me. "Never again. She's made an enemy today." He pulled my head into his neck and I suddenly felt calm and relaxed from his scent. It covered me whole and wrapped me like the hug he was giving me. Cas... was devoted. He caught my truth... He knows and he still thinks I didn't do anything wrong... No matter how much he's blinded by me... I still am just as guilty.